
第 1 到 491 筆結果,共 491 筆。

12023Population dynamics in Taiwan from the Neolithic to early historic periods (5000–100 cal BP): Linking cultural developments and environmental changeLeipe, Christian; JOU-CHUN LU ; Chi, Ko anArchaeological Research in Asia00
22023Detection of a mid-Holocene climate event at 7.2 ka BP based on an analysis of globally-distributed multi-proxy recordsHou, Mei; Wu, Wenxiang; DAVID JOEL COHEN ; Zeng, Zhaoqi; Huang, Han; Zheng, Hongbo; Ge, QuanshengPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology11
32023The Domestication and Dispersal of Large-Fruiting Prunus spp.: A Metadata Analysis of Archaeobotanical MaterialDal Martello, Rita; von Baeyer, Madelynn; Hudson, Mark; Bjorn, Rasmus G.; Leipe, Christian; Zach, Barbara; Mir-Makhamad, Basira; Billings, Traci N.; Muñoz Fernández, Irene M.; Huber, Barbara; Boxleitner, Kseniia; JOU-CHUN LU ; Chi, Ko An; Liu, Hsiao Lei; Kistler, Logan; Spengler, Robert N.Agronomy11
52023Last Glacial Maximum Microblade Production at Shizitan 29 and its Implications for North China Pressure TechnologyGrimaldi, S; Santaniello, F; Cohen, David J. ; Shi, JM; Song, YHJOURNAL OF FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY11
62023島嶼幻想曲:戰地馬祖的想像主體與未來WEI-PING LIN ; 林瑋嬪
72023Energy Futures of/with Energy GenerationHsin-yi Lu Energy Futures: Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life
82022Contested futures of/with energy generationAbram, Simone; Bresciani, Chiara; LU Hsin-yi ; Müller, Katja; Vonderau, AstaEnergy Futures Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life
92022專題導言:當代時景呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
102022從時間面向重思離岸風電與沿岸漁業的衝突呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
112022Evidence for human-environment interactions as the driver for the abandonment of long-term Neolithic occupation at the Wansan site(NE Taiwan) around the 7th century BCECHIANG, Chih-Hua Archaeological Research in Asia0
122022The Social Lives of Plants and People: Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Food Practices in Amis Home GardensSU-MEI LO ; JER-MING HU Taiwan Journal of Anthropology1
132022Diachronic Change in the Utilization of Ostrich Eggshell at the Late Paleolithic Shizitan Site, North ChinaSong, YH; Cohen, DJ ; Shi, JMFRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE11
142022通往未來的飲食基礎設施:神山町的食物樞紐計畫張正衡 中國飲食文化
152022氛圍的感染:感官經驗與宗教的邊界林瑋嬪 ; 黃克先
162022人與植物的社會生命:阿美族菜園裡的原住民傳統生態知識及飲食實踐羅素玫 臺灣人類學刊
172022行政社造化/社造行政化:《成為池上:地方的可能性》之評述張正衡 臺灣人類學刊
182022山林裡的南島語族: 台灣原住民族群的形成論陳有貝 
192021工業隙縫裡的盆栽景觀:人與樹在失調環境中的符應與共生呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
202021論路徑、行走,與創造路徑——從雅浦與蘭嶼的村落路徑談起黃郁茜 臺灣人類學刊
212021實虛轉位與跨域共作:管窺博物館原住民文化展現的前景羅素玫 原住民族文獻0
222021訪談互動呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功 Basics for field research
232021離岸風電啟示錄呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 異溫層迷航記【芭樂人類學2】 編者: 趙恩潔, 林浩立
242021Walking on the Village Paths: Kanaawoq in Yap, and rarahan in YamiYu-chien Huang Austronesian Paths and Journeys0
252021「和食」的遺產化及其不滿:建構與傳統之外張正衡(Cheng Heng Chang) 文化研究0
262021Bonsai Care in an Industrial ZoneLU Hsin-yi Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, January 26. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/bonsai-care-in-an-industrial-zone
272021Seichijunrei: Heritage, Pilgrimage, and Popular Culture in Contemporary JapanCheng-Heng Chang ; Chung-Ming HsuHeritage and religion in East Asia
282021從叢林到都市︰哥倫比亞Yagé儀式的「產業化」與「個人化」王梅霞 臺灣人類學與民族學學會2021年會
292021Island Fantasia: Imagining Subjects on the Military Frontline between China and TaiwanWEI-PING LIN 0
302021名為傷心與暗黑的人類學黃郁茜 芭樂人類學2:異溫層迷航記
312021忽然我想起你的臉黃郁茜 芭樂人類學2:異溫層迷航記
322021評Kathleen M. Adams,Kathleen K. Gillogly編;徐雨村譯,《東南亞的日常生活風貌》羅素玫 臺灣東南亞學刊
332020前言:會議作為方法呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊 
342020非地方的地方性?一個關於機場的當代人類學張正衡(Cheng Heng Chang) 考古人類學刊0
352020臺灣原住民的民族植物與傳統生態知識研究文獻回顧羅素玫 ; 胡哲明 台灣原住民研究論叢
362020會議做為未來時間性的匯集與競逐:臺灣離岸風電環評的民族誌分析呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊
372020記一個都蘭阿美人的pakelang: 山海田園的心靈地景與情緒記憶羅素玫 原住民族文獻0
382020併接結構(structure of the conjuncture)王梅霞 「台灣理論關鍵詞」會議
392020賽德克族的宗教變遷王梅霞 「面向世界的變動與流動︰人類學與跨學科的連結與整合對話」會議
402020From Prehistory to History: the Transition of Exchange Patterns in Iron Age TaiwanJOU-CHUN LU Archaeology in East Asia: Bridge Building to Natural Sciences (workshop)
412020Construction and Practice of Rights: A Perspective of Female Garment Workers in BangladeshJui Han Kan;MEI-HSIA WANG The Asian Conference on Asian Studies 2020: Official Conference Proceedings
422020Replacing the Replacement──存有論的歧異如何成為政治行動之源?黃郁茜 2020臺灣人類學與民族學年會:重構世界
432020從考古學的視角談「考古學與人類學研究的匯聚」:回應〈聚落:一個考古學與人類學研究的匯合點〉一文陳瑪玲 考古人類學刊
442020故事與說故事的人:日本考古學論域中性別觀的更迭與限制盧柔君 婦研縱橫
462020考古學裡的性別研究江芝華 婦研縱橫0
472020宜蘭新石器時代中晚期生計方式的轉變(4200~3700 Cal. BP.):宜蘭縣大竹圍遺址下層文化及丸山遺址石器使用痕及殘留物分析江芝華 2020科技部人類學及族群研究學門成果發表會議
482020Constructing and Practicing Rights: A Perspective of Female Factory Workers in BangladeshMEI-HSIA WANG The 10th Asian Conference on Asian Studies,
492019Micromorphological and FTIR analysis of the Upper Paleolithic early pottery site of Yuchanyan cave, Hunan, South ChinaPatania, Ilaria; Goldberg, Paul; Cohen, David J. ; Yuan, Jiarong; Wu, Xiaohong; Bar-Yosef, OferGeoarchaeology76
502019邁向共生的都市LU Hsin-yi 文化研究00
512019蘭陽平原新石器時代晚期人地關係的糾葛~以宜蘭縣丸山遺址為例CHIANG, Chih-Hua 考古人類學刊; Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology0
522019Re-thinking the evolution of microblade technology in East Asia: Techno-functional understanding of the lithic assemblage from Shizitan 29 (Shanxi, China)Song, Yanhua; Grimaldi, Stefano; Santaniello, Fabio; Cohen, David J. ; Shi, Jinming; Bar-Yosef, OferPLoS ONE1716
532019Mountains, rivers and ancestors: the Paiwan landscape and social memoryWU MU-CHUN Time and Mind00
542019雲林縣口湖鄕養殖烏魚子的品質建構歷程劉如意(LIU Ru-yi); 呂欣怡(LU Hsin-yi) 中國飲食文化00
552019博物館、部落與文化資產的交會︰以賽德克族編織課程為例王梅霞 臺灣工藝
562019乩童儀式實踐與經濟之間: 一個馬來西亞華人社群的研究林芳伃;王梅霞 當代巫文化的多元面貌
572019The transition from the Middle to the Late Neolithic period in the Yilan Flood Plain (cal. 4,200~2,400 BP)CHIH-HUA CHIANG Annual Meeting of Society of American Archaeology
582019宜蘭縣員山鄉內員山遺址試掘報告江芝華 田野考古
592019Archaeology as a sustainable tool for indigenous social developmentCHIH-HUA CHIANG Meeting of the “Environment and Social Systems: Historical Ecology in a Dynamic World
602019Micromorphological analysis of the deposits at the early pottery Xianrendong cave site, China: formation processes and site use in the Late PleistocenePatania, I; Goldberg, P; David Joel Cohen ; Wu, XH; Zhang, C; Bar-Yosef, OARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES109
612019The Cultural Construction of Space and Migration in Paiwan, TaiwanM. L. Chen Cambridge Archaeological Journal00
622019Unmaking Kin with the Chinese—On the Collective Gendered Resistance to a Tourism Investment in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia.” Paper presented at the third-year SymposiumYu-chien Huang 2019 Annual Meeting of ASAO (Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania)
632019Book Review: Urban Foodways and Communication: Ethnographic Studies in Intangible Cultural Food Heritages around the World張正衡 中國飲食文化
642019導論:環境變遷下的臺灣漁業與水產LU, HSIN-YI 中國飲食文化00
652019多重倫理交織下的能源困局:穿梭於綠電叢林的田野經驗LU Hsin-yi 辶反田野:人類學異托邦故事集,蔡晏霖、趙恩潔編
662019攝影測量法在考古學舊社遺址研究與空間分析中的運用:以高士排灣Saqacengalj為例吳牧錞 考古人類學刊00
672019Film Reviews: The Maribor UprisingsHSIN-YI LU 臺灣人類學刊
682019原住民考古學與舊社研究江芝華 「舊社考古學與族群溯源」學術研討會
692018越窯系青磁碗の型式学的再検討盧柔君 大阪大学考古学研究室開設30周年記念論集
702018媒介宗教 : 音樂、影像、物與新媒體 WEI-PING LIN ; 林瑋嬪編
712018從儀式展演到文化產業:一個「太魯閣族」的研究王梅霞 「東台灣族群、產業與地方社會」研討會
722018機能からみた 10 世紀代越窯系青磁碗盧柔君 大阪大学・関西大学・京都府立大学・明治大学4大学合同考古学・古代史大学院生研究交流プログラム成果報告書
732018導論:媒介宗教WEI-PING LIN ; 林瑋嬪媒介宗教 : 音樂、影像、物與新媒體 
742018Walking on the Village Paths: Kanaawoq in Yap (Wa’ab), and rarahan in Yami (Tao)Yu-chien Huang 2018臺灣人類學與民族學年會:超越與復返
752018以海為身,以洋為度:浩鷗法選輯Epeli Hauʻofa; 林浩立(譯); 郭佩宜(譯); 黃郁茜(譯) 
762018Mother Ghost seeks a human son-in-law: Ghost shrines in TaiwanWEI-PING LIN Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft
772018參與式策展的人類學實踐:「Kamaro'an i 'Atolan-阿美族都蘭部落的土地故事與生命敘事」特展的謀合與試煉羅素玫 東台灣研究
782018導言:與人類學共舞林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
792018是傳統還是創新?儀式、性別階序與規範實踐之間的阿美族都蘭婦女組militepuray羅素玫 民俗曲藝
802018Book Review: The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins羅素玫 中國飲食文化
812018Unmaking Kin with the Chinese—On the Collective Gendered Resistance to a Tourism Investment in Yap, Federated States of MicronesiaYu-chien Huang 2018 Annual Meeting of ASAO (Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania)
822018環境人類學呂欣怡(LU Hsin-yi) 應用人類學
832018轉化、交織與再創造:賽德克族的宗教變遷王梅霞 考古人類學刊00
842018Localization in the late Neolithic Taiwan~ case study from the HTSKY site, Northwest TaiwanCHIH-HUA CHIANG Annual Meeting of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
852018Session Organizers(76: The Materiality of Community)Cheng-Heng Chang 
8620189~11世紀越窯系青瓷出土分布所展現之流通差異盧柔君 2018年臺灣考古學年會
872018Isotopic perspectives of dietary patterns in Taiwan after the introduction of cropsC. Y. Lee; M. L. Chen ; MU-CHUN WU Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports22
882018초기 청동기시대 악석문화와 동이DAVID JOEL COHEN Jung-gug Sandong Jiyeog-ui Dongyi 중국 산동 지역의 동이 (The Dongyi in Shandong, China)
892018Book Reviews: Politics in Color and Concrete: Socialist Materialities and the Middle Class in HungaryCHENG-HENG CHANG 臺灣人類學刊
902018Critical role of climate change in plant selection and millet domestication in North ChinaYang, Xiaoyan; Wu, Wenxiang; Perry, Linda; Ma, Zhikun; Bar-Yosef, Ofer; DAVID JOEL COHEN ; Zheng, Hongbo; Ge, QuanshengScientific reports1711
912017語言、暴力、救贖與罌粟之海(下)黃郁茜 (bricoleur) 芭樂人類學
922017語言、暴力、救贖與罌粟之海(中)黃郁茜 (bricoleur) 芭樂人類學
932017語言、暴力、救贖與罌粟之海(上)黃郁茜 (bricoleur) 芭樂人類學
942017黃應貴「地方社會」評論集:特約書評導言(一)林瑋嬪 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
952017導言網路‧人類學(二):個案分析林瑋嬪 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
962017The Rise of the Elderly Women: Controversy, Hierarchy and Matriliny in Yap (Wa’ab), Federated States of MicronesiaYu-chien Huang 
972017Response to Comments on “Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China’s Great Flood and the Xia dynasty.Qinglong Wu; DAVID JOEL COHEN et al. Science
982017離岸風力發電設置過程的社會爭議與化解機制劉如意; 呂欣怡 能怎麼轉— 啟動臺灣能源轉型鑰匙
992017The Atayal Cultural FileMEI-HSIA WANG Human Relations Area Files
1002017Modelling Communities: Social Transformation of Early Kaushi, TaiwanMu-Chun Wu SAA
1012017越窯系青磁碗の基礎的研究-器形・法量・文様と焼成法盧柔君 待兼山論叢
1022017宜蘭縣丸山遺址1998年發掘整理報告江芝華 ; 劉益昌; 邱水金; 李貞瑩
1032017把本體論還給當地人,而非相反黃郁茜 2017臺灣人類學與民族學年會
1042017紛紛擾擾的風電基礎設施呂欣怡 人類學視界
1052017Environmental reconstruction and dating of Shizitan 29, Shanxi Province: An early microblade site in north ChinaSong, Y.; DAVID JOEL COHEN ; Shi, J.; Wu, X.; Kvavadze, E.; Goldberg, P.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, Y.; Bar-Yosef, O.Journal of Archaeological Science
1062017Why Build a Temple? The Materialization of New Community Ideals in the Demilitarized Islands between China and TaiwanWEI-PING LIN Material Religion
1072017《21世紀的地方社會:多重地方認同下的社群性與社會想像》 特約書評導言(一)林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
1082017南科出土文物選粹=Quintessential cultural relics unearthed at the Tainan science parkTsang Cheng-hwa; Li Kuang-ti; Cohen, David J.(trans.) TSP Archaeological Discoveries Series
1092017臺灣金屬器時代的島外交易模式初探:以淇武蘭遺址下文化層出土陶瓷為例盧柔君 2016年臺灣考古工作會報會議論文集
1102017Dietary reconstruction of the Iron Age population at the Fantzuyuan site, Taiwan, revealed by isotopic analysis on human and faunal bone collagenLee C.-Y; Chen M.-L ; Ditchfield P; Pollard A.M; Lin L.-H; Wang P.-L ; Lin H.-M; Lo C.-H ; Tsai, Hsi-KueiArchaeological Research in Asia11
1112017考古學走入民間江芝華 科學發展月刊
1122016網路‧人類學:網路、社群與想像林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
1132016線上馬祖:網路社群與地方想像林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
1142016技術選擇取徑再探陶器製作體系: 以臺北盆地幾個史前文化為例陳瑪玲 ; 陳珮瑜; 林宜羚國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
1152016博物館、思想與社會行動呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊
1162016GIS as a Heutristic Tool: Revisiting Spatial Concepts in the Paiwan LandscapeMu-Chun Wu ; Maa-Ling Chen SAA
1172016拉馬克式認同之後,帝國崛起之外?黃郁茜 2016臺灣人類學與民族學年會:人類學與族群研究
1182016Outburst flood at 1920 BCE supports historicity of China's Great Flood and the Xia dynastyWu, Qinglong; DAVID JOEL COHEN et al. Science
1192016Human Intestinal Parasites From the Wushantou Site in Neolithic Period Taiwan (800–1 BC)Yeh, H.-Y.; YU-PEI CHEN ; Mitchell, P.D.Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
1202016第81屆美國考古學年會會議紀行江芝華 人類學視界
1212016地表光達與攝影測量法在舊社研究中的成果與分析比較:以高士排灣Saqacengalj為例吳牧錞 ; 吳宗江; 陳瑪玲 2015年臺灣考古工作會報
1222016根莖狀的社區:新自由主義下的日本地方社會CHENG-HENG CHANG 21世紀的地方社會:多重地方認同下的社群性與社會想像
1232016Diet and subsistence mode of Neolithic Yuan-Shan people in Taiwan: Perspective from carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagenLee, C.-Y.; Chen, M.-L. ; Ditchfield, P.; Lin, L.-H. ; Wang, P.-L. ; Pollard, A.M.; Lin, H.-M.; CHING-HUA LO ; Tsai, Hsi-KueiArchaeological Research in Asia22
1242016土地、社群、信仰:解析俗民環境論述呂欣怡 科技醫療與社會
1252016聚落間陶器紋飾的變異與意義-以墾丁鵝鑾鼻二和三/四文化期的陶器為例Chen, Maa-ling; 陳瑪玲 臺灣史前史專論 ; Prehistory of Taiwan
1272016The emergence of pottery in China: Recent dating of two early pottery cave sites in South ChinaDAVID JOEL COHEN ; Bar-Yosef, O; Wu, XH; Patania, I; Goldberg, PQUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL2724
1282016Road Study in Archaeology: From Roads and Spatial Connection to the Interaction of People and Their Cognition and Construction of LandscapeMu-Chun Wu "GIS in Anthropological Landscape Studies- a new approach" workshop
1292016A Typology of Chinese Ceramics and Consumption Patterns in 8-11th Century JapanJOU-CHUN LU The 7th Worldwide Conference of SEAA (The Society for East Asian Archaeology)
1302016從人骨和獸骨之骨膠原碳與氮穩定同位素組成看圓山文化人的攝食特徵李政益; 陳瑪玲 ; 林立虹 ; 王珮玲 ; 林秀嫚; 羅清華 ; 蔡錫圭國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
1312016考古學與原住民:Kennewick Man的新發現江芝華 芭樂人類學
1322016The projectile points at the Wansan site, Neolithic TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang Annual Meeting of Society of American Archaeology
1332015《日常生活中的當代宗教:宗教的個人化與關係性存有》特約書評專欄林瑋嬪 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
1342015Houses is the Wansan society, Neolithic TaiwanCHIANG, Chih-Hua Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 0
1352015仙姑、台商與廟宇經理人:新時代的廈門土地公廟張文玉; 林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
1362015地理資訊系統作為思考的輔助工具──排灣舊社地景的空間概念再省思吳牧錞 ; 陳瑪玲 2015年臺灣人類學與民族學年會
1372015東亞現代性中的社區研究張正衡 臺灣社會學會通訊
1382015關於一個社會的想像:全新的帢塔胡予克社會江芝華 芭樂人類學
1392015The spatial construct of social relations: social transformation in early kaushi, taiwanMu-Chun Wu 
1402015Prehistoric relationships between Taiwan and the Southern Ryukyu IslandsChih-Hua Chiang Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolithic to Early Modern Times: Cross-Regional Perspectives Conference
1412015Possible relationships between Taiwan and the Southern Ryukyu Islands during the early Neolithic periodChih-Hua Chiang Taiwan Maritime Landscapes from Neolithic to Early Modern Times
1422015Whole Worlds: Centring Identity on the MarginsAndreja Malovoz; Mu-Chun Wu EAA
1432015宋文薰陳瑪玲 20世紀中國知名科學家學術成就概覽:考古學卷
1442015Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and CitiesWEI-PING LIN 漢學研究通訊
1452015史前台灣的人身裝飾品研究陳有貝 國立臺灣博物館學刊
1462015Book Review: "Food and Wine Tourism: Integrating Food, Travel and Territory"SU-MEI LO 中國飲食文化 
1472015我們擁有不同的未來」:性別、發展、未來想望/渴望黃郁茜 臺灣人類學與民族學學會(TSAE)暨東亞人類學學會(EAAA) 2015聯合年會
1482015Archaeological Heritage in the Tainan Science Park of TaiwanTsang Cheng-hwa; Li Kuang-ti; Cohen, David J.(trans.) 
1492015Place-making under Japan's neoliberal regime: Ethics, locality, and community in rural HokkaidoCHENG-HENG CHANG 
1502015Wayfaring Social Relations: a Spatial ConstrucMu-Chun Wu CAA International
1512015國家政策對臺灣客家社群文化之影響莊雅仲; 呂欣怡 客家族群與國家政策
1522015永遠的伯楨林開世 ; 林瑋嬪 ; 江芝華 人類學視界
1532015考古學的教學研究在台大江芝華 台大校友雙月刊
1542015考古遺址與工程:台灣遺址悲歌江芝華 芭樂人類學
1552014《21世紀的家:台灣的家何去何從?》特約書評導言林瑋嬪 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
1562014「從史前琉球到現代沖繩:島嶼的過去與現在」專號導言陳有貝 ; 趙綺芳國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
1572014琉球列島與台灣史前關係的再研究:從古代地理意識之角度陳有貝 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
1582014從waya看資本主義的轉化過程︰一個賽德克部落的經濟變遷王梅霞 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
1592014〈「比兄弟姊妹咯卡親」:移民、都市神壇與新類型的家〉WEI-PING LIN 21世紀的家:台灣的家何去何從?
1602014琉球先島群島下田原期與臺灣東海岸花蓮溪口新石器時代遺址之文化內涵探討:新資料及技術選擇觀點的嘗試盧柔君 考古人類學刊
1612014地方文化的再創造:從社區總體營造到社區文化產業呂欣怡 重讀台灣:人類學的視野
1622014Controversial Developments: Gender and the State in Yap (Wa’ab), Federated States of MicronesiaYu-chien Huang 2014 Robert J. Huskey Graduate Exhibition
1632014Encompassed Within: Gender, Hierarchy, Land and the State in Yap (Wa’ab), Federated States of MicronesiaYu-chien Huang 流.留南島,踏浪世界:東南亞與大洋洲南島研究學術會議
1642014導言陳有貝 ; 趙綺芳考古人類學刊
1652014Virtual Recentralization: Pilgrimage as Social Imaginary in the Demilitarized Islands between China and TaiwanWEI-PING LIN Comparative Studies in Society and History
1662014Imagining a Human Economy in the Midst of Turmoil: The Development Controversy in Yap (Wa’ab), Federated States of MicronesiaYu-chien Huang 2014 Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association (AAA)
1672014從數位典藏看泰雅族的社會文化王梅霞 數位文化電子報
1682014儀式語言、觀念與意象︰賽德克族的宗教變遷王梅霞 「新興宗教與宗教性」學術研討會
1692014Connecting Connecting the Past to the Present~the Roles of Archaeological Collection in the University MuseumChih-Hua Chiang 2014年京大台大聯合研討會
1702014Mapping Prehistoric Building Structures by Visualizing Archaeological Data and Applying Spatial Statistics: a Case Study from TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang ; Yi-Chang Liu39th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
1712014The Sacred Houses in Neolithic Wansan SocietyChih-Hua Chiang ; Yi-Chang LiuLocating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion
1722014The Sacred Houses in Neolithic Wansan SocietyChih-Hua Chiang ; Yi-Chang LiuLocating the Sacred: Theoretical Approaches to the Emplacement of Religion
1742014泰雅族的祖靈信仰王梅霞 原住民族
1752014The Neolithic of Southern ChinaDAVID JOEL COHEN ; Colin Renfrew; Paul BahnThe Cambridge World Prehistory 3 Volume Set00
1762014考古學家的社會想像江芝華 芭樂人類學
1772014Public archaeology in TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang East and West in Archaeology - Legacy of western archaeology in East Asian context
1782014從文化人類學觀點談「正常」與「殘障」。抱殘守缺--殘障研究讀本呂欣怡 台北:蜃樓出版社
1792014Early Complex Societies in Northern ChinaDAVID JOEL COHEN ; Robert E. Murowchick; Colin Renfrew; Paul BahnThe Cambridge World Prehistory 3 Volume Set00
1802013The prehistoric tumuli complex of Purić-Ljubanj near vrbanja in the Spačva Basin, Županjska PosavinaJ. BRUCE H. SHYU ; Malovoz, Andreja; WU MU-CHUN Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju3
1812013《 「文明」之路》書評導言林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
1822013物物驚心江芝華 芭樂人類學
1832013挖?不挖?江芝華 芭樂人類學
1842013An investigation of tombs of the Song and Wei states at the Panmiao site, Shangqiu, Henan唐際根(Tang Jigen); 高天麟(Gao Tianlin); 張長壽(Zhang Changshou); 李永迪(Li Yung-ti); 冷健(Leng Jian); Robert E. Murowchick; Cohen, David J. 東亞考古學的再思:張光直先生逝世十週年紀念論文集作(Rethinking East Asian Archaeology—Memorial Essay Collection for the Tenth Anniversary of Kwang-chih Chang’s Death)
1852013為何要建廟?從廟宇興建的物質化過程探討馬祖社群再造林瑋嬪 臺灣社會研究 
1862013馬祖莒光花蛤節: 邊境島嶼如何探索未來曹以勳; 林瑋嬪 中央研究院民族學研究所資料彙編 
1872013The Advent and Spread of Early Pottery in East Asia: New Dates and New Considerations for the World's Earliest Ceramic VesselsDAVID JOEL COHEN 南島研究學報 
1882013導言陳瑪玲 考古人類學刊00
1892013宜蘭縣丸山遺址內部空間配置初探: 地理資訊系統的運用江芝華 CHIANG, Chih-Hua ; 劉益昌 Liu, Yi-Chang考古人類學刊0
1902013考古學舊社研究的潛力──以臺灣南排灣高士舊社的研究為例陳瑪玲 南方文物
1912013不一樣或多一點的幾件事陳瑪玲 人類與文化00
1922013The contested landscapes in Taiwan: the stories of two national museumsChih-Hua Chiang 世界考古學會議(World Archaeological Congress)
1932013Old Settlements: Dialog to Past and to Present, and from Research to ConservationM. L. Chen Bishop Museum International Symposium: Archaeology and Heritage Conservation across Taiwan Strait and Related Regions
1952013經濟與文化︰賽德克族的經濟變遷王梅霞 海峽兩岸民族學學術研討會暨台灣少數民族研究會第三屆學術研討會
1962013工農協作的環境運動呂欣怡 人類學視界
1972013聚落空間與社會鄰群:電子運算考古學在排灣高士舊社Saqacengalj的運用吳牧錞 考古人類學刊00
1982013The advent and spread of early pottery in East Asia: New considerations and new dates for the world’s earliest ceramic vesselsCohen, David J. Journal of Austronesian Studies
1992012沉默與禁閉之島黃郁茜 人籟月刊 (Renlai Magazine)
2002012臺灣南島民族玻璃珠飾品的跨文化分析比較:對於形式、價值與物質性的一些思考胡家瑜 考古人類學刊
2012012導論教學做為公共人類學場域呂欣怡 人類學視界00
2022012丸山遺址江芝華 蘭陽博物館電子報
2032012芭樂工商時間:丸山考古營江芝華 芭樂人類學
2042012江西仙人洞遺址兩萬年前陶器的年代研究Cohen, David J. 南方文物
2052012「文化動起來」:賽德克族文化產業的研究王梅霞(Mei-Hsia Wang) ; 伊婉‧貝林(Iwan Pelin)民俗曲藝00
2062012從傳統中解套:考古家的新使命江芝華 芭樂人類學
2072012『網路候選人』:以馬祖縣長與立委選舉為例林瑋嬪 文院之春:國立台灣大學文學院101年邁頂計畫研究成果發表會 
2082012Wayfaring Settlement Space: Exploring Social Agency in Saqacengalj, an Old Settlement of the Paiwan Tribe, South TaiwanMu-Chun Wu European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists International Conference
2092012台灣東海岸與琉球列島之史前文化比較暨相關問題研究盧柔君 ; Lu, Jou-Chun
2102012湖南道縣玉蟾岩遺址早期陶器及其地層堆積的碳十四年代研究Cohen, David J. 南方文物
2112012Holy House: a Case Study from TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang Annual Meeting of Society of American
2122012Early Pottery at 20,000 Years Ago in Xianrendong Cave, ChinaWu, Xiaohong; Zhang, Chi; Goldberg, Paul; DAVID JOEL COHEN ; Pan, Yan; Arpin, Trina; Bar-Yosef, OferScience
2132012「發現」田野中的婦女組織羅素玫 人類學視界
2142012臺灣東部地區的原住民傳統領域運動羅素玫 ; 蔡政良人類學視界
2152012課堂如田野:以導論課程作為公共人類學實踐場域呂欣怡 文化研究
2162012Were bamboo tools made in prehistoric Southeast Asia? An experimental view from South ChinaBar-Yosef, Ofer; Eren, Metin I.; Yuan, Jiarong; DAVID JOEL COHEN ; Li, YiyuanQuaternary International
2172012從淇武蘭遺址出土資料探討噶瑪蘭族群早期飲食陳有貝 中國飲食文化
2182012人類学と道教研究の対話--台湾における除穢儀式の事例から林瑋嬪 社会学雑誌 
2192012日常飲食、節日聚餐與祭祖供品:印尼峇里島華人的家鄉、跨文化飲食與認同羅素玫 中國飲食文化 
2202012大學考古教育與當前社會、法令之問題陳有貝 人類學視界
2212012為何要建廟?從廟宇興建的物質化過程探討當代社群的浮現林瑋嬪 第四屆漢學會議論文 
2222012漢人民間信仰與物質文化: 人類學的觀點林瑋嬪 「文學藝術與物質文化研究」圓桌論壇
2232012泰雅族的人文核心價值與社會變遷王梅霞 宜蘭文獻雜誌
2242012Thicker than Blood: Migration, Kinship, and an Urban Shrine in Northern Taiwan.林瑋嬪 
2252012823馬祖人為土地上街頭:網路與社會運動初探林瑋嬪 ; 王惇蕙民族學研究所資料彙編 
2262012「人的感情像流動的水」︰太魯閣人的家與情感王梅霞 「什麼是家?」學術研討會
2272012Cultural Mechanisms of Folk Environmentalism in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Society for Applied Anthropology
2282012Mapping Prehistoric Building Structures by Visualizing Archaeological Data and Applying Spatial Statistics: a Case Study from TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang ; Yi-Chang Liu39th Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
2292012Spatial Construct of Social relations: human interactions and modelling agencyMu-Chun Wu ; Gary LockThinking Beyond the Tools: archaeological computing and interpretive process
2302012Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Human Interactions and Modelling AgencyMu-Chun Wu CAA International
2312012儀式語言、觀念與意象︰賽德克族的宗教變遷王梅霞 第一屆台灣研究世界大會
2322012平埔意象與物質文化收藏──歷史軌跡中文化交互作用的投射胡家瑜 『東アシアの民族イメージ—前近代における認識と相互作用』專輯,《國立民族學博物館調查報告》 
2332012Movement of People and Its Cultural Reconstructions and Imagery Conceptualization ProcessesM. L. Chen 77 Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology
2342012「比兄弟姊妹咯卡親」:移民、親屬、與都市神壇研究林瑋嬪 「什麼是家?」學術研討會 
2352012離散的收藏與拼接的記憶──從臺灣原住民藏品資料跨國連結的二個例子談起胡家瑜 博物館與文化 
2362011「鬼母找女婿」:鬼、三片壁、與貪婪的研究林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊00
2372011土地、社群、信仰:解析俗民環境論述呂欣怡 2011年台灣人類學與民族學年會─民族、民主、民生:人類學的場域
2382011慈濟大學所藏花蓮地區陶質考古標本研究盧柔君 東臺灣研究
2392011客家微型創業婦女的勞動初探:以橫山鄉為例呂欣怡 客家研究
2402011跨界的人類學訓練劉紹華; 呂欣怡 人類學視界00
2412011Son of Man or Son of God? Spirit Medium in Chinese Popular Religion.Lin, Wei-Ping The Symposium on Affiliation and Transmission in Daoism
2422011Son of Man or Son of God? Spirit Medium in Chinese Popular ReligionLin, Wei-Ping 
2432011從業餘考古收藏觀察區域社會史;以花蓮地區史前石質遺物為例盧柔君 慈濟通識教育學刊
2442011The Lady of Linshui: A Chinese Female CultWEI-PING LIN Journal of Religion0
2452011專題引言陳有貝 人類與文化
2462011The beginnings of agriculture in china: A multiregional viewDAVID JOEL COHEN Current Anthropology
2472011專題引言羅素玫 人類與文化
2482011邊陲島嶼再中心化: 馬祖到大陸的進香林瑋嬪 廈門大學 
2492011Interpreting social differentiation by examining the house and settlement patterns and the flow of resources: A case study of Pai-wan slate house settlements in Southern TaiwanMAA-LING CHEN Asian Perspectives
2502011Children's Dreamland': Constructing national identity through a children's festival in post-authoritarian TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 
2512011琉球紀行:一次精采的跨領域飲食研究饗宴與經驗匯流-第十二屆中華飲食文化學術研討會感言羅素玫 中華飲食文化基金會會訊
2522011Gendered Patterns of Work: Gendered Patterns of Work in Micro-entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Women Business Owners in Taiwan’s Hakka SocietyHSIN-YI LU The 2011 International Forum of Association for East Asian Anthropology
2532011Decoding Space SyntaxMu-Chun Wu Spatial Thinking and Analytical GIS in Archaeology Workshop
2542011Transformation of Folk Environmentalism in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Society for Applied Anthropology 71st Annual Meeting
2552011Spatial Construct of Social Relations: Human Interactions and Modelling AgencyMu-Chun Wu Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG)
2562011地方文化的再創造:從社區總體營造到社區文化產業呂欣怡 重讀台灣:人類學的視野
2572011當代馬來西亞華人社會的德教團體︰以平安村為例王梅霞 第九屆潮學國際研討會
2582011專題引言王梅霞 人類與文化00
2592011Archaeology One Hundreds陳瑪玲 科學發展月刊; Journal of Science Development
2602011一份業餘考古收藏的觀察報告:以花蓮地區史前石質遺物為例盧柔君 2010年臺灣考古工作會報
2612011從小米到茶葉:賽德克族的經濟發展王梅霞 第三屆族群、歷史與地域社會
2622011The Neolithic Cultures in Southern Ryukyu and Eastern Coast of Taiwan: Difference and CorrelationJOU-CHUN LU The 5th Worldwide Conference of SEAA (The Society for East Asian Archaeology)
2632011過去、現在、與未來的賽德克.巴萊王梅霞 人類學視界00
2642011Spatial Integration and ConsistencyMu-Chun Wu Spatial Thinking and Analytical GIS in Archaeology Workshop
2652011非物質文化遺產與臺灣原住民儀式─對於遺產政治與文化傳承的一些反思胡家瑜 非物質文化遺產與東亞地方社會
2662011The Application of ArcGIS to Examine the Presence of Prehistoric HousesChih-Hua Chiang Computer applications and Quantitative methods in Archaeology 2011 Annual Meeting
2672011如何說出三千年前的故事:考古田野中的過去與現在江芝華 芭樂人類學
2682011Ghost Mother Wants a Son-in-law: Person, Place, and Human Greed in TaiwanLin, Wei-Ping AAS
2692010蘭嶼Tao族「交換」的再思考黃郁茜 東台灣研究0
2702010人類學與道教研究的對話:以「煮油」除穢儀式為例林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊00
2712010泰雅族祖靈祭的意義王梅霞 ; 尤巴斯 瓦旦
2722010紋面的詮釋王梅霞 ; 尤巴斯 瓦旦
2732010琉球先島群島下田原期與臺灣東海岸花蓮溪口新石器時代遺址之文化內涵探討:新資料及技術選擇觀點的嘗試盧柔君 考古人類學刊
2742010墮入凡間的烏托邦呂欣怡 人類學視界00
2752010客家觀光發展中的婦女微型創業者:以橫山鄉為例呂欣怡 四溪計畫期末成果研討會
2762010Pilgrimage as Bridge:Transcending Peripheralization in the De-militarized Islands between Taiwan and China.Lin, Wei-Ping Association for Asian Studies 
2772010課堂作為田野呂欣怡 人類學視界00
2782010網路平臺中的「迷」群體系構成與情緒關聯--以PTT實業坊中的興農牛討論看板為例盧柔君 人類與文化
27920102010年、臺大考古隊在卑南!盧柔君 文化驛站
2802010Book Reviews: The Lady of Linshui: A Chinese Female Cult. Brigitte BaptandierWEI-PING LIN 臺灣人類學刊 
2812010The sweet and the bitter of drips: Modernity, postcoloniality, and coffee culture in TaiwanShih, Y.-P.; CHENG-HENG CHANG Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies
2822010臨水夫人:一個漢人女性的儀式林瑋嬪 台灣人類學刊 
2832010Interpreting the social meaning of different shapes of house structures by examining the flow of resources: A case study of saqacengalj at the southern tip of taiwanMAA-LING CHEN ; Chen, Y.-L.; Lee, H.-L.Archaeometry
2842010Pilgrimage as Bridge:Transcending Peripheralization in the De-militarized Islands between Taiwan and ChinaLin, Wei-Ping Below the Storm: 60 Years of Cross-Strait Relations”, Conference at the Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica 
2852010Ghost Mother Wants to Get a Son-in-law: Person, Place, and Human Greed in Taiwan.Lin, Wei-Ping AAA
2862010文化認同、生態衝突與族群關係:由阿美族都蘭部落的傳統領域論述談起羅素玫 考古人類學刊00
2882010Spatial Integration and Consistency: Exploring Settlement Pattern in Saqacengalj, TaiwanMu-Chun Wu 
2892010Virtual Recentralization: Pilgrimage in the Demilitarized Islands between China and Taiwan.Lin, Wei-Ping International Conference on Asian-Pacific Societies in Changing Times: Anthropological and Archaeological Perspectives
2902010Empowerment and Entrepreneurship of Hakka Women in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Society for Applied Anthropology
2912010從「邊緣」到「中心」:一個馬來西亞華人社群的研究王梅霞 「當代情境下的巫師與儀式展演研究群」工作坊
2922010“Activating the Sediq Culture”: A Study of Cultural Industry in a Sediq CommunityMEI-HSIA WANG International Conference︰Minority Groups and State Authorities: Comparisons and Cases from Taiwan and the PRC
2932010課堂如田野:以導論與通識課程做為公共人類學實踐呂欣怡 台灣人類學與民族學年會
2942010客家地方社區的發展策略研究:以內灣及九讚頭為例呂欣怡 客家的形成與變遷
2952010銀幕上的人類學家WEI-PING LIN 
2962010經濟與陰神的崛起:一個馬來西亞華人社群的儀式實踐王梅霞 臺灣人類學與民族學會年會:艱困時局下的人類學
2972010為何要建廟?從廟宇興建的物質化過程探討當代社群的浮現林瑋嬪 第三屆宗教研習營:台灣民間宗教與教派 
2982010The Scared Houses: a Case Study from the Wansan SocietyChih-Hua Chiang American Theoretical Archaeology Group 2010 Annual Meeting
2992010Spatial Integration and Consistency: Exploring Settlement Pattern in Saqacengalj, TaiwanMu-Chun Wu Postgraduate Research Archaeology Symposium
3002010Reconstructing Prehistoric Social Organization, a Case Study From the Wansan site, Neolithic TaiwanChih-Hua Chiang 
3012009「經歷巨變:戰火下的島嶼及其未來」專號導言林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
3022009邊陲島嶼再中心化:馬祖進香的探討林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊00
3032009食物符碼與儀式行動─從賽夏社會關係的建構到時間連結的體現胡家瑜 民俗曲藝
3042009從「交換」看族群互動與文化再創造︰日治初期苗栗地區泰雅族的研究王梅霞 考古人類學刊00
3052009Migration and the Imaginations of Homeland in Taiwan.Lin, Wei-Ping The Workshop on Comparative Studies of Communities in Japan and China
3062009Comparative Analysis of Taiwanese and Japanese Rescue ArchaeologyChih-Hua Chiang 15th Annual North American Taiwan Studies Conference
3072009Movement and Reconstructing of People: Spatial Construction and Cultural ContinuitiesMAA-LING CHEN 
3082009Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and bone collagen associated with early pottery at Yuchanyan Cave, Hunan Province, ChinaBoaretto, Elisabetta; DAVID JOEL COHEN et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
3092009Local History through Popular Religion: Place, People and Their Narratives in TaiwanWEI-PING LIN Asian Anthropology 
3102009From Place of Origin to Treasure Trove: Migration and Images of Homeland in Taiwan.Lin, Wei-Ping The Conference on Dynamics and Diversity of ‘Local World’ in East Asia
3112009新式進香:邊陲島嶼的再中心化林瑋嬪 「台灣漢人民間宗教研究:理論與方法」國際研討會 
3122009Place and Environmental Movement in Houjin, KaohsiungHSIN-YI LU 考古人類學刊00
3132009Cooking Oil to Purify Houses (zhuyou jingwu): a Dialogue between Religious Studies and AnthropologyLin, Wei-Ping The Symposium on "Exorcism in Religious Daoism"
3142009來自邊緣的聲音:蓋房子做為批評林瑋嬪 人類學與人群的遷徙與重構: 國立台灣大學人類學系慶祝成立六十週年國際會議 
3152009Why Build a Temple? The Predicament and Breakthrough of Community Development Project in Mazu IslandsLin, Wei-Ping forum on Material Memory and Cultural Heritage: Cross Cultural Comparisons
3162009Gender, Economy, and Empowerment: Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in a Hakka CommunityHSIN-YI LU The Society for East Asian Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association
3172009觀光產業與地方性形構:以橫山鄉內灣地區為例呂欣怡 客家研究
3182009希望經濟學:社區文化產業再思考呂欣怡 社會運動工作坊
3192009從文化人類學觀點談正常與殘障呂欣怡 神學的殘障與殘障的神學
3202009From Healing Ritual to Emotional Performance︰A Comparative Study on the Atayal and the Truku in TaiwanMEI-HSIA WANG 美國東亞人類學會暨臺灣人類學與民族學學會2009年聯合年會:SEAA & TSAE多重亞洲觀點國際研討會
3212009Why Build a Temple? The Materialization of Community Ideals in the Mazu Islands, TaiwanLin, Wei-Ping SEAA at The Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 
3222009Panel discussion on "Culture and Business: Reconfiguring Boundaries and Reproducing Relations"Lin, Wei-Ping SEAA at The Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica 
3232009矮靈祭與賽夏社會的建構胡家瑜 臺灣民俗節慶講座文集 
3242009「文化動起來」︰賽德克族文化產業的研究王梅霞 國立臺灣大學人類學系慶祝60週年系慶國際會議—人類學的島嶼研究:遷徙與重構
3252009從移動的空間到轉變的地景─對於賽夏社會變動性與穩定性的另類思考胡家瑜 空間與文化場域:空間之意象、實踐與社會的生產
3262008Embodied Memories and Enacted Ritual Materials—Possessing the Past in Making and Remaking Saisiyat Identity in Taiwan胡家瑜 
3272008Conceptualizing Gods through Statues: A Study of Personalization and Localization in TaiwanWEI-PING LIN Comparative Studies in Society and History913
3282008Chinese "Kinship" Reconsidered: Personhood and the House in Rural Taiwan林瑋嬪 Workshop on Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Families
3292008Reconstructing Prehistoric Social OrganizationChih-Hua Chiang Symposium of the Prehistoric Jomon of Japan and Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways
3302008家屋、階序與身體:印尼峇里島烏布地區的家屋與空間建構羅素玫 東南亞與東南亞研究:十年回顧、前瞻十年-2008台灣的東南亞區域研究研討會
3312008文化認同、生態觀光與族群關係:由阿美族都蘭部落的傳統領域論述談起羅素玫 2008 台灣人類學及民族學會年會:人類學的挑戰與跨越
3322008Imagining Homeland: From Place of Origin to Treasure Trove林瑋嬪 空間移動之文化詮釋國際學術研討會
3332008Settlement patterns at Saqacengalj, a slate house settlement in Southern TaiwanMAA-LING CHEN Asian Perspectives 5
3342008阿美族的年齡組織是一個男性組織嗎?阿美族的性別觀念與文化再創造的探討羅素玫 文化創造與社會實踐研討會
3352008From Spatial Analysis Approach to Interpret Social System: A Case Study on Kaushi, a Paiwan ethnic group in TaiwanMAA-LING CHEN workshop “Austronesian settlement and longterm cultural dynamics in the Pacific Islands”
3362008考古學的家屋社會研究江芝華 考古人類學刊
3372008Continuity and Discontinuity in the Culture System: Spatial Constitution of Kaushi, South Paiwan and Paiwan Group, in Different Times and Different placesMAA-LING CHEN 73 Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology
3382008由GIS觀看史前人群與地景關係──GIS 在考古學研究中的應用(The Relationship between Prehistoric Population and Landscape: The Application of GIS in Archaeology)陳瑪玲 
3392008客家性的兩種地方實踐─以橫山鄉九讚頭及內灣社區為例呂欣怡 ; 蔡世群第二屆國際客家研究研討會
3402008大學博物館的建構與轉型─人類學博物館社會文化意義的再思考胡家瑜 2008大學博物館與博物館群國際學術研討會
3412008從「交換」看族群互動與文化的再創造:日治初期苗栗地區泰雅族的研究王梅霞 文化創造與社會實踐研討會
3422008知識、權力與田野實踐/知識的回歸呂欣怡 ; 林徐達人類學視界00
3432008專題前言:從一場在部落的口試說起呂欣怡 ; 林徐達; 郭佩宜人類學視界00
3442008泰雅族巫醫的文獻探討王梅霞 當代情境下的巫師與儀式展演研究群 
3452008南島社會的物質與記憶王梅霞 南島文化研究研讀會 
3462008從治病儀式看泰雅族與太魯閣族的情緒展演王梅霞 當代情境中的巫師與儀式展演研討會
3472008Local History through Popular Religion: Place, People and Their Narratives林瑋嬪 Workshop on Local History in China
3482008客家文化的創新與再造─以新竹縣內灣聚落為例呂欣怡 台灣人類學與民族學年會
3492008想像故鄉: 從出生地到藏寶庫林瑋嬪 空間移動的文化研究研討會 
3502008人類學深化研究與推廣教育應用計畫︰泰雅族與太魯閣族社區與公共參與鄉土教材王梅霞 國科會數位典藏國家型科技計畫成果發表會
3512008The Reinvention of Ethnicity and Culture: A Comparative Study on the Atayal and the Truku in TaiwanMEI-HSIA WANG 00
3522008阿美族的稻作文化與儀式羅素玫 國際亞細亞民俗學會第十屆學術大會
3532008Economy of Hope: Community Cultural Industry in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Annual Convention of the Association of Asian Studies
3562007從地方庄廟到代天府:在思考臺灣漢人的「宗教變遷」 (新制多年期第1年)林瑋嬪 
3592007史前臺灣的兩縊型網墜與投網技術陳有貝 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
3602007跨世紀影片中重現的過去─1936年的賽夏族巴斯達隘祭典胡家瑜 2007台灣國際民族誌影展特刊「在地發展」
3612007Representation of Taiwanese Aboriginal Art/Artifacts: Entangled Images of Colonization and Modernization,in Yuko Kikuchi ed’s. Refracted Modernity: Visual Culture and Identity in Colonial TaiwanHu, Chia-yu Refracted Modernity: Visual Culture and Identity in Colonial Taiwan
3622007書評《動盪的圍龍屋:一個客家宗族的城市化遭遇與文化抗爭》呂欣怡 客家文化研究通訊
3632007「社區」的本體與方法:對於台灣當代社區研究的人類學省思呂欣怡 人類學的應用與推廣─台灣人類學與民族學年會
3642007The Invention of Ethnicity and Culture: a Comparative Study on the Atayal and the Truku in TaiwanMEI-HSIA WANG International Conference 2007: Data and Interpretation on Contemporary Understanding of Anthropological Knowledge 
3652007性別、儀式與文化的再創造王梅霞 南島文化研究研讀會 
3662007「太魯閣族」族群文化的再創造王梅霞 族群與文化的再創造研究群工作坊 
3672007博物館、人類學與原住民展示─歷史過程中文化再現場域的轉形變化胡家瑜 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
3682007文化的再現與族群認同—都蘭阿美族的例子羅素玫 國科會「文化與族群的形成與再創造:台灣南島民族的研究」計劃期中報告
3692007臺灣南島民族的社會文化變遷王梅霞 「人類學營」工作坊 
3702007從治病儀式看泰雅族與太魯閣族的情緒展演王梅霞 「族群與文化的再創造」工作坊 
3712007月光下神秘的聲響─賽夏族矮靈祭胡家瑜 新活水雜誌 
3732007Rethinking religious change: deities, place, and people in Taiwan林瑋嬪 AAS
3742007石橋遺址的搶救發掘陳有貝 2006台灣考古工作會報報告集
3752007兩縊型網墜、投網技術與南島語族相關研究陳有貝 資料與詮釋人類學知識的當代理解工作坊暨國際學術研討會
3762007食物與性別研究──以阿美族的小米為例羅素玫 性別與飲食研討會
3772007区域•结构•秩序: 历史学与人类学的对话包弼德; 林瑋嬪 et al. 文史哲 
3782007Lacking of Sufficient Institutional Support for Physicians in Confrontation with the Challenge Derived from the Public Health System ReformHSIN-YI LU Asian Bioethics Conference
3792006大坌坑的生業模式探討──陶片矽酸體分析方法的嘗試陳有貝 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊00
3802006考古學陶器化學成分分析方法的運用:以墾丁地區為例陳瑪玲 臺灣人類學刊 00
3812006博物館、人類學與臺灣原住民展示──歷史過程中文化再現場域的轉形變化胡家瑜 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
3822006由《考古人類學刊》看考古學在臺灣的歷史留痕陳瑪玲 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
3832006從二國際學術會議 (SAA & WAC) 看世界考古學研究發展的趨勢與尋思台灣考古學未來發展陳瑪玲 歷史文物月刊 
3842006The Earliest Austronesian and their movement inside Taiwan: settlement patterns and possible forcing factor劉益昌; 江芝華(譯) 
3852006The conceptualization of god through icon in Taiwan: personification and localization林瑋嬪 Harvard-Yenching Institute International conference
3862006Physicochemical Compositional Analysis of Ceramics: A Case Study in Kenting, TaiwanMAA-LING CHEN Archaeometry
3872006沈默的競爭:蘭嶼Tao族重建家屋的空間擴張現象初探黃郁茜 傳統與創新:蘭嶼祭典變遷研討會
3882006由《考古人類學刊》看考古學在台灣的歷史留痕陳瑪玲 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
3892006傳統、創新或再現? 從卑南阿美人的年度週期儀式之持續與轉換談儀式體系與地方社會及歷史的互動過程羅素玫 國科會「文化與族群的形成與再創造:台灣南島民族的研究」計劃期中報告
3902006太魯閣族族群文化的再創造王梅霞 族群與文化的再創造研究群工作坊 
3912006族群、生態與兩岸史前文化關係研究陳有貝 新世紀的考古學-文化、區位、生態的多元互動
3922006臺北縣雙溪河口龍門舊社遺址的考古發掘陳有貝 九十四年台灣考古工作會報報告集
3942006平埔族人形紋樣的形式與意義初探胡家瑜 歷史、文化與族群:台灣原住民國際研討會論文集
3952006阿美族的年齡組織是一個男性組織嗎? 性別區辨與成年的定義羅素玫 從比較觀點看南島文化研究國際論壇暨研習會(International Symposium and Workshop on "Comparative Perspectives on Austronesian Studies")
3962006文化調查、標本採集與攝影─19世紀中葉起的臺灣調查採集動力與歷史脈絡胡家瑜 台灣史十一講
3972006From Resistance to Development: Transformation of Environmentalism in Post-Authoritarianist TaiwanHSIN-YI LU North American Taiwan Studies Conference
3982006博物館、物質文化標本、與原住民文化遺產─知識、權力與跨文化互動胡家瑜 藝術教育,舞動民族教育精靈─台灣原住民族教育論叢第3輯
3992005「性別」如何作為一套文化表徵:試論性別人類學的幾個發展方向王梅霞 考古人類學刊
4012005博覽會與台灣原住民─殖民時期的展示政治與「他者」意象胡家瑜 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
4022005Saqacengalj 聚落模式與形貌:一個舊社的考古學研究陳瑪玲 國立臺彎大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
4032005台灣廟宇的發展:從一個地方庄廟的神明信仰、企業化經營以及國家文化政策談起林瑋嬪 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
4042005想像『故鄉』:談區域再結構中的地景變遷林瑋嬪 區域再結構與文化再創造:一個跨學科的整合研究學術研討會
4062005Panel discussant for “Culture and Social Movements in East Asia”HSIN-YI LU The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies
4072005性別區辨、階序與社會:都蘭阿美族的小米週期儀式羅素玫 臺灣人類學刊 
4082005從古琉球的歷史發展看台灣陳有貝 中國東南沿海島嶼考古學研討會論文集
4092005Epilogue: China and the history of world civilizationsKwang-chih Chang; Cohen, David J.(trans.) The Formation of Chinese Civilization: An Archaeological Perspective
4122004發現創意之島--社會活力新公民張正衡 數位時代
4132004賽夏儀式食物與Tatinii(先靈)記憶─從文化意象和感官經驗的關連談起胡家瑜 物與物質文化
4152004從生產到交換:探討雅美(達悟)人的經濟黃郁茜 東台灣研究會田野培訓成果發表
4162004Children’s Dreamland: Festivals and Memory Work of the National Childhood in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Workshop: Remembering to be Chinese: History, Commemoration, and Identity in Greater China
4172004Imagining Women, Imagining Modernity: Constructing ‘New Women’ in Colonial TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Women in the New Taiwan: Gender Roles and Gender Consciousness in a Changing Society
4182004淇武蘭遺址發掘對蘭陽平原史前研究的意義陳有貝 宜蘭研究第六屆學術研討會
4192004臺灣廟宇的發展:從一個地方庄廟的 神明信仰、企業化經營以及國家文化政策的影響談起林瑋嬪 考古人類學刊
4202003南庄地區開發與賽夏族群邊界問題的再檢視胡家瑜 ; 林欣宜; Hu, Chia-Yu ; Lin, Hsin-Yi臺大文史哲學報 
4222003區域發展不平等下的勞動力遷移研究:以屏東縣萬巒鄉萬金村為例黃郁茜 人類與文化 
4232003台灣漢人的神像:談神如何具象林瑋嬪 台灣人類學刊 
4242003從二國際學術會議(SAA & WAC)看世界考古學研究發展的趨勢陳瑪玲 「台灣考古學的研究趨勢」座談會; A Symposium of The Development of Taiwanese Archaeology
4252003性別意向與社會建構:一個人類學的研究途徑王梅霞 婦研縱橫00
4262003Intersettlement Ceramic Design Variability of OLP Phase II and Phase III-IV in Kenting National Park at the Southern Tip of TaiwanMAA-LING CHEN 
4282003Physicochemical Compositional Analysis with Social and Economic Interpretation of Ceramic Collections from Kenting National ParkMAA-LING CHEN 
4292003Microblades, pottery, and the nature and chronology of the Palaeolithic-Neolithic transition in ChinaCohen, David J. The Review of Archaeology
4302003從gaga的多義性看泰雅族的社會性質王梅霞 臺灣人類學刊0
4322002遺址內部空間分析──船帆石遺址陳瑪玲 國立臺彎大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology andAnthropology
4332002神的具象化:談台灣漢人的神像與乩童林瑋嬪 物與物質文化研討會 
4342002一個考古學的實驗室─墾丁江芝華 人類與文化專刊
4352002New perspectives on the transition to agriculture in ChinaCohen, David J. The Origins of Pottery and Agriculture
4362002The Politics of Locality: Making a Nation of Communities in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU 
4372002花蓮縣芳寮遺址的調查與試掘陳有貝 考古人類學刊
4382002考古學與日本社會陳有貝 石璋如院士百歲祝壽論文集.考古.歷史.文化 
4392002琉球列島與台灣史前關係研究陳有貝 考古人類學刊
4402001Community and Identity in a Dayan Village, TaiwanMEI-HSIA WANG 
4422001馬偕收藏與台灣原住民印象胡家瑜 馬偕博士收藏台灣原住民文物─沈寂百年的海外遺珍: 
4432001地方性的建構與再現呂欣怡 文化研究月報
4442001Introduction: K. C. Chang and Chinese archaeology todayCohen, David J. ; Robert E. MurowchickThe Review of Archaeology
4452001The politics of locality: Making a nation of communities in TaiwanLU, HSIN-YI 
4462001The Yueshi Culture, the Dong Yi, and the archaeology of ethnicity in Early Bronze Age ChinaDAVID JOEL COHEN 
4472001漢人「親屬」概念重探:以一個台灣西南農村為例林瑋嬪 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 
4482001Searching for Shang’s beginnings: Great City Shang, City Song, and collaborative archaeology in Shangqiu, HenanRobert E. Murowchick; Cohen, David J. The Review of Archaeology
4492001內本鹿探尋中的考古學的課題陳瑪玲 東台灣研究00
4502001The construction of an archaeological chronology for the history of the Shang Dynasty of early Bronze Age ChinaJigen Tang; Cohen, David J.(trans.) The Review of Archaeology
4512000照葉樹林文化理論—史前兩岸文化傳播研究的另一個線索陳有貝 田野考古
4522000試論臺灣考古學理論應用與系統性知識建立的問題陳瑪玲 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
4532000廣東南、北地區的史前文化差異—兼論台灣史前史的相關問題陳有貝 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
4542000人觀、空間實踐與治病儀式:以一個台灣西南農村為例林瑋嬪 國立台灣大學考古學刊 
4552000風水是什麼?一般人的觀點林瑋嬪 儀式親屬與社群小型學術研討會 
4562000都蘭阿美人的掃墓節:一個社會文化的變遷與轉換之探討羅素玫 東台灣研究 
4572000台灣史前文化架構下的大陸要素陳有貝 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
4582000Crafting Locality in the Global Village: Culture Workers in a Taiwanese RegionHSIN-YI LU Remapping Taiwan: Histories and Cultures in the Context of Globalization
4592000血緣或地緣?台灣漢人的家、聚落與大陸的故鄉林瑋嬪 中央研究院民族學研究所「社群」研討會 
4601999鵝鑾鼻III-IV期文化相的聚落模式與系統Chen, M.-L.; 陳瑪玲 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
4611999人觀與治病儀式:以一個台灣西南農村為例林瑋嬪 國立台灣大學人類學系五十週年系慶學術研討會
4621999Community in ContextHSIN-YI LU Fourth Annual Conference on the History and Culture of Taiwan
4631999Localizing the National Past: Historical Practices in a Taiwanese Old TownHSIN-YI LU 98th Annual Convention of the American Anthropological Association
4641999Imagined Nation, Real Community: When the State Project of Community Making Contests the Real Politics of a CommunityHSIN-YI LU North American Taiwan Studies Conference
4651999考古學與文化人類學共用理論的發展前景陳瑪玲 國立台灣大學人類學系五十週年系慶學術研討會; Dialogue in Anthropological Arenas of Knowledge, Study, and Teaching: A Symposium for Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University
4661999Creating a Better Future: Vernacular Architecture, Place Making, and the Politics of regional difference in I-lan, TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Vernacular Culture” Seminar
4671998What Dating Results Imply: Redefining the Separation of OLP Phase III and Phase IV, and the Potential Relationship between OLP PhaseII and Phase III.Chen, Maa-ling; 陳瑪玲; MAA-LING CHEN 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
4681998Kinship and the concept of the house in a Taiwanese villageLin, Wei-Ping; WEI-PING LIN 
4691998The origins of domesticated cereals and the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in East AsiaCohen, David J. The Review of Archaeology
4701997Settlement patterns, subsistence systems and their changes in Kenting National Park during O-luan-pi Phases III and IVM. L. Chen 
4711997Colonial Modernity and Its Gendered Aspect – Constructing "New Women" in Colonial TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Second Annual Conference on the History and Culture of Taiwan
4721996理論與方法學在一考古研究中的作用—以一研究計劃為例Chen, M.-L.; ������ 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊; The Bulletin of the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
4731996A preliminary analysis of the archeological cultures of the Bronze Age in the region of XinjiangBinghua Wang; Cohen, David J.(trans.) Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia
4741996Reading the Colonial Past – The Ambiguity of Self-identity in Taiwanese Colonial LiteratureHSIN-YI LU 95th Annual Convention of American Anthropological Association
4751996Environmental change in the Tarim oases as seen through archeological discoveriesCan Hou; Cohen, David J.(trans.) Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia
4761994民族學收藏與原住民文化保存的問題胡家瑜 博物館學季刊 
4771994博物館中的觀光文化:現代脈絡下「傳統」的變型胡家瑜 博物館學季刊 
4781994博物館藏品資料系統的建立:以哈佛大學皮保德博物館為例胡家瑜 國立臺灣大學考古人類學刊
4791992從民族平等到民族消失:以回族與蒙古族為例看中共民族政策的矛盾羅素玫; SU-MEI LO 人類與文化00
4801991China’s earliest rice agriculture remainsWenming Yan; Cohen, David J.(trans.) Bulletin Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association
4811991火樹銀花耀通宵: 鹽水蜂炮儀式分析林瑋嬪; WEI-PING LIN 
4821990東河地區遺址試掘及史前文化重建黃士強; 陳有貝 
4831990論族羣關係的階層性與認知過程 一個民族史的實例分析羅素玫; SU-MEI LO 人類與文化00
4841989叢林中的莎士比亞羅素玫; 趙金勇; SU-MEI LO 人類與文化00
4851987美洲考古學的理論與方法學綜述陳瑪玲 人類與文化 00
4861987墾丁國家公園考古民族調查報告黃士強; 陳有貝 ; 顏學誠 
4871985博物館學的發展與回顧胡家瑜 人類與文化 
4891981伍德聚落的街鎮結構與實質環境Chen, Maa-ling; 陳瑪玲 人類與文化 
4901981聚落實質環境與街鎮結構陳瑪玲 ; 侯陳美; 關麗文人類與文化00
4911980與君一席談-老師訪問張宗培; 林小玲; 陳瑪玲 ; 林青玲; 關麗文; 邱益羣; 蘇信如人類與文化00