
第 1 到 383 筆結果,共 383 筆。

2025Analysis and Exposure Assessment of Microplastics in Food and DrinkCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2025Evaluating Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds to the Formation of Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosols with Receptor Models and Organic Molecular MarkersCHANG-FU WU
2024Analysis and Exposure Assessment of Microplastics in Food and DrinkCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2024Evaluating Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds to the Formation of Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosols with Receptor Models and Organic Molecular MarkersCHANG-FU WU
2024Airborne Particle Release from Filtering Facepiece Masks and Face CoveringsSHENG-HSIU HUANG
2023Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Hazardous Substances in Feed Using Population Physiologically-Based Toxicokinetics(1/3)KUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2023Analysis and Exposure Assessment of Microplastics in Food and DrinkCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2023Evaluating Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds to the Formation of Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosols with Receptor Models and Organic Molecular MarkersCHANG-FU WU
2023Study on Integrated Performance Evaluation Method and Application Enhancement for Cleaning RobotsCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2023Airborne Particle Release from Filtering Facepiece Masks and Face CoveringsSHENG-HSIU HUANG
2023Study on the Thermal Hazards of Global Warming to FarmersHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2023拾玉研究計畫【以大數據分析方法研究台灣環境和職業的抗生素抗藥性風險】CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2023農畜牧養殖業及醫療保健服務業抗生素抗藥性傷病資料分析CHANG-CHUAN CHANInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2023112年台東縣恙蟲病防治及監測計畫KUN-HSIEN TSAIPublic Health Bureau, Taitung Country
2023作業環境空氣中混存物採樣分析技術評估SHIH-WEI TSAIInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2023「研析易受氣候變遷衝擊之環境議題及社區調適推 動策略」工作計畫CHANG-FU WUClimate Change Administration, Ministry of Environment
2023Eco-epidemiological study on ticks and tick-borne microbes on wild animals(3/3)KUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2023濾材等級及面體類型影響口罩效果探討SHENG-HSIU HUANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2023我國高氣溫戶外作業熱危害量測評估方法文獻蒐集與實地調查SHIH-WEI TSAIInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2023112年提升民眾對飲用簡易自來水之健康識能計畫GEN-SHUH WANGHealth Promotion Administration, MOHW
2023The Effect of Psychological Resilience and Occupational Injury on Middle-Aged Workers' Job SustainabilityWEI-SHAN CHINNational Science and Technology Council
2023高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫【評估推廣使用單車進行短途旅程的碳減排潛力】CHANG-FU WUHigher Education Sprout Project
2023拾玉研究計畫【建立臺灣家用排油煙機效能與室內健康之計算流體力學預測模型資料庫】WAN-CHEN LEEHigher Education Sprout Project
2023低成本粒狀物防制設備效能即時監測技術開發CHIH-WEI LINMinistry of Environment
2023高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫【教學空間室內空氣品質工程介入研究與碳排減量之評估】JIA-KUN CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2023高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫【多面向之碳中和介入策略與校園健康之分析評估】PAU-CHUNG CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2023112年「排放管道中粒狀污染物檢測技術評鑑績效評估計畫」SHENG-HSIU HUANGNational Environmental Research Academy
2023國立臺灣大學高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心 【子計畫三:全球暖化與易受傷害族群健康】HSIAO-YU YANGHigher Education Sprout Project
2023漢他病毒之宿主動物帶原調查研究KUN-HSIEN TSAICenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2023高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫【校園永續發展 – 以穿戴式矽膠手環評估校內行政人員工作環境之半揮發性有機污染物暴露情形】SHIH-WEI TSAIHigher Education Sprout Project
2022Application of Breathomics Technology to Develop Volatile Biomarkers for Lung Cancer DiagnosisHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2022Integrating online and offline data for source apportionment of PM2.5CHANG-FU WUNational Science and Technology Council
2022Assessments on Air Sampling Techniques and Filter Extraction Efficiencies for Viable Staphylococcus AureusCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2022Research on Organic Uv Filters - Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2022Children'S Exposure Assessment of Endocrine Disruptors - Assessing the Concentrations in Personal Care Products, Indoor Air, Indoor Dust and via Skin AbsorptionSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2022Assessment of exposures to blue light hazard in occupational settingsSHIH-WEI TSAIInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021農畜牧養殖業及醫療保健服務業抗生素抗藥性傷病資料分析CHANG-CHUAN CHANInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021Effectiveness of Kitchen Hood in Removing Size-Resolved Particles and No2 with Real-Life Cooking Activities by Heating Source, Kitchen Type and Season in Taiwanese HomesWAN-CHEN LEENational Science and Technology Council
2021Application of Breathomics Technology to Develop Volatile Biomarkers for Lung Cancer DiagnosisHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2021Integrating online and offline data for source apportionment of PM2.5CHANG-FU WUNational Science and Technology Council
2021Assessing Potential Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Source Water Quality and Formation of Disinfection Byproducts in Finished WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Study of the Development of Nano Fiber Filter and Filtration CharacteristicsCHIH-WEI LINNational Science and Technology Council
2021Advanced Research on Respiratory ProtectionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021Safety Evaluation on Chemical Contaminants and Adulterants in NutraceuticalsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021Metabolomic and Lipidomic Approaches to Study Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Phthalates on RatsCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2021Research on Indoor Airborne Fragrances - Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2021Exposure, Health Risk Assessments and Management of Uv-Inhibiting Ingredients in Personal Care Products( III )GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2021多層次社區環境空氣污染,水,食物監測計畫CHIA-PIN CHIO
2021Exposure Assessment of Phthalate Plasticizers, Bisphenol A, and Their Alternatives in Food)(2/3)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021袋式除塵濾材與粉餅之品質因子的評估研究SHENG-HSIU HUANGNational Science and Technology Council
2021Human Biomonitoring and Health Effects of Microplastics, Phthalates, Bisphenol-A and Their Substitutes( II )PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021台灣空氣汙染與肺癌之環境流行病學研究CHANG-CHUAN CHANNational Science and Technology Council
2021多元環境對兒童之健康影響及真菌相之中介角色(1/3)YUE-LIANG GUONational Science and Technology Council
2021Exposure Assessment of Phthalate Plasticizers, Bisphenol A, and Their Alternatives in Food( II )CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Association between Shift Work and Nurse'S Eating BehaviorsJUDITH SHU-CHU SHIAONational Science and Technology Council
2021全球性飼料中有害物質機率健康風險評估KUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2021空氣清淨型掃地機器人研發CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021勞工血中甲苯等生物偵測方法引進SHIH-WEI TSAIInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021Biological Monitoring for Workers – Developments of Analytical Methods for Toluene in Blood and OthersSHIH-WEI TSAIInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021勞動及職業安全衛生研究國際事務資料蒐集及諮詢WAN-CHEN LEEInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021110年度大專校院用水安全輔導改善計畫GEN-SHUH WANGMinistry of Education
2021Eco-epidemiological study on ticks and tick-borne microbes on wild animals(1/3)KUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2021直結式呼吸回饋動力氣濾淨式呼吸防護具(BR-PAPR)評估指標建立及性能提升測試SHENG-HSIU HUANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2021110年「河川水體及底泥污染物調查數值模式分析應用」計畫CHANG-FU WUEnvironmental analysis, EPA
2021跨領域教學研究設施全面改善【強化國際形象暨在地品牌聲譽計畫】GEN-SHUH WANGHigher Education Sprout Project
2021河川水體污染源回溯與底泥污染研究CHANG-FU WU
2021國際競爭重點領域人才培育方案【子計畫4-建立探討多重環境危害之研究平台】CHANG-FU WUHigher Education Sprout Project
2021質譜有機微量分析之技術開發與應用CHIA-YANG CHEN
2021國際競爭重點領域人才培育方案【子計畫3-新興化學物質毒理與風險評估替代方法平台與南向國合人才培育】CHIA-YANG CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2021室內空氣中香氛之暴露評估與健康風險管理策略研究SHIH-WEI TSAI
2021高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心】CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2021全球衛生的在地參與CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2020新興蚊媒登革與茲卡病毒之研究:抗利尿激素CAPA神經胜肽對斑蚊唾液腺之影響:吸血、存活和病毒感染KUN-HSIEN TSAI
2020高效率智能新風系統研發SHENG-HSIU HUANGNational Science and Technology Council
2020Simultaneous Quantitation of Multiple Protein Adducts to Serve as Biomarkers for Long-Term Exposures to Multiple Carcinogenic Volatile Organic CompoundsKUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2020Effectiveness of Kitchen Hood in Removing Size-Resolved Particles and No2 with Real-Life Cooking Activities by Heating Source, Kitchen Type and Season in Taiwanese HomesWAN-CHEN LEENational Science and Technology Council
2020Human Biomonitoring and Health Effects of Microplastics, Phthalates, Bisphenol-A and Their Substitutes( I )(1/3)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2020Interactive Effects of Climate and Air Pollution on Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Disorders: an International Collaborative StudyYUE-LIANG GUONational Science and Technology Council
2020Application of Breathomics Technology to Develop Volatile Biomarkers for Lung Cancer DiagnosisHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2020Exposure, Health Risk Assessments and Management of Uv-Inhibiting Ingredients in Personal Care Products(2/3)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2020Exposure Assessment of Phthalate Plasticizers, Bisphenol A, and Their Alternatives in Food( I )CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2020Integrating online and offline data for source apportionment of PM2.5CHANG-FU WUNational Science and Technology Council
2020Assessing Potential Impacts of Extreme Weather Events on Source Water Quality and Formation of Disinfection Byproducts in Finished WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Study of the Development of Nano Fiber Filter and Filtration CharacteristicsCHIH-WEI LINNational Science and Technology Council
2020Sp-Icpms as a New Approach to Monitor Tio2 Nps Exposure to Aqueous Environment and Human BodyYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2020Advanced Research on Respiratory ProtectionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2020Safety Evaluation on Chemical Contaminants and Adulterants in NutraceuticalsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2020Metabolomic and Lipidomic Approaches to Study Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Phthalates on RatsCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2020Research on Indoor Airborne Fragrances - Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2020高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【總計畫_群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心】CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2020建立我國利用風險分析作為化學物質管理決策工具之前期規劃專案工作計畫KUEN-YUH WUToxic and Chemical Substances Bureau, Environmental Protection Administration, EPA
2020109年「排放管道中粒狀污染物檢測技術評鑑績效評估計畫」CHIH-WEI LINEnvironmental analysis, EPA
2020河川水體污染源鑑識作業程序建置與實例應用(3/3)CHANG-FU WUEnvironmental analysis, EPA
2020質譜有機微量分析之技術開發與應用CHIA-YANG CHEN
2020河川水體污染源回溯CHANG-FU WU
2020可調式微粒產生系統驗證及應用計畫SHENG-HSIU HUANG
2020建構農漁生產環境緊急事件公害調查標準作業流程-以雲林六輕化學災害為例CHANG-CHUAN CHANCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2020高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心子計畫一_子計畫一_多層次社區環境空氣污染,水,食物監測計畫】CHANG-FU WUHigher Education Sprout Project
2020高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心-子計畫二_社區生物環境暴露體學監測及評估計畫】PAU-CHUNG CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2019Epidemiological Study on New Emerging Vector-Borne Infectious DiseaseKUN-HSIEN TSAIHigher Education Sprout Project
2019108-109年民生公共物聯網空氣品質與公共衛生影響分析CHANG-CHUAN CHANNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR)
2019Neurobehavioral Effects of Developmental Toxicity - Birth Cohort Consortium of Asia (Bicca)(Ⅱ)PAU-CHUNG CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2019Epidemiological Study on New Emerging Vector-Borne Infectious DiseaseKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2019Simultaneous Quantitation of Multiple Protein Adducts to Serve as Biomarkers for Long-Term Exposures to Multiple Carcinogenic Volatile Organic CompoundsKUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2019Effectiveness of Kitchen Hood in Removing Size-Resolved Particles and No2 with Real-Life Cooking Activities by Heating Source, Kitchen Type and Season in Taiwanese HomesWAN-CHEN LEENational Science and Technology Council
2019The Impact of Multiple Environmental Exposures on the Health of the Elderly in the Western Pacific - Cardiovascular Related Diseases and Mental HealthYUE-LIANG GUONational Science and Technology Council
2019Exposure, Health Risk Assessments and Management of Uv-Inhibiting Ingredients in Personal Care Products(1/3)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2019Advanced Research on Respiratory ProtectionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2019Safety Evaluation on Chemical Contaminants and Adulterants in NutraceuticalsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2019Metabolomic and Lipidomic Approaches to Study Effects of Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Phthalates on RatsCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2019Research on Indoor Airborne Fragrances - Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2019Exposures to Multiple Carcinogenic Volatile Organic CompoundsKUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2019108-109年民生公共物聯網空氣品質與公共衛生影響分析CHANG-CHUAN CHAN
2019臺北市PM2.5污染源自動解析技術開發計畫CHANG-FU WUDepartment of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government
2019以ICP/MS分析血清銦方法建立YAW-HUEI HWANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2019108年度水產品、肉品及生鮮蔬果檢驗項目之每日可接受攝取量資料蒐集計畫Charlene WuDepartment of Health, Taipei City Government
2019農業從業者職業安全衛生危害盤點及健保傷病資料整合分析CHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2019因應氣候變遷公共環境衛生蟲媒傳染病防治應變調適計畫KUN-HSIEN TSAIEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2019108年「排放管道中粒狀污染物檢測技術評鑑績效評估計畫」CHIH-CHIEH CHENEnvironmental analysis, EPA
2019雲林六輕化學災害影響地區農漁業影響調查和環境管理系統建置計畫CHANG-CHUAN CHANCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2019群體健康研究中心(2/5)CHANG-CHUAN CHANNational Science and Technology Council
2019固定污染源排放管道細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)調查管制及法規修訂計畫SHENG-HSIU HUANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2019河川水體污染源鑑識作業程序建置與實例應用(2/3)GEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental analysis, EPA
2019Epidemiological Study on New Emerging Vector-Borne Infectious DiseaseKUN-HSIEN TSAIHigher Education Sprout Project
2019固定污染源排放管道細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)調查管制及法規修訂計畫CHIH-CHIEH CHEN
2019學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【利用質譜為基礎的脂質體學開發萘引起的肺部傷害指標】CHING-YU LINHigher Education Sprout Project
2019公衛學院-推動學術國際化相關措施CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2019輸入肉品綜合管理研析YU-CHUAN CHUANG
2019高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫-【污水回收再利用於都會地區景觀渠道及人工湖泊補注之水質水量改善效益評估】GEN-SHUH WANGHigher Education Sprout Project
2019公共衛生學院108年度教學創新推動計畫CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2019108-109年度大專校院用水安全輔導暨管理系統維運計畫GEN-SHUH WANGMinistry of Education
2019高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心】CHANG-CHUAN CHANHigher Education Sprout Project
2019高等教育深耕計畫-特色領域研究中心【群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策中心子計畫一_子計畫一_多層次社區環境空氣污染,水,食物監測計畫】CHANG-FU WUHigher Education Sprout Project
2019質譜有機微量分析之技術開發與應用CHIA-YANG CHEN
2019固定污染源排放管道細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)現況調查及污染管制計畫SHENG-HSIU HUANG
2019機車尾氣粒狀物量測技術開發與定檢效益評估CHIH-CHIEH CHENEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2019高等教育深耕計畫-核心研究群計畫-空氣污染暴露之疾病負擔推估WAN-CHEN LEEHigher Education Sprout Project
2019建立農業生產環境安全之管理及監測機制YAW-HUEI HWANGCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2018Epidemiological Study on New Emerging Vector-Borne Infectious DiseaseKUN-HSIEN TSAIHigher Education Sprout Project
2018家用排油煙機移除氣狀及粒狀汙染物之實地評估 - 單一家戶中季節與排油煙機種類之影響WAN-CHEN LEENational Science and Technology Council
2018107學年度學校用水監測管理機制建立計畫服務計畫GEN-SHUH WANGK-12 Education Administration, MOE
2018Evaluation of Pay-For-Performance, Integrated Family Practices Programs in TaiwanCHYI-FENG JANNational Science and Technology Council
2018Research on Sensitizing Fragrances - Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2018Epidemiological Study on New Emerging Vector-Borne Infectious DiseaseKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2018Simultaneous Quantitation of Multiple Protein Adducts to Serve as Biomarkers for Long-Term Exposures to Multiple Carcinogenic Volatile Organic CompoundsKUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2018Neurobehavioral Effects of Developmental Toxicity - Birth Cohort Consortium of Asia (Bicca)PAU-CHUNG CHENHigher Education Sprout Project
2018Exposure Assessment of Endocrine Disruptors in Personal Care Products$ Antimicrobials -- Assessing the Concentrations in Personal Care Products, Indoor Air, Indoor Dust and via Skin AbsorptionSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2018質譜有機微量分析之技術開發與應用CHIA-YANG CHEN
2018Respiratory Protction against Pm2.5CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2018推動「建構台灣食品安全網」計畫-推動「建構台灣食品安全網」計畫 (財團法人國家實驗研究院轉撥部分經費)YU-CHUAN CHUANGNational Science and Technology Council
2018美甲人員作業環境調查及問卷訪視SHIH-WEI TSAI
20171. Antibacterial activities of vehicle cleaning supplies against pathogenic LegionellaCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2017Detection of Ventilation-Associated Pneumonia Using an Electronic Nose and Alveolar Air SamplingHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2017Study of Heterocyclic Amines Exposure, Molecular Biology and Epidemiology in Taiwanese Colon Cancer PatientsKUEN-YUH WUNational Science and Technology Council
2016Detection of Lung Cancer Using an Electronic Nose and Alveolar Air SamplingHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2015Epidemiologic Studies on Vector-Borne Rickettsial Diseases in Subtropical and Tropical Island Countries under Climate Change---Taiwan in Asia and Sao-Tome and Principe in West Africa as ExamplesKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2015Health Risk Assessment and Management of Bisphenol-A in Taiwan (3)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2015Ecological and Human Exposure to Contaminants of Emerging Concerns(I)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2015Distribution of Nitrated/Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Personal Care Products among River Water, Sediment, and Tissues of Fish (II, III)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
20152. Evaluation of air sampling methods and molecular assays for quantifying viable Staphylococcus aureusCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study on the Role of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Diagnostic Test for Occupational Lung DiseasesHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2015Characterization of Aerosol Emission from the Burst of a Single Film/BubbleCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2015Environmental Survey of Bisphenol a -- Determinations in Indoor Air, Indoor Dusts, Atmospheric Environment as Well as Processed and Baby Foods (3)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2014Perfluorinated Compounds, Fertility, and Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance---Animal and Prospective Follow-Up StudiesPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Association and Mechanistic Study of Exposure to Perfluoroalkyal Acids on Immune System and Allergic Disease in Children (Ii)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Health Risk Assessment and Management of Bisphenol-A in Taiwan (2)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2014Exposure Assessment of Perfluorinated Chemicals from Indoor Air and Dust, and Their Concentrations in UrineCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Distribution of Nitrated/Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Personal Care Products among River Water, Sediment, and Tissues of Fish (II-III)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Distribution of Nitrated/Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Personal Care Products among River Water, Sediment, and Tissues of Fish (II-III)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Early Events in Naphthalene-Induce Toxicity Using Metabolomic and Lipidomic ApproachesCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2014Characterization of Aerosol Emission from the Burst of a Single Film/BubbleCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2014Research on Synthetic Musks---Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2014Environmental Survey of Bisphenol a -- Determinations in Indoor Air, Indoor Dusts and Atmospheric Environment (2)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2014Research on Residual Risk of Food Contact Material and Detergent – Part I: Health Risks associated with the Ingridents of Food DetergentSHIH-WEI TSAIFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2014Biological control and surveillance of dengue vector larvaeKUN-HSIEN TSAICenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2013The Role of Mosquito Saliva on Dengue Virus InfectionKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2013Health Risk Assessment and Management of Bisphenol-A in TaiwanGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2013Formation, Monitoring, Assessment and Control of Emerging Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2013Distribution of Nitrated/Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Personal Care Products among River Water, Sediment, and Tissues of FishCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2013Exposure Assessment of Perfluorinated Chemicals from Indoor Air and Dust, and Their Concentrations in UrineCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2013Environmental Monitoring Techniques and Exposure Assessments in Vehicles for Pathogenic Legionella and AcanthamoebaCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2013Early Events in Naphthalene-Induce Toxicity Using Metabolomic and Lipidomic ApproachesCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2013Study on the Associations among Blood Metal Levels, Genetic Polymorphism and Environmental Metal Exposure FactorsYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2013Characterization of Aerosol Emission from the Burst of a Single Film/BubbleCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2013Environmental Survey of Bisphenol A -- Determinations in Indoor Air, Indoor Dusts and Atmospheric Environment (I)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2013Research on Synthetic Musks---Exposure Assessment and the Strategy for Health Risk ManagementSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2013Influence of Prenatal Environmental Exposures on DNA Methylation PatternsCHEN-YU LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2013飲用水水質標準候選列管項目之調查與因應研擬GEN-SHUH WANGTaipei City Government
2013飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(4/4)GEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2013Integrated Applications of Taiwanese Freshwater Cyclopid Copepods and Coelomomyces to Control Dengue VectorsKUN-HSIEN TSAICenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2013NMR- and MS-based Metabolomics to Investigate Metabolic Impacts of Naphthalene in Mouse BiofluidsCHING-YU LINNational Health Research Institutes
2013Residual Risk Research of Food Contact Material and DetergentSHIH-WEI TSAIFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2012In-Utero and Early Childhood Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Neurobehavioral and Cognitive Development via DNA MethylationPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2012Association and Mechanistic Study of Exposure to Perfluoroalkyal Acids on Immune System and Allergic Disease in ChildrenPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2012Epidemiological Studies on Vector-Borne Rickettsial Infectious DiseasesKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2012Establishment of the Control Technique for Biting Midge by Using Both Attractant and Green PesticideKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2012Precursor Characteristics, Mechanism of Formation, and Control of Nitrosamines in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2012Exposure Assessment of Perfluorinated Chemicals from Indoor Air and Dust, and Their Concentrations in UrineCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study on Free-Living Amoebae---Development of Molecular Quantification Methods, Exposure Assessment, and Evaluation of Factors Associated with Amoebic DistributionCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2012Application of Metabolomics to Toxicant Screening and Classification---Metabolic Effects of Different Pesticides on Rats as a DemonstrationCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2012Survey on Blood Metal Lead Levels of the Preschool Children in Taiwan and Their Determining FactorsYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development of a Corona Discharge Nanoparaticle GeneratorCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2012Risk Assessment of School Children's Exposures to Airborne Trichloramine from Swimming PoolsSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2012Integrated Applications of Taiwanese Freshwater Cyclopid Copepods and Coelomomyces to Control Dengue VectorsKUN-HSIEN TSAICenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2012Health Risk assessment of emerging contaminants in water sources and treated drinking water (3/4)GEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2012The establishment of trace analytical methods for organics in water(2/2).CHIA-YANG CHENEnvironmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2012NMR- and MS-based Metabolomics to Investigate Metabolic Impacts of Naphthalene in Mouse BiofluidsCHING-YU LINNational Health Research Institutes
2012Proficiency Verification and Quality Assurance of Surgical MasksCHIH-CHIEH CHENFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2012The Risk Assessment and Management of the Raw Materials for Dishwashing DetergentsSHIH-WEI TSAIFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2011In-Utero and Early Childhood Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Neurobehavioral and Cognitive Development via DNA MethylationPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2011Epidemiological Studies on Vector-Borne Rickettsial Infectious DiseasesKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2011Establishment of the Control Technique for Biting Midge by Using Both Attractant and Green PesticideKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2011Risk Assessment and Management Strategy of Emerging Contaminant 1,4-DioxaneGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2011Precursor Characteristics, Mechanism of Formation, and Control of Nitrosamines in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2011Food Sources and Exposure Assessment of PerfluorochemicalsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2011&Quot;Distribution of Ten Feminizing Chemicals among River Water, Sediment, and Biota, and Within the Organs of Fish — Analysis Using 2d-Lc/Ms/Ms with Isotope Dilution Techniques&Quot;CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study on Free-Living Amoebae---Development of Molecular Quantification Methods, Exposure Assessment, and Evaluation of Factors Associated with Amoebic DistributionCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2011Application of Metabolomics to Toxicant Screening and Classification---Metabolic Effects of Different Pesticides on Rats as a DemonstrationCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2011Biomarkers for Early Detection of Occupational Pulmonary DiseasesHSIAO-YU YANGNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of a Corona Discharge Nanoparaticle GeneratorCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of Test Methods of Particulate Protective ClothingCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2011Risk Assessment of School Children's Exposures to Airborne Trichloramine from Swimming PoolsSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2011The Distributions of Emerging Contaminant,1,4-Dioxane, in the EnvironmentSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2011飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(2/4)GEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2011The Safety Investigation of Food DetergentsSHIH-WEI TSAIFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2011Integrated Applications of Taiwanese Freshwater Cyclopid Copepods and Coelomomyces to Control Dengue VectorsKUN-HSIEN TSAICenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2011Method development of trace analysis on organics in waterCHIA-YANG CHENEnvironmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2011Fast screening and confirmation of common and emerging seized drugsCHIA-YANG CHENFood and Drug Administration, MOHW
2011NMR- and MS-based Metabolomics to Investigate Metabolic Impacts of Naphthalene in Mouse BiofluidsCHING-YU LINNational Health Research Institutes
2011Survey on blood lead levels of the preschool childrenYAW-HUEI HWANGHealth Promotion Administration, MOHW
2010Exposure to Perfluoroalkyal Acids and Thyroid Function and Neurobehavioral Development in Early (II)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2010Epidemiological Studies on Vector-Borne Rickettsial Infectious DiseasesKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2010Precursor Characteristics, Mechanism of Formation, and Control of Nitrosamines in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2010Distribution of Ten Feminizing Chemicals among River Water, Sediment, and Biota, and Within the Organs of Fish---Analysis Using 2D-LC/MS/MS with Isotope Dilution TechniquesCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on Free-Living Amoebae---Development of Molecular Quantification Methods, Exposure Assessment, and Evaluation of Factors Associated with Amoebic DistributionCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2010Application of Metabolomics to Toxicant Screening and Classification---Metabolic Effects of Different Pesticides on Rats as a DemonstrationCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2010Study on the Relationship between Blood Heavy Mental and Oral CancerYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of Test Methods of Particulate Protective ClothingCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of a Corona Discharge Nanoparaticle GeneratorCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2010Risk Assessment of School Children's Exposures to Airborne Trichloramine from Swimming PoolsSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2010Human health risk assessment of emerging contaminants in source water and drinking water (1/4)GEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2010The establishment of analytical methods for personal care product ingredients in municipal wastewaters(4/4)CHIA-YANG CHENEnvironmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2010NMR- and MS-based Metabolomics to Investigate Metabolic Impacts of Naphthalene in Mouse BiofluidsCHING-YU LINNational Health Research Institutes
2009Functional Studies on Micrornas of MosquitoesKUN-HSIEN TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2009Exposure to Non-Persistent Pesticides in Relation to Early Child Growth and Neurobehavioral DevelopmentPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2009Exposure to Perfluoroalkyal Acids and Thyroid Function and Neurobehavioral Development in Early Childhood (I)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2009十種雌激性化合物於水體、底泥、水生生物之相關性以及其於魚體器官之分布---以二維液相層析/串聯式質譜儀配合同位素稀釋技術分析CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2009Environmental Exposure and Health Risk Assessment of PerfluorochemicalsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2009Effects of Protozoa and Biomass on Heat-Disinfected LegionellaCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2009Nmr-Based Metabolomics to Characterize Naphthalene Toxicity in MiceCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2009Study on the Relationship between Blood Heavy Mental and Oral CancerYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Investigation and Application of Charged Particle on Lung DepositionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2009Developing the Sampling and Analytical Method for the Low-Level Environmental Hormones in Home Dusts and Indoor AirSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2009Regulatory Impact Assessement for the Risk Reduction Stragety of Polybrominated Diphenyl(III)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2009Health Risk Assessment and Control Strategy for the Exposure of Furan due to IngestionSHIH-WEI TSAIMinistry of Health and Welfare
2009The establishment of analytical methods for personal care product ingredients in municipal wastewaters (3/4)CHIA-YANG CHENEnvironmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2009Determination of abused drugs in oral fluid using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with isotope-dilution techniques (2)CHIA-YANG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
2008Exposure to Non-Persistent Pesticides in Relation to Early Child Growth and Neurobehavioral DevelopmentPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2008Water Quality Characteristics of Surface Waters Polluted by Domestic Wastewater and Its Impacts on Emerging Organic Contaminants in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2008Health Risk Assessment of Exposing to Feminizing Chemicals and Haloacetics in Drinking Water---Utilizing the New Analytical Methods of LC-MS-MSCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2008Effects of Protozoa and Biomass on Heat-Disinfected LegionellaCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2008Nmr-Based Metabolomics to Characterize Naphthalene Toxicity in MiceCHING-YU LINNational Science and Technology Council
2008Trace Multiple Metal Levels and Neonate Health Status and Later DevelopmentYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2008Animal Exposure Kinetic Model for Znic Oxide Nano Particle Uptake and Redistribution (II)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Investigation and Application of Charged Particle on Lung DepositionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2008Regulatory Impact Assessement for the Risk Reduction Stragety of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Taiwan (II)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2008Distribution of Haloacetic acids in Drinking Water:GEN-SHUH WANGState Enterprise Commission, MOEA
2008上肢重複性傷病與工作現場暴露關係之研究YAW-HUEI HWANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2008Health Risk Assessment and Control Strategy for the Exposure of Furan due to IngestionSHIH-WEI TSAIMinistry of Health and Welfare
2008Determination of personal care product ingredients in sewageCHIA-YANG CHENEnvironmental Analysis Laboratory, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2008Determination of abused drugs in oral fluid using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry with isotope-dilution techniquesCHIA-YANG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
2007Exposure to Non-Persistent Pesticides in Relation to Early Child Growth and Neurobehavioral DevelopmentPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2007Effects of Chlorine Disinfection on Dbps Formation and Microbial Regrowth (II)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2007Health Risk Assessment of Exposing to Feminizing Chemicals and Haloacetics in Drinking Water---Utilizing the New Analytical Methods of LC-MS-MSCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2007Antibacterial Activities of Plant Essential Oils against Legionella PneumophilaCHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2007淨水場鉛、銻問題分析及對策評估YAW-HUEI HWANGState Enterprise Commission, MOEA
2007Animal Kinetic Model for the Uptake of Nano-Scale Zinc Oxide Particulates (I)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2007Trace Multiple Metal Levels and Neonate Health Status and Later DevelopmentYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Investigation and Application of Charged Particle on Lung DepositionCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2007Indicators of Mold in Indoor Air (I)---Simultaneous Sampling and Analysis of MVOCs (III)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2007Regulatory Impact Assessement for the Risk Reduction Stragety of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Taiwan (I)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2006Analysis, Evaluation and Treatments of Haloacetic Acids in Finied and Distributed Waters in Water Systems of Taiwan Water CorporationGEN-SHUH WANGState Enterprise Commission, MOEA
2006Assessment of Reproductive Health Risks of Steroid Estrogens and Nonylphenols in TaiwanCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2006Development of Techniques on Environmental Monitoring and Disinfection for Pathogenic legionella (II)CHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2006Animal Dynamic Model for the Uptake of Nano-Scale Zinc Oxide Particles (I)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2006Measurement and Application of Uniformity of Aerosol Deposits(III)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2006Indicators of Mold in Indoor Air (I)---Simultaneous Sampling and Analysis of MVOCs (II)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2006Determination and Exposure Assessment of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol EthoxylatesSHIH-WEI TSAIMinistry of Health and Welfare
2005Environmental and Occupational Reproductive Hazards (VI) Exploring Reproductive Risks for the Low-Dose Ionizing RadiationPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2005Occurrence and Health Effect Assessment of THMs and HAAs in Drinking Water (III)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2005PAHs Profiles, Toxicities, and Health Risk Assessment in Ambient Air (I)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2005Determination of Steroid Estrogens in Water Using Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Chemical DerivatizationsCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2005Development of Techniques on Environmental Monitoring and Disinfection for Pathogenic Legionella (I)CHING-WEN CHANGNational Science and Technology Council
2005Distributions of Trace Metals in Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood in Taiwan and Their Environmental Determinants---A Pilot StudyYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2005Measurement and Application of Uniformity of Aerosol Deposits(II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2005Performance Characteristics of a CBRN Air CleanersCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2005Indicators of Mold in Indoor Air (I) Simultaneous Sampling and Analysis of MVOCsSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2005Determination of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Powder Using HPLC/Tandem MS with Isotope Dilution TechniquesCHIA-YANG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
2005The Disinfectants for Food---Usage Investigation and Residual AnalysisSHIH-WEI TSAIMinistry of Health and Welfare
2004Environmental and Occupational Reproductive Hazards (V) Reproductive Endocrine Study in the Female Workers of LCD ManufacturingPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2004Occurrence and Health Effect Assessment of THMs and HAAs in Drinking Water (II)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2004Elimination of Estrogenic Compounds from Drinking Water and Waste Water Treatment and Their Pollution in the Main Stream of Dan-Shui River (II)CHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2004Biological Exposure Index for Arsenic---Effects of Concurrent Occupational Inorganic Arsenic and Dietary Organic Arsenic ExposureYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2004Corttrol of Ultrafine Aerosols (III)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2004Measurement and Application of Uniformity of Aerosol Deposits(I)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2004Exposure Assessment of Furfural (II) Developing the Sampling and Analysis Technique for Furfural in Air as Well as in Various Kinds of Food Based on Solid-Pase McroextractionSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2004Survey on the Use of Detergents for Food---Safety Investigation and Residual AnalysisSHIH-WEI TSAIMinistry of Health and Welfare
2004Indoor Air Quality---Evaluation, and Its Effects on DiseasesSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2004Determination of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk and Milk Powder Using HPLC/Tandem MS with Isotope Dilution TechniquesCHIA-YANG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
2003Exploring Cancer and Birth Defect Risks in the Semiconductor IndustryPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2003Occurrence and Health Effect Assessment of THMs and HAAs in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2003Elimination of Estrogenic Compounds from Drinking Water and Waste Water Treatment and Their Pollution in the Main Stream of Dan-Shui RiverCHIA-YANG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2003Research on Sampling and Analysis Technology of Indoor Bioaerosols (II)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2003Influence of Individual Characteristics on the Urinary Arsenic Species after Organic Arsenic Containing Seafood IngestionYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2003Control of Indoor Air Qaulity (II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2003Corttrol of Ultrafine Aerosols (II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2003Exposure Assessment of Furfural (I) Simultaneous Analysis of Furoic Acid and Creatinien in Urine Based on Solid-Phase MicroextractionSHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2003Ozone Precursor Monitoring and AnalysisGEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
2003Assessing the Reproductive Health Benefits of Reducing Air PollutionPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2002Environmental and Occupational Reproductive Hazards---Time to Pregnancy Study and Adverse Birth Outcomes & Neurobehavioral Deficits among the Offspring of Lead Exposed Workers (IV)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2002Formation, Health Risks and Precursor Removal of Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2002Research on Sampling and Analysis Technology of Indoor Bioaerosols (I)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2002Effects of Food Arsenic Intake on the Assessment of Occupational Arsenic ExposureYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2002Control of Indoor Air Qaulity (I)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2002Control of Ultrafine Aerosols (I)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2002Developing a Sampling and Analysis Method for Ethylene Oxide Based on SPME (II)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2002Improvement and Field Verification of Personal Respirable Virtual CyclonesCHIH-CHIEH CHENInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2002A Survey of Infant Mortality Rate, Neonatal Mortality Rate, and Perinatal Mortality Rate in TaiwanPAU-CHUNG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
2002Evaluation of Germicidal Efficiency on Airborne Legionella pneumophilaCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2001Environmental and Occupational Rreproductive Hazards (III)---Time-to-Pregnancy Study among the Wives and Adverse Birth Outcomes among the Offspring of Male PVC Workers in Taiwan (II)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2001Characteristics and Treatment Technologies for Background Organic Matter in Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2001Potential Risk Assessment of Arsenic Exposure in Semiconductor Industry---Empirical Data-Based AnalysisYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2001Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Cigarette SmokeCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2001Physical Characteristics of Ambient Aerosols (IV)CHIH-CHIEH CHEN
2001Developing a Sampling and Analysis Method for Ethylene Oxide Based on SPMESHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
2001A Pilot Study of Biohazards in Microbial Biotechnology IndustryCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2001Study of Particulate Sampling Method in WorkplaceCHIH-CHIEH CHENInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
2000Physical Characteristics of Ambient Aerosols (III)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2000Ozone and PM1/PM2.5/PM10 Particulate Joint Health Effect and Its Risk Assessment (III)PAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2000Activated Carbon Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water(III)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
2000Speciation of Urinary Arsenic of the Ion Implanter Maintenance Engineers in the Semiconductor Fabrication FacilityYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
2000Study of the Performance Characteristics of Indoor Air Clears (II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2000Developing a New Passive Sampler for Aldehydes in Air Based on SPME (II)SHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
1999Improvement of Fibrous Aerosol MeasurementCHIH-CHIEH CHENInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1999Study on Corneal Infection of Onion WorkersCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1999Developing a New Passive Sampler for Aldehydes in Air Based on SPMESHIH-WEI TSAINational Science and Technology Council
1999Environmental and Occupational Reproductive Hazards---A Follow-up Study of Fertility among Semiconductor WorkersPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1999Activated Carbon Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water(II)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
1999Bioavailability of Lead from Dust of Lead Battery PlantYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
1999Study on the Performance Characteristics of Indoor Air Cleaners (I)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1999Neonatal and Infant Mortality Study in Taiwan---Trends and Risk FactorsPAU-CHUNG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
1999Study on the Artifacts of Beta Attenuation MeasurementsCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1998Environmental and Occupational Reproductive Hazards---Developing an Epidemiological Tool for Fecundity AssessmentPAU-CHUNG CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1998Activated Carbon Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water (I)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
1998Environmental Changes of Taiwan and the Assessment of Vulnerability to the Impacts of Global Chang---Public HealthGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
1998Pathways of Lead Exposure of a Battery Factory Workers Assessment with Structural Equation ModelYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
1998Characteristics of Size Distribution of Ambient AerosolsCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1998Performance Testing, Improvement and Development of Indoor Air CleanersCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1998Manpower Needs, Supply & Development in Preventing Occupational DiseasesPAU-CHUNG CHENMinistry of Health and Welfare
1998Evaluation on Improvements of Water Quality and Suitability of the Maintenance Periods for Commerical Drinking WaterGEN-SHUH WANGEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
1998Proficiency of Measuring Particulate in StackCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1998Evaluation of Filter Test RequirementsCHIH-CHIEH CHENInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1997Study on Occupational Health Issues of Health Care Facilities in TaiwanCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1997Occupational Metal Exposure among Workers of Semiconductor IndustryYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
1997Physical Characteristics of Particulate Matter by Automobiles (III)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1997Masking Effects on Asbestos Counting (I)CHIH-CHIEH CHENMinistry of Labor
1996Evaluation of GAC Adsorption of Trace Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water with GAC Minicolumns(II)GEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
1996Biohazards in the Air of Healthcare Facilities---Legionella pneumophilaCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1996Survey on the Occupational Health of Medical FacilitiesCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1996Evaluation on the Working Enviroment of Hazardous Waste Sites (II)YAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
1996Physical Characteristics of Particulate Matter by Automobiles (II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1996事業廢氣生物處理技術整合型研究---子計畫二:氣懸膠負載對濾材使用之影響CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1996煙道排氣粒狀汙染物檢測比測系統裝置計畫CHIH-CHIEH CHENEnvironmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
1996Performance Comparison of Size-Selective Samplers (II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1995Identification of Bacterial Bioaerosol in Swine Confinement BuildingsCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1995Evaluation of GAC Adsorption of Trace Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water with GAC MinicolumnsGEN-SHUH WANGNational Science and Technology Council
1995Evaluation and Development of Sampling Techniques for High-Concentration BioaerosolsCHING-WEN CHANGInstitute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, MOL
1995Evaluation on the Working Environment of Hazardous Waste SitesYAW-HUEI HWANGNational Science and Technology Council
1995Aerosol Loading Effects on Filter Performance(II)CHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1995Physical Characteristics of Particulate Matter by AutomobilesCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1995氣懸微粒分徑採樣器的研發CHIH-CHIEH CHENMinistry of Labor
1994Aerosol Loading Effects on Filter PerformanceCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council
1994Particle Charge Effects on Dust Mist Facepiece PerformaceCHIH-CHIEH CHENNational Science and Technology Council