(Principal Investigator)

第 1 到 67 筆結果,共 67 筆。

2016建立我國動物法醫學之動物死因分析及死亡時間評估系統CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2015建立我國動物法醫學之動物死因分析及死亡時間評估系統CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2015寵物與野生動物疾病與人類生活關係之研究-臺灣地區家犬家貓死亡原因分析CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014建立我國動物法醫學之動物死因分析及死亡時間評估系統CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2014寵物與野生動物疾病與人類生活關係之研究-台灣大都會區家犬家貓死亡原因的分析CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013寵物與野生動物疾病與人類生活關係之研究-臺灣北部地區家犬家貓死亡原因調查(II)CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2012以犬常見癌症的甲型烯醇脢蛋白表現做為人類癌症研究的動物模式並探討其在致癌過程中的角色與其在癌症醫學診斷治療上之應用CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2012101年度臺北市犬隻十大死因調查計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2012寵物與野生動物與人類生活關係之研究-臺灣北部地區犬貓死亡原因調查CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2011建立我國動物腫瘤登記制度及各類腫瘤發生率之分析研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2011100年度臺北市犬隻十大死因調查計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2011獸醫專業學院切片行政工作CHEN-HSUAN LIUVeterinary Medicine
2011獸醫專業學院切片行政工作CHEN-HSUAN LIUVeterinary Medicine
2011獸醫師管理與功能強化計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2011寵物與野生動物與人類生活關係之研究-獸醫法醫病理學之初探性研究:犬貓疑似醫療相關死亡原因之分析與死亡方式界定CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2010建立我國動物腫瘤登記制度及各類腫瘤發生率之分析研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2010獸醫師管理與功能強化計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2010屠宰肉品重大人畜共通傳染病原監控與應用技術發展-各國食用之血液製品可能媒仲之人畜共通傳染病病原之檢測及防治方法之比較CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2010防檢疫資訊傳播推廣-人畜共通傳染病病理診斷人才培訓CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2009天然災害動物死亡處理與疫病控制應變整備計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2009建立我國動物腫瘤登記制度及各類腫瘤發生率之分析研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2009重大人畜共通傳染病防治技術之研發-無隔膜電解水防疫消毒理論強化、使用安全性評估與擴大現場應用實證研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2009重要動物疾病防治技術之研究與改進-應用組織微陣列晶於診斷豬隻中樞經系統感染之回溯性與感染中之研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2009屠宰肉品重大人畜共通傳染病原監控與應用發展-因應牛海綿狀腦病之屠宰及屠宰衛生檢查標準作業程序之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2009獸醫系95年度國科會行政管理費CHEN-HSUAN LIUVeterinary Medicine
2009人力結構改善/生農學院/獸醫專業學院CHEN-HSUAN LIUMinistry of Education
2009強化畜禽水產動物疾病防治-強化動物疾病檢診體系CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2008學術領域全面提升/生農學院/獸醫系學術領域全面提升方案CHEN-HSUAN LIUMinistry of Education
2008動物重要疫病診斷鑑定技術研習會與訓練CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2008動物疫病診斷鑑定技術之研發與應用-反芻動物惡性卡他熱回溯性及感染中診斷技術之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2008屠宰肉品重大人畜共通傳染病監控與應用技術發展-各國發生牛海綿狀腦病時屠宰場之相關因應機制最新資訊蒐集及研析CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2008迴路媒介恆溫增殖法應用於龜疱疹病毒感染症快速診斷之研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2008強化畜禽水產動物疾病防治計畫-強化動物疾病檢診體系CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007建立臺灣地區發生牛海綿狀腦病時屠宰場之相關因應機制CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007非生物素山葵過氧化酵素免疫組織化學染色法應用於診斷豬中樞神經系統感染之研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007動植物重要防疫檢疫疫病害蟲診斷鑑定技術研習會CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立-動物疫病CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007動植物有害生物標本製作與技術訓練CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2007寵物與野生動物疾病與人類生活關係之研究-寵物鳥野生鳥類血色素沈著症流行病學及傳染病關係之探討CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2006動植物有害生物標本製作與技術訓練CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2006動物疫病診斷鑑定技術研習會CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2006人畜共通傳染病宿主動物監測研究ⅡCHEN-HSUAN LIUCenters for Disease Control , R.O.C.
2006利用非生物素過氧化酵素免疫組織化學染色技術加速病毒性疾病診斷CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2006動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2005動植物檢疫實務與疫病害蟲診斷鑑定技術研習會CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2005動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2005豬腦結節性多發動脈炎與豬第二型鏈球菌關係之探討CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2005圈飼龜類疹病毒感染症診斷技術之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2005寵物及野生動物疾病防治CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2004國防安全相關動植物有害生物診斷鑑定技之建立與改進CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2004人畜共通傳染疾病診斷鑑定技術之研發及改進CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2004動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立--動物疫病CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2004動植物重要防疫檢疫疫病害蟲診斷鑑定技術研習會--動物疫病CHEN-HSUAN LIUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2003動物冠狀病毒疫病資料與診斷方法之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2003動物疫病診斷鑑定技術研習會CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2003動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2003寵物及野生動物疾病防治CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2003寵物及野生動物疾病與人類生活關係之研究CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002犬乳癌預後因子與人類乳癌動物模式適用性之探討CHEN-HSUAN LIUNational Science and Technology Council
2002犬中樞神經系統疾病鑑定資料之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002動植物疫病害蟲標準診斷鑑定作業流程之建立CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002寵物及野生動物疾病防治--其他類動物傳染病附冊CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002寵物及野生動物疾病防治CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002草食動物口蹄疫等重要疾病防治計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2002獸醫師管理與功能強化CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2001台灣地區犬癲間原因之探討CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2001草食動物口蹄疫等重要疾病防治計畫CHEN-HSUAN LIUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan