第 1 到 126 筆結果,共 126 筆。

12016Photodynamic therapy with hexa(sulfo-n-butyl)[60]fullerene against sarcoma in vitro and in vivoBAO-JI CHEN Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology1617
22014Selection of uremic toxin-reducing probiotics in vitro and in vivoFang, C.-Y.; Lu, J.-R.; BAO-JI CHEN ; Wu, C.; Chen, Y.-P.; MING-JU CHEN Journal of Functional Foods
32013靈芝與細菌素對腸炎沙門氏菌人工感染白肉雞的保護能力BAO-JI CHEN 臺灣獸醫學雜誌 
42013Albusin B modulates lipid metabolism and increases antioxidant defense in broiler chickens by a proteomic approachHAN-TSUNG WANG ; Li, Y.-H.; Chou, I.-P.; Hsieh, Y.-H.; BAO-JI CHEN ; CHING-YI CHEN Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
52013Effect of yeast with bacteriocin from rumen bacteria on growth performance, caecal flora, caecal fermentation and immunity function of broiler chicksCHING-YI CHEN ; Yu, C.; Chen, S.W.; BAO-JI CHEN ; HAN-TSUNG WANG Journal of Agricultural Science
62011Effects of albusin B (a bacteriocin) of Ruminococcus albus 7 expressed by yeast on growth performance and intestinal absorption of broiler chickens-its potential role as an alternative to feed antibioticsWang, H.-T.; Yu, C.; Hsieh, Y.-H.; Chen, S.-W.; Chen, B.-J.; BAO-JI CHEN ; Wang, Han-Tsung ; CHING-YI CHEN ; Pan, Tzu-Ming Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
72011Exhibit differential functions of various antibiotic growth promoters in broiler growth, immune response and gastrointestinal physiologyBAO-JI CHEN International Journal of Poultry Science130
82010飼糧中添加胺基酸螯合鐵對雞蛋中鐵濃度之影響魏恆巍; 邱雯政; 謝宗霖; 陳保基 中畜會誌 
92009Threats from farm animals to food and human securityBAO-JI CHEN Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
102009氯四環黴素與枯草菌素對大腸桿菌與糞腸球菌抗菌劑感受性與tet表現之影響郭鴻志; 陳保基 ; 魏恆巍; 張紹光 臺灣獸醫學雜誌 
112009Intervertebral disc regeneration in an ex vivo culture system using mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasmaBAO-JI CHEN ; SHINN-CHIH WU ; CHAU-HWA CHI Biomaterials
122009The optimum dietary essential amino acid pattern for male Taiwan country chicksWei, Hen-Wei ; BAO-JI CHEN ; Kuo, Hsin-Mei; Chiu, Wen-Zan; Chen, Bao-Ji Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences22
142008添加靈芝發酵產物、細菌素對肉雞生長性能、腸道生理及菌相之影響林哲緯; 洪靖崎; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
152008飼糧添加不同種類抗生素對台灣紅羽土雞生長、免疫反應及消化道健康之影響李德南; 翁慶豐; 呂効儒; 王若綺; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中畜會誌 
162008靈芝固態發酵產物之多醣和抗氧化活性分析BAO-JI CHEN 宜蘭大學生物資源學刊 00
172007藍胸鶉於生長期時飼糧能量與蛋白質需要量之建立謝宗霖; 黃禹之; 黃正頎; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
182007添加抗生素對肉雞生長性能、腸道生理及菌相之影響朱盈安; 黃懿儂; 林哲緯; 洪靖崎; 魏恆巍; 余佳慧; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
192007肉雞腸道生理及免疫之發展黃懿儂; 朱盈安; 洪靖崎; 魏恆巍; 余佳慧; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
202007台灣鯛和石斑藥浴硫酸銅和高錳酸鉀之殘留與急毒性之研究。2007范揚棋; 陳素鳳; 陳佩亨; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 ; 郭宗甫 anniversary conference proceeding of the Chinese society of veterinary science
212006添加抗生素對肉雞腸道生理及菌相之影響洪靖崎; 朱盈安; 黃懿儂; 魏恆巍; 余佳慧; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
222006飼糧中額外添加甘胺酸螯合鐵或甲硫胺酸螯合鐵對蛋黃中鐵含量之影響邱雯政; 謝宗霖; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
232006發酵大豆粕對保育豬生長性能、腸道微生物和血液免疫反應之影響。葉月鳳; 陳宜鴻; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 ; 梁建國; 姜中鳳中國畜牧學會會誌 
242006Toxicity of different Fusarium mycotoxins on growth performance, immune responses and efficacy of a mycotoxin degrading enzyme in pigsCheng, Yeong-Hsiang; BAO-JI CHEN ; Weng, Ching-Feng; Chen, Bao-Ji ; Chang, Ming-HuangAnimal Research5250
252005以試管試驗方法評估國產羽毛粉之品質。魏恆巍; 許佳鳳; 陳保基。 中畜會誌 
262005以試管試驗方法評估國產羽毛粉之品質BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
282004雛土雞飼糧蛋白質之理想必需胺基酸組成之評估郭馨鎂; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
292004國產羽毛粉品質之評估黃美如; 魏恆巍; 邱雯政; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
302004Effects of deoxynivalenol and degradation enzyme on growth performance and immune responses in mule ducksBAO-JI CHEN Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences
312004A survey of microbial contamination of food contact surfaces at broiler slaughter plants in TaiwanBAO-JI CHEN Journal of Food Protection
322004土番鴨對國產羽毛粉利用效率之評估林誠一; 黃振芳; 賴銘葵; 林榮新; 陳保基 ; 魏恆巍。中國畜牧學會會誌 
332003國產羽毛粉品質之評估林宛儀; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
342002Effect of aflatoxin B1 on the function of peritoneal macrophage from mule duckCheng, Y. H.; Shen, T. F.; Pang, V. F.; VICTOR FEI PANG ; BAO-JI CHEN Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci88
352002熱季飼糧中添加碳酸氫鈉和氯化鈣對生長乳用女山羊生長性能和血液性狀之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中華農學會報 
362002早期離乳仔猪飼糧添加麩醯胺對其生長性能和免疫反映之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
372002熱季飼糧中添加碳酸氫鈉和氯化鈣對生長乳用女山羊生長性能和血液性狀之影響黃士哲; 張家豪; 楊价民; 徐濟泰 ; 陳保基 ; 林榮信中華農學會報
382002飼糧中電解質均衡對產蛋褐色菜鴨血液性狀及產蛋性能之影響黃士哲; 沈添富; 陳保基 中畜會誌, 31:189-200 
392002雛土雞對酪蛋白或明膠中各胺基酸之表面消化率之探討陳振元; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
402002雛土番鴨對酪蛋白或明膠中各胺基酸之表面消化率之探討陳振元; 魏恆巍; 陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
412002Comparison of Serum Chemistry Values in Inbred Duck (L103) White Tsaiya and Its Parent Stock of Brown Tsaiya DuckBAO-JI CHEN 臺灣獸醫學雜誌 
422002Induction of changes in morphology, reactive nitrogen/oxygen intermediates and apoptosis of duck macrophages by aflatoxin B1BAO-JI CHEN Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
432002早期離乳仔?飼糧添加麩醯胺對其生長性能和免疫反映之影響李德南; 鄭永祥; 陳保基 ; 游義德; 廖朝暐; 顏宏達中畜會誌,31(2): 
442001季節對白色肉種雞群生產成績之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
452001黃麴毒素及類胡蘿蔔素對土番鴨腹腔巨噬細胞巨分子合成之影響鄭永祥; 沈添富; 龐飛; 陳保基 中畜會誌, 30:93-104 
462001Effects of aflatoxin and carotenoids on growth performance and immune response in mule ducklingsBAO-JI CHEN Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Pharmacology Toxicology and Endocrinology7057
482000Chromium-induced glucose uptake, superoxide anion production, and phagocytosis in cultured pulmonary alveolar macrophages of weanling pigsBAO-JI CHEN Biological Trace Element Research
492000Effects of Chromium Supplementation and Lipopolysaccharide Injection on Physiological Responses of Weanling PigsBAO-JI CHEN Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
502000Effects of Chromium Supplementation and Lipopolysaccharide Injection on the Immune Responses of Weanling PigsBAO-JI CHEN Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
5119991997 年台灣地區白肉雞生產性能調查及分析BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
521999飼糧中添加砒啶甲酸鉻對豬隻週邊血液單核細胞於體外分泌白血球中介質-2和注射脂多醣之生理反應李德南; 陳保基 ; 顏宏達; 沈添富中畜會誌, 28:277-288 
531999砒啶甲酸鉻添加量對離乳仔豬血液各型淋巴球比率之影響李德南; 顏宏達; 沈添富; 陳保基 中華農學會報(新) 
541999Managing an animal health emergency in Taipei China: Foot and mouth diseaseBAO-JI CHEN OIE Revue Scientifique et Technique
551999Hexa(sulfobutyl) Fullerene-induced Photodynamic Effect on Tumors in vitro and Toxicity study in RatsBAO-JI CHEN Proc. Electrochem. Soc. 
561999飼糧中添加口比啶鉀酸鉻對猪隻週邊血液單核細胞於體外分泌白血球中介質-2 和注射脂多醣之生理反應BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
571999飼糧中類胡蘿蔔素對雛土番鴨免疫反應之影響鄭永祥; 沈添富; 龐飛; 陳保基 中畜會誌, 28:415-426 
581999強制灌食土番鴨生產肥肝之研究BAO-JI CHEN 畜產研究 
601999口比啶甲酸鉻添加量對離乳仔猪血液各型淋巴球比率之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中華農學會報 
611999飼糧中類胡蘿蔔素對雛土番鴨免疫反應之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
621998Novel water-soluble hexa(sulfobutyl)fullerenes as potent free radical scavengersBAO-JI CHEN Chem. Lett. 
641998Acute and Subacute Toxicity Study of Water-Soluble Polyalkylsulfonated C<inf>60</inf> in RatsBAO-JI CHEN Toxicologic Pathology125107
651997砒啶甲酸鉻添加量對離乳仔豬生長和免疫反應之影響李德南; 顏宏達; 沈添富; 陳保基 中畜會誌 
661997口比啶甲酸鉻添加量離乳仔猪生長和免疫反應之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
681997Synthetic aspects and free-radical scavenging efficiency of polyhydroxylated C<inf>60</inf>BAO-JI CHEN Fullerene Science and Technology
691997褐色菜鴨生長期實施光照計畫對性成熟與產蛋性能之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
701997鉻之代謝特性李德南; 徐濟泰 ; 沈添富; 陳保基 科學農業
711997Renal effects of water-soluble polyarylsulfonated C<inf>60</inf> in rats with an acute toxicity studyBAO-JI CHEN Fullerene Science and Technology
721996飼糧中添加甲硫胺酸對台灣土雞及童子雞生長性能及免疫反應之影響BAO-JI CHEN 中畜會誌 
741996飼糧中添加甲硫胺酸對台灣土雞及童子雞生長性能及免疫反應之影響林義福; 陳保基 ; 沈添富中畜會誌 
751996Potassium requirement of mule ducklings.Chu C.L.; Wei, H.W.; Chen, B.J.; HEN-WEI WEI ; BAO-JI CHEN Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci00
761996Efficiency of tryptophan-niacin conversion in chickens and ducksBAO-JI CHEN Nutrition Research106
781995種用菜鴨飼料中缺乏呲哆醇或葉酸對於菜鴨胚胎發育之影響BAO-JI CHEN 畜產研究 
791995不同日齡種鴨於飼料中缺乏生物素於菜鴨胚胎發育之影響BAO-JI CHEN 畜產研究 
801994飼糧中電質均衡對褐色產蛋菜鴨血液性狀及產蛋性能之影響黃士哲; 陳保基 ; 沈添富; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
811994飼電解質均衡對雛土番鴨生長與血液性狀之影響朱芝嵐; 陳保基 ; 沈添富; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
821994The Effect of Dietary Lysine on the Activities of Aminotransaferase in Liver and Serum of Mule DucklingsTsai, S. I.; 陳保基 ; Shen, T. F.; Chen, Bao-Ji The 5th Conference FE & SP Federation WPSA 
831994Intensive Utilization of Land Resources for Animal Production in TaiwanChen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
851993產蛋菜鴨對色胺酸之需要量陳保基 ; 陳婉琳; 盧世哲; 林誠一; 潘金木; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
861993產蛋菜鴨對膽?b之需要量研究陳婉琳; 盧世哲; 林誠一; 潘金木; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
871993The Effect on Dietary Lysine on the Activities of Amino Transferase in Liver and Serum of Mule DucklingsTsai, S. I.; 陳保基 ; 沈添富; Chen, Bao-Ji ; Shen, Tian-FuhProceeding of the 5th Conference Far East and South Pacific Fed. WPSA 
881993L103近親品系白色菜鴨粒腺體DNA多樣性之研究Chen, Bao-Ji 中華民國實驗動物學會,3rd Annual Meeting(1993.11) 
891993Advanced in Mule Duck Production in TaiwanChen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
901992應用純品系白菜鴨(L103)為動物模式作為生物醫學之研究:1.純品系白菜鴨(L103)血液生化之變化洪昭竹; 沈永紹; 何維莊; 賴秀穗; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 中華民國實驗動物學會年會(1992.10) 
911992土番鴨組織中磺胺二甲嘧啶殘留之研究(二):飼糧添加與加工處理之影響蘇宏基; 曾弘智; 盧世哲; 陳婉琳; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 
921992磺胺二甲嘧啶餵飼土番鴨之效果及組織殘留量盧世哲; 陳婉琳; 潘金木; 林誠一; 陳保基 ; 曾弘智; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
931992Diurnal Behavior Patterns of Cage-Reared Brown Tsaiya Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos Var. Dosmestica)Lee, S. R.; Lee, Y. P.; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji Applied Animal Behavier Science 
941992The Effect of the Addition of Linco-Spectin to the Feed on Growth Performance and Feed Efficiency in Mule DucksLu, S. J.; Chen, W. L.; Lin, C. Y.; 陳保基 ; Lin, S. B. S.; Tseng, H. C.; Chen, Bao-Ji 
951992應用純品系白菜鴨(L103)為動物模式作為生物醫學之研究(II):純品系白菜鴨(L103)血液學之研究沈永紹; 何維莊; 賴秀穗; 洪昭竹; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 中華民國實驗動物學會第二屆第二次會員大會手冊 
961992Effects of Niacin, Pantothetic Acid and Riboflavin on Embryonic Development of the Brown Tsaiya DuckHu, Y. H.; Shen, T. F.; 陳保基 ; Ma, C. S.; Chen, Bao-Ji 
971992生物素對火雞種蛋孵化之關係陳保基 中國畜牧學會會誌 
991992褐色柴鴨產蛋性能之探討李舜榮; 黃振芳; 許南山; 陳鑫益; 陳保基 ; 姜延年; 劉瑞珍; 戴謙; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1001992褐色菜鴨產蛋性能之探討李舜榮; 黃振芳; 陳鑫益; 許南山; 姜延年; 戴謙; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1011992飼養日齡對肉鴨屠宰性狀之影響陳婉琳; 盧世哲; 林誠一; 潘金木; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
1021991蛋黃著色劑添加對產蛋菜鴨蛋黃顏色的影響盧世哲; 陳婉琳; 潘金木; 林誠一; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
1031991Regulation of Gluconeogenesis from Proteins in Birds陳保基 ; Watford, M.; Chen, Bao-Ji The Physiologist 
1041991土番鴨組織中磺胺二甲嘧啶殘留之研究(一):靜脈注射與口服投藥之影響蘇宏基; 曾弘智; 盧世哲; 陳婉琳; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 
1051991產蛋菜鴨籠飼之探討李舜榮; 潘生才; 徐庶財; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1061991產蛋菜鴨對飼糧蛋白質轉換效率之研究陳婉琳; 盧世哲; 林誠一; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
1071990Duck ProductionChen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
1081990Niacin Requirement of Laying Tsaiya Duck (Anas Platryhynchos Var. Domestica)陳保基 ; Lu, S. J.; Chen, W. L.; Pan, C. M.; Chen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
1091990Study on the Cagefeeding System for Laying Tsaiya Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos Var. Domestica)Lee, S. R.; Pan, S. T.; Hsu, S. T.; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 5th Conference World's 
1101990A Favorable Outlook for Duck Production in the Far East and South PacificChen, Bao-Ji 
1111990飼料添加物餵飼土番鴨之效果及組織殘留量一表鰴素、鏈黴素及磺胺二甲盧世哲; 陳保基 ; 陳婉琳; 潘金木; 康清亮; 林誠一; 曾弘智; Chen, Bao-Ji 
1121990The Determination of True Metabolizable Energy (TME) Value on the Soybean Oil and Lard for DucksLu, S. J.; Chen, W. L.; Pan, C. M.; Lin, C. Y.; Kang, C. L.; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji The 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Taipei(1990.05) 
1131990Study on the Requirements of Crude Protein and Metabolizable Energy for Muscovy DuckChen, W. L.; Lu, S. J.; 陳保基 ; Pan, C. M.; Chen, Bao-Ji The 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Taipei(1990.05) 
1141990Effect of Vitamin A on the Production of Antibody in Chickens Immunized with Newcastle Disease Virus and Sheep Red Blood CellWang, Ching-Ho; Wu, Yi-Shing; Chen, Su-Jen; Chen, Bao-Ji 
1151990Potentiality of Duck Production in the Far East and South Pacific RegionsChen, Bao-Ji The 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
1161990The Periodic Change in Blood Components of Brown Tsaiya Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos Var. Domestica)Lu, S. J.; 陳保基 ; Chen, W. L.; Chen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 5th Conference World's 
1171990菜鴨的營養與飼料陳保基 79年飼料製造技術研習會專集 
1181990The Production of Foie Gras in Mule DucksChen, M. C.; Hu, Y. H.; Pan, C. M.; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji Proceedings of the 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress 
1191989Effect of Vitamin A on the Production of Antibody in Chickens Immunized with Newcastle Disease Virus and Sheep Red Blood CellWang, Ching-Ho; Wu, Yi-Shing; Chen, Su-Jen; Chen, Bao-Ji Memoirs of the College of Agriculture National Taiwan University 
1201989優良白色土番鴨親代選育李舜榮; 陳銘正; 胡怡浩; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 
1211988鴨的飼養與管理陳保基 畜牧要覽. 家禽篇 
1221988褐色菜鴨育成期不同限飼方法之研究潘金木; 林誠一; 康清亮; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1231987肉鴨生長及屠體性狀之測定潘金木; 李舜榮; 康清亮; 林誠一; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1241986褐色菜鴨產蛋間距遺傳性之探討李舜榮; 陳銘正; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究 
1251988雛土番鴨對碘之需要量王聖; 陳保基 ; 沈添富; Chen, Bao-Ji 中國畜牧學會會誌 
1261985產蛋菜鴨對錳需要量之研究潘金木; 李舜榮; 康清亮; 林誠一; 陳保基 ; Chen, Bao-Ji 畜產研究