第 1 到 122 筆結果,共 122 筆。

12024Recovery of Copper and Zinc from Livestock Bio-Sludge with An Environmentally Friendly Organic Acid ExtractionYen, Kuang-Wei; Chen, Wei-Chen; JUNG-JENG SU Animals : an open access journal from MDPI
22021Study of livestock biogas upgrading using a pilot-scale photocatalytic desulphurizer followed by a hollow fibre carbon dioxide adsorption moduleSu, Jung-Jeng ; Chung, Hsin-ChengThe Journal of Agricultural Science00
32020Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission through anaerobic digestion of livestock wasteJUNG-JENG SU The Role of Agriculture in Climate Change Mitigation(Chapter 6)00
42020Removal of hydrogen sulfide using a photocatalytic livestock biogas desulfurizerSU, JUNG-JENG ; Hong, Yu-YaRenewable Energy98
52020Establishing a Smart Farm-Scale Piggery Wastewater Treatment System with the Internet of Things (IoT) ApplicationsJUNG-JENG SU ; SHIH-TORNG DING ; Chung, Hsin-ChengWater1711
62020臺灣農業部門溫室氣體排放趨勢推估-動態可計算一般均衡模型之應用許聖民(Sheng-Ming Hsu); 王仁(Shitephen Wang); 李篤華(Duu-Hwa Lee); 林幸君(Hsing-Chun Lin); 蘇忠楨(Jung-Jeng Su); 邱祈榮(Chyi-Rong Chiou); 張靜貞(Ching-Cheng Chang); 徐世勳(Shih-Hsun Hsu); JUNG-JENG SU ; CHYI-RONG CHIOU ; SHIH-HSUN HSU 臺灣經濟預測與政策
72019Biofuel Produced from Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Cattle Manure in Coordination with Black Soldier Fly Larvae DecompositionC. Y. Wee; J.-J. Su Energies87
82019Evaluation of water scarcity footprint for taiwanese dairy farmingLiao, W.-T.; Su, J.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Animals00
92019Real-time monitoring of micro-electricity generation through the voltage across a storage capacitor charged by a simple microbial fuel cell reactor with fast Fourier transformSu J.-C.; Tang S.-C.; Su P.-J.; Su J.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Energies43
102019Photocatalytic oxidation of dairy effluent with UV lamp or UV light-emitting diode module and biological treatment processesJ. C. Su; Y. L. Wang; J. J. Su International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology65
112019Biogas production by anaerobic co-digestion of dairy wastewater with the crude glycerol from slaughterhouse sludge cake transesterificationChou, Y.-C.; Su, J.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Animals1612
122019Biodiesel production by acid methanolysis of slaughterhouse sludge cakeSu, J.-J.; Chou, Y.-C.; JUNG-JENG SU Animals32
132018Biological treatment of alkaline leather fleshing by a fleshing-enriched activated sludge reactor.Su JJ Proceedings of the 11th Asian International Conference of Leather Science and Technology 
142018Treatment of duck house wastewater by a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor system for sustainable duck productionJ. J. Su ; J. F. Huang; Y. L. Wang; Y. Y. HongPoultry Science65
152018Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions from farm-scale anaerobic piggery waste-water digestersJ. J. Su ; Y. J. ChenJournal of Agricultural Science32
162017Development of resource technology for animal waste management in Taiwan蘇忠楨 台德農業合作五十週年紀念暨循環農業國際研討會 
172017Development and demonstration of farm scale biogas bio-filter systems for livestock biogas applications in TaiwanSu JJ Advances in Renewable Energy Research 
182016雞糞生質能發電之投資可行性分析謝德衍; 蘇忠楨 ; 蕭為澤; 張靜貞; 徐世勳 農業經濟叢刊 00
192015畜牧場沼氣產製冷水之可行性研究湯立成; 利昕叡; 蘇忠楨 中國畜牧學會會誌 
202015養鴨場廢水分批式處理反應槽研究王翊蕾; 黃韻兒; 陳立純; 蘇忠楨 中國畜牧學會會誌 
212015區域性畜禽糞發電模式之建立及經濟效益分析蘇忠楨 ; 徐世勳; 孫世勤; 廖明村; 廖明村; 陳泓諺; 謝德衍; 蕭為澤; 陳立純104年度因應氣候變遷及糧食安全之農業創新研究成果發表暨研討會論文摘要集 
222015Monitoring of sulfur dioxide emission resulting from biogas utilization on commercial pig farms in TaiwanSu, J.-J.; Chen, Y.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Environmental monitoring and assessment1111
232015畜牧產業廢棄污泥轉製生質柴油之研究謝政哲; 陳立純; 王翊蕾; 蘇忠楨 中國畜牧學會會誌 
242015養豬場沼氣可以成為綠色能源嗎?蘇忠楨 百靈佳殷格翰養豬醫學新知 
252015The use of biotechnology in waste management: Biogas. Agricultural Biotechnology and Global CompetitivenessSu JJ Biotechnology and Green Productivity in Agriculture 
262014台灣禽畜糞液沼氣生產利用模式及策略蘇忠楨 2014 雲林縣禽畜糞液生質能應論壇會議論文集 
272014Ammonium reduction from piggery wastewater using immobilized ammonium-reducing bacteria with a full-scale sequencing batch reactor on farmSu, J.-J.; Chang, Y.-C.; Huang, S.-M.; JUNG-JENG SU Water Science and Technology87
282014雲林縣養豬專業區沼氣發電及利用模式規劃研究蘇忠楨 103年度因應氣候變遷及糧食安全之農業創新研究成果發表暨研討會論文集 
292014規模化養豬場糞污處理之管理策略蘇忠楨 第四屆海峽兩岸農業科研與教育研討會論文集 
302014A study of a pilot-scale biogas bio-filter system for utilization on pig farmsSu, J.-J.; Chen, Y.-J.; Chang, Y.-C.; JUNG-JENG SU Journal of Agricultural Science1413
312013減少環境衝擊之沼氣生產與利用蘇忠楨 2013畜產餘肥再生利用與環境改造國際論壇論文集 
322013雞糞生質能燃燒發電與雞糞堆肥溫室氣體產量之研究蘇忠楨 102年度因應氣候變遷及糧食安全之農業創新研究成果發表暨研討會 
332013減少環境衝擊之沼氣生產與利用蘇忠楨 離島地區興設生質能源中心技術研討會論文集 
342013Development of online sampling and matrix reduction technique coupled liquid chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry for determination maduramicin in chicken meatChang, K.C.; Su, J.J.; Cheng, C.; JUNG-JENG SU Food Chemistry1110
352013Hydrogen sulfide removal from livestock biogas by a farm-scale bio-filter desulfurization systemSu, J.-J.; Chang, Y.-C.; Chen, Y.-J.; Chang, K.-C.; Lee, S.-Y.; JUNG-JENG SU Water Science and Technology1818
362013Use of biotechnology in waste management: case of livestock biogas production and utilization for reducing environmental impactSu J.J. Asian Food and Agribusiness Conference 2013: Biotechnology and Global Competitiveness 
372013Characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoate-producing bacteria isolated from sludge of commercial pig farms for producing methyl estersChang, C.-F.; Chen, L.-C.; Hsieh, C.-J.; Chang, K.-C.; Su, J.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Water Science and Technology11
382013畜牧廢棄物處理及資源化技術蘇忠楨 2013中國文化大學/華中農業大學豬隻生產育種與動物醫學學術研討會論文集 
392012畜牧廢棄物處理之沼氣技術介紹蘇忠楨 101年度農委會「農業生物技術產業化國際趨勢發展論壇」 
402012畜牧業沼氣利用推廣蘇忠楨 台大農業推廣通訊雙月刊 
412012畜牧場沼氣精煉技術研究陳妍蓉; 蘇忠傑; 李思穎; 蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
422012養豬場廢水處理之溫室氣體排放係數先期研究蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
432012養牛廢水雙槽微生物燃料電池之研究李思穎; 蘇忠傑; 蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
442012利用養豬場廢水微生物生產聚羥基烷酯之研究陳立純; 蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
452012以生命週期評估台灣養豬場生產系統之碳足跡張原志; 蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
462012飼料中林可黴素檢驗方法之研發Kai-Chun Chang; Mei-Yun Chen; Yu-Ting Chang; JUNG-JENG SU 台灣農學會報 
472011綠能養豬發展新契機蘇忠楨 現代養豬 
482011Biogas utilization and policies for establishing green livestock farming in TaiwanSu J.J. International Conference on Green Korea 2011”Green Growth: Challenge, strategy and Cooperation 
492010農場規模養豬場沼氣生物脫硫系統之效率評估蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
502010Research and Development of Biogas Bio-desulfurization Techniques for Pig Farms in TaiwanSu JJ The 14th AAAP Animal Science Congress. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 
512010Feasibility estimation of a farm-scale biogas bio-desulfurization system for small pig farms in TaiwanSu JJ Proceedings The 4th Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference 
522010以碳分子篩去除養豬場沼氣中二氧化碳之效益評估蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
532009水產養殖池改善微生物製劑技術之產業化介紹蘇忠楨 創新深耕:生技成果產業化季刊 
542008沼氣生物脫硫技術研究蘇忠楨 五屆畜牧污染防治技術研討會論文集 
552008Isolation of sulfide oxidisers for desulfurising biogas produced from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment in TaiwanSu, J.-J.; Chen, Y.-J.; Chang, Y.-C.; Tang, S.-C.; JUNG-JENG SU Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 66
562008A mesophilic bio-filter reactor for desulfurizing biogas from pig farms in TaiwanSu JJ 2008 International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry
572008豬場生質能源產業化及關鍵技術新思維蘇忠楨 創新深耕:生技成果產業化季刊
582008丹麥畜牧業廢棄物處理之沼氣工廠技術介紹蘇忠楨 國際農業科技新知 
592008畜牧業沼氣生物脫硫系統開發及世界沼氣工廠市場評估蘇忠楨 農業生技產業季刊 00
602007Isolation of sulfur oxidizers for desulfurizing biogas produced from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment in TaiwanSu JJ 2007 Greenhouse Gaeses and Animal Agriculture Conference 
612007丹麥畜牧業斃死畜化製技術與法規介紹蘇忠楨 國際農業科技新知 
622007畜牧場沼氣生物脫硫系統研究蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
632006畜牧廢水處理產生之溫室氣體產量與減量對策蘇忠楨 工業生產時溫室氣體排放與減量對策 
642006Reduction of greenhouse gases from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment by bromochloromethane in TaiwanSu JJ 氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展 
652006A strain of Pseudomonas sp. isolated from piggery wastewater treatment systems with heterotrophic nitrification capability in TaiwanSu, J.-J.; Yeh, K.-S.; Tseng, P.-W.; KUANG-SHENG YEH ; JUNG-JENG SU Current Microbiology10481
662006Application of bioreactors with immobilized Pseudomonas sp. SU3 and Pseudomonas stustzeri SU2 cells for treating piggery wastewater.Su JJ the 12th Symposium of Young Asian Biochemical Engineers’ Community 
672006畜牧場污泥生物處理技術研究蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
682006Effect of bromochloromethane on reduction of methane produced from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment systemsSu JJ The 2nd International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture 
692006Emission of Greenhouse Gas from Livestock Waste and Wastewater Treatment in TaiwanSu JJ 氣候變遷、衝擊、因應與永續發展研究進展 
702006畜牧場沼氣生物脫硫菌株研究蘇忠楨 中畜會誌 
712005脫氮菌在降低畜牧場廢水中化學需氧量之應用蘇忠楨 微生物在廢棄物資源化之應用研討會論文集專書 
722005異營性硝化菌與脫氮菌在水產養殖上之應用蘇忠楨 養魚世界 
732005Dietary modification for reducing electrical conductivity of piggery wastewaterYu, I.T.; Su, J.J.; Wu, J.F.; Lee, S.L.; Ju, C.C.; Yen, H.T.; JUNG-JENG SU Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences65
742005生物製劑在水產養殖之應用蘇忠楨 海峽兩岸第一次農業生物技術研討會論文集 
752005食品廢水處理廠溢散H2S去除之探討—以統一公司永康處理廠為例周日新; 簡志賢; 蘇忠楨 經濟部產業環保工程實務研討會論文集 
762005以生物技術解決養豬產業的環保挑戰蘇忠楨 農科新世紀 
772004養豬廢水處理用本土異營性硝化菌之分離與研究蘇忠楨 中國畜牧學會會誌 
782004Microbial indicators for differentiation of human- and pig-sourced fecal pollutionChou C.-C.; Lin Y.-C.; JUNG-JENG SU ; CHIN-CHENG CHOU Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering67
792004Assessment of Reasonable Water Quality of Irrigation Canals by Introducing the Effluents from Pig Farms and Strategies of Reducing Electrical Conductivity in Piggery WastewaterSu JJ Journal of the Agricultural Association of China 
802004Identification and recycling of the main organic matters from the effluents of pig farmsSu JJ the 11th Animal Science Congress of Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies 
812004Reduction of greenhouse gases from anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment by bromochloromethane in TaiwanSu, J.-J.; Liu, B.-Y.; Chang, Y.-C.; JUNG-JENG SU Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes00
822003養豬場放流水中腐植酸之回收利用與水資源之保護蘇忠楨 經濟部水利署永續發展簡訊 
832003Emission of greenhouse gas from livestock waste and wastewater treatment in TaiwanJUNG-JENG SU ; Liu, B.-Y.; Chang, Y.-C.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
842002Utilization of an aerobic denitrifier, Ps. stutzeri SU2, isolated from wastewater treatment system for removing nitrogen from organic wastewatersSu JJ 國際農業生物技術學術研討會壁報論文集 
852002Experience of Piggery Wastewater Treatment in Taiwan--- Legislation, Operation Systems, and SocietySu JJ the Xth International Congress of Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies 
862002Emission of greenhouse gas from anaerobic pig and dairy cattle wastewater treatment in TaiwanSu JJ Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture, Part I. Overview of greenhouse gases and animal agriculture 
872002Reduction strategies of greenhouse gases due to anaerobic piggery wastewater treatment in TaiwanSu JJ the Xth International Congress of Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies. 
882001Emission of Greenhouse Gas from Anaerobic Pig and Dairy Cattle Wastewater Treatment System in TaiwanSu JJ the 1st International Conference on Greenhouse gas and Animal Agriculture 
892001養豬場放流水中電解質成份分析與電導度降低對策研究蘇忠楨 中國畜牧學會會誌 
902001Isolation of an aerobic denitrifying bacterial strain NS-2 from the activated sludge of piggery wastewater treatment systems in Taiwan possessing denitrification under 92% oxygen atmosphereJUNG-JENG SU ; Liu, B.-Y.; Lin, J.; Yang, C.-P.Journal of Applied Microbiology
912001Livestock Wastewater treatment by Using Environmental Biotechnology and Sequencing Batch Reactor SystemSu JJ TEPA-US EPA Bilateral Cooperation Program --- River Basin/Water Quality Management Workshop 
922001Identifying an interfering factor on chemical oxygen demand (COD) determination in piggery wastewater and eliminating the factor by an indigenous Pseudomonas stutzeri strainJUNG-JENG SU ; Liu, B.-Y.; Chang, Y.-C.Letters in Applied Microbiology
932001Application and study of native aerobic denitrifier for enhanced removal of COD interfering factor from livestock wastewaterSu JJ the 26th Wastewater Treatment Technology Conference, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering 
942001Comparison of aerobic denitrification under high oxygen atmosphere by Thiosphaera pantotropha ATCC 35512 and Pseudomonas stutzeri SU2 newly isolated from the activated sludge of a piggery wastewater treatment systemJUNG-JENG SU ; Liu, B.-Y.; Liu, C.-Y.Journal of Applied Microbiology
952000Research on a newly isolated aerobic denitrifier from swine wastewater treatment facilities for enhanced biological nitrogen removalSu JJ the 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies 
962000Identification of aerobic denitrifiers from activated sludge of piggery wastewater treatment system and detection of Ps. stutzeri SU2 from environmental samples by using 16S rDNA approachSu JJ the 25th Wastewater Treatment Technology Conference, Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering 
972000Interference of nitrite in COD measurement of swine wastewater and strategies for advanced nitrite removalSu JJ the 2000 International Livestock Pollution Control Forum 
982000淺談餿水養豬業對於水資源保護的貢獻蘇忠楨 經濟部水資源局永續發展簡訊 
992000畜牧業永續經營與環境教育蘇忠楨 永續農業與環境教育研討會 
1001999Experience of operating a full-scale sequencing batch reactor system for treating piggery wastewater in Asia--the Taiwan experienceSu JJ The 3rd International Symposium of the Environmental Center for Livestock Waste Management
1011999Differentiation of human and animal pollution from polluted domestic rivers by using microbial indicatorsSu JJ The 99th General meeting Abstract Book of American Society for Microbiology 
1021999Isolation and research on indigenous aerobic denitrifiers from the activated sludge of sequencing batch system for treating swine wastewaterSu JJ the 24th Wastewater Treatment Technology Conference
1031999台灣畜牧廢水處理模式與推廣蘇忠楨 兩岸青年學者論壇之「二十一世紀兩岸農業交流與合作學術研討會」 
1041999Studies on piggery wastewater treatment by a full-scale sequencing batch reactor after anaerobic fermentationJ. J. Su ; W. C. Lian; J. F. WuChung-hua Nungxue Huibao 
1051998Studies on effects of commercial strewed microbial deodorants for removing major pig house odorsSu, J.-J.; Yu, I.-T.; Lin, J.-S.; Liou, H.-C.; Feng, Y.-J.; JUNG-JENG SU Journal of the Agricultural Association of China 
1061998Introduction to the technology of piggery wastewater treatment in Taiwan--the TPWT and the SBR systemSu JJ Technical Bulletin of the American Soybean Association 
1071998Studies on biological treatment of major pig house odorsJUNG-JENG SU Journal of the Agricultural Association of China0
1081998Techniques of piggery waste and wastewater treatment in TaiwanSu JJ Technical Bulletin of the ASA Swine Treatment Training Program in Taiwan 
1091998Studies on a polyphosphate-accumulating organism from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor for piggery wastewater treatmentSu JJ the 23rd Wastewater Treatment Technology Conference
1101998養豬廢水處理技術與兼氣糞尿池之管理蘇忠楨 美國穀物協會技術論文 
1111997Treatment of piggery wastewater by contact aeration treatment in coordination with the anaerobic fermentation of three-step piggery wastewater treatment (TPWT) process in TaiwanJUNG-JENG SU Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control32
1121997Utilization of sequencing batch reactor for in situ piggery wastewater treatmentSu, J.-J.; Kung, C.-M.; Lin, J.; Lian, W.-C.; Wu, J.-F.; JUNG-JENG SU Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Environmental Science and Engineering and Toxic and Hazardous Substance Control
1131997Composting as a suitable technique for managing dead livestockSu JJ the 1997 Feed Manufacturing Technology 
1141997三段式豬糞尿廢水處理設施與分批式廢水處理反應之比較蘇忠楨 養豬手冊R7 
1151997Biological treatment of pig house odorsSu JJ the 14th Air Pollution Technology Conference
1161997Demonstration of piggery wastewater treatment by a full-scale sequencing batch reactor after anaerobic treatmentSu JJ the 22nd Wastewater Treatment Technology Conference
1171997臺灣養豬廢水處理技術介紹--三段式廢水處理設施與分批式廢水處理反應槽系統蘇忠楨 美國黃豆協會技術論文 
1181997Dead livestock disposalSu JJ the 1997 Feed Manufacturing Technology 
1191997分批式自動化廢水處理反應槽--養豬廢水處理的另一種選擇蘇忠楨 養豬手冊R6 
1201996Toluene and xylene degradation by a denitrifying strain of Xanthomonas maltophilia with limited or no oxygenSu, J.J.; Kafkewitz, D.; JUNG-JENG SU Chemosphere1110
1211994Aerobic denitrificationKafkewitz D; Su JJ Trends in Ecology & Evolution 
1221994Utilization of toluene and xylenes by a nitrate-reducing strain of Pseudomonas maltophilia under low oxygen and anoxic conditionsSu JJ FEMS Microbiology Ecology230