(Principal Investigator)

第 1 到 14 筆結果,共 14 筆。

2023Exploring the Neural Network and Strategies of Preservation in Inherited Retinal DegenerationTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2022Whole Genome Sequencing and Functional Validation for Unsolved Families of Retinitis PigmentosaTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2022Exploring the Neural Network and Strategies of Preservation in Inherited Retinal DegenerationTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2022Development of a Novel Method, Protocol and Reagent for Rapid Genetic Screening of Inherited Retinal DegenerationTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2021Whole Genome Sequencing and Functional Validation for Unsolved Families of Retinitis PigmentosaTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2019Study of Bioengineering Approaches with Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Ganglion Cells for Repair and Regeneration from Optic Nerve DiseasesTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2019針對早發黃斑部退化之視網膜色素變性家族之全基因體定序TA-CHING CHENNational Taiwan University Hospital
2018Study of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Ganglion-Like Cells in Animal Models of Acute Optic NeuropathyTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2018表觀基因調控神經幹細胞在感光細胞分化與空間規律性之探討 – 血管內皮生長因子及其下游信號所扮演之角色TA-CHING CHENNational Taiwan University Hospital
2017Study of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Ganglion-Like Cells in Animal Models of Acute Optic NeuropathyTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2017根據本院遺傳性視網膜失養症之次世代定序基因檢測平台資料進行進階全外顯子定序及斑馬魚實驗模型之先導性研究TA-CHING CHENNational Taiwan University Hospital
2016針對遺傳性視神經疾患及粒線體相關疾病建立以次世代定序為基礎之基因檢測平台TA-CHING CHENNational Taiwan University Hospital
2015Study of Personalized Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Patients of Compressive Optic Neuropathy with Pituitary TumorTA-CHING CHENNational Science and Technology Council
2015針對遺傳性視網膜失養症疾病建立以次世代定序為基礎之基因檢測平台TA-CHING CHENNational Taiwan University Hospital