第 1 到 56 筆結果,共 56 筆。

12023臺灣女生的大城小事:章緣、美國及越界HSIN-CHIN HSIEH ; 謝欣芩她們在移動的世界中寫作:臺灣女性文學的跨域島航
22022Taiwan and the "South": Transnationality and Migration in Contemporary Taiwan Documentary FilmmakingHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2022 American Comparative Literature Association conference
32022Documentary Films as a Medium of Intervention: Visualization and Mediation of New Immigrant Issues in TaiwanHSIN-CHIN HSIEH TaiwanLit
42022Migration State in the Making: Biopolitics, Public Discourse and Documentary Filmmaking on Migrant Workers in TaiwanHSIN-CHIN HSIEH The 4th World Congress of Taiwan Studies
52022移工議題影像化:當代台灣紀錄片的職場空間與生命政治Visualizing Migrant Worker Issues Workplace and Biopolitics in Contemporary Taiwan Documentaries謝欣芩 中外文學
62022後新電影的混音景觀:《第四張畫》與《椰仔》的新移民二代家庭與族群關係謝欣芩 臺灣文學研究集刊
72022Shuttling between Isles, Unearthing Roots: Self-positioning and Cross-cultural Representation of Second-generation Immigrants in Contemporary Taiwan FilmsHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2022 European Association of Taiwan Studies annual conference
82022影像啟動文學的來世:當代台灣文學紀錄片的三種路徑謝欣芩 中國現代文學
92021都會男女的真心話大冒險:《徵婚啟事》跨媒介改編謝欣芩 性別島讀:臺灣性別文學的跨世紀革命暗語
102021移動與不動之間:當代台灣影像中的移工情慾與情感政治謝欣芩 2021台灣東南亞區域研究年度研討會
112021Blood is Not the Only Thing: Re-imaging Family Relationship, Intimacy and Migration in Contemporary Taiwan FilmHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2021 European Association of Taiwan Studies annual conference
122020Connecting the Local and the Global: the Association for Taiwan LiteratureHsin-Chin Evelyn Hsieh International Journal of Taiwan Studies10
132020Repositioning Taiwan: Historical representation and transformative identity in Taiwanese American literatureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH Translocal Chinese: East Asian Perspectives00
142020'See You, Lovable Strangers’. Exploring experiences of Vietnamese irregular migrants in Taiwan through filmmakingTsung-Lung Tsai; HSIN-CHIN HSIEH ; Isabelle Cheng (translator)The IIAS Newsletter
152020空間越界與多重身分:當代台灣紀錄片中新移民女性的家庭實踐謝欣芩 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究
162020「面向臺灣」的影像生產:阮金紅新移民紀錄片的母國觀點與雙向對話錄謝欣芩 人文社會科學研究
172020移民/工文學謝欣芩 臺灣文學主題平台:區域文學史「移民/工主題」
182020世界平台的台灣文學教學謝欣芩 ; 蔡詠絮台灣文學教學國際研討會
192019Becoming Taiwanese: Negotiation, Assimilation and Sociocultural Intervention of New Immigrants in Contemporary Documentary FilmHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2019 North American Taiwan Studies Association annual conference
202019Writing for Recognition: Generational Differences and Transformative Identities in Taiwanese American LiteratureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2019 European Association of Taiwan Studies annual conference
212019From Le Moulin (2015) to "Synchronic Constellation" (2019): Documenting and Materializing Multiculturality of Japanese Colonial TaiwanHSIN-CHIN HSIEH The 5th Conference of the International Project on Art and Aesthetics (IPAA)
222019Documentary as a Tool of Intervention: Gender and Identity Politics of Southeast Asian Marriage Migrants in TaiwanHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2019 NYU-Shanghai Center for Global Studies annual conference: Asian Migration
232019鏡頭的凝視與揭露:東南亞移工紀錄片的職場空間與身體政治謝欣芩 2019文化研究學會年會
242018聽見的可能:鏡頭下的新移民女性謝欣芩 幼獅文藝
252018我們的異國夢帶有一點「台灣味」:談新世代女性的留學生文學謝欣芩 幼獅文藝
262018New Immigrants' Double Intervention and Contemporary Taiwan Documentary FilmmakingHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2018 North American Taiwan Studies Association annual conference
272018紐約作為鄉園之一-李渝作品的時空錯置與族裔地景謝欣芩 淡江中文學報
282018「家」的離返、徘徊與跨越:當代紀錄片中新移民女性的空間越界與多重身份謝欣芩 2018台灣文學學會年會
292017Taiwan is My Home: New Immigrants' Stories and Homeness in Contemporary Taiwanese Television ProgramHSIN-CHIN HSIEH Rethinking Transnationalism in the Global World: Contested State, Society, Border and the People in between
302017臺灣現代詩作的「精靈寶可夢GO」書寫與教學實踐林于弘; 謝欣芩 2017高等教育教學實務研究學術研討會
312017Unspoken Stories: Taiwanese Female Immigrants' Documentary FilmmakingHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2017 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
322017History, Politics, and Identity: Joyce Huang and Taiwanese American LiteratureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH Chinese America: History and Perspectives
332017A Window to Japan: Arai Hifumi's Sinophone Writing in TaiwanHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2017 Asian Studies Conference Japan
342016李渝筆下的紐約/美國與時空錯置謝欣芩 論寫作:郭松棻與李渝文學研討會
352016「台灣留美客」:章緣《當張愛玲的鄰居》的跨界移動與城市書寫謝欣芩 文史台灣學報
362015Representations of familial intimacy across the Taiwan Strait: The reinvention of homeness among Taiwanese wives in documentariesHSIN-CHIN HSIEH CHINA INFORMATION33
372015Multilingual Practice in Sinophone Taiwanese Cinema: From A City of Sadness, Cape No. 7 to We Are FamilyHSIN-CHIN HSIEH The Alliance to Advanced Liberal Arts College workshop on teaching Chinese film
382015Women Always on the Road: Translocal Representation of Chinese Urban Space in Contemporary Taiwanese LiteratureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2015 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
392015Life on the move: Women's migration and re/making home in contemporary Chinese and Sinophone literature and filmHSIN-CHIN HSIEH University of Oregon. Ph.D. dissertaion
402014Cross-Strait Migration and Homeness in Contemporary Chinese and Taiwanese Documentary FilmHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2014 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
412013Women's Migration and Home-making in Contemporary Taiwanese FilmHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 62nd Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs
422013家的變遷、新移民在地化與華語語系台灣的建構謝欣芩 第12屆國際青年學者漢學會議
432013Representing the Early Chinese Immigration: Trans-Pacific Family and Memory in Sinophone Canadian LiteratureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2013 Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast annual conference. Monterey, USA. 2013.06.
442012Home, Memory and Boundary-crossing in Chinese Women's AutobiographyHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2012 UCLA China Undisciplined conference
452011Transnational Migration, Mobility and Female Agency in Sinophone LiteratureHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2011 New England Association for Asian Studies Conference
462010Cross-border Migration: Transnational Connection and Local Representation in Zhang Yuan's WorkHSIN-CHIN HSIEH Taiwan Literature and Culture Graduate Student Conference
472009章緣《疫》的離散華人跨界移動與在地社群生成謝欣芩 台灣文學論叢(二)
482009異鄉人的紐約:華文小說的離散華人書寫與地方再現謝欣芩 國立清華大學台灣文學研究所碩士論文
492008《臺灣新民報》「曙光」專欄之文學現象考察(1930-1932)謝欣芩 台灣詩學
502008New York as Diasporic Space: The Geopolitical and Diaspora Writing in Pai Hsien-Yung's The New YorkerHSIN-CHIN HSIEH 2008 Annual North American Taiwan Studies annual conference
512008向陽詩作的自然意象與土地意識謝欣芩 2008南投文學學術研討會
522006台灣現代醫生詩人的疾病觀察與醫療書寫林于弘; 謝欣芩 中山醫學大學「第一屆台灣語文暨文化研討會」
532005The Transmission of International Culture in Elementary School TextbooksHSIN-CHIN HSIEH ; Wan-Ting Wang2005 International Students Leader Symposium
542005莫渝「類型詩作」的表現方式與主題意涵林于弘; 謝欣芩 第三屆苗栗縣文學-靈山秀水研討會
552005從口腹到心肝-台灣飲食散文中的父母情懷謝欣芩 國立台北師範學院九十三學年度語文教育學系學生論文發表會
562005二大報文學獎新詩得獎作品析論(2000-2004)謝欣芩 淡江大學中國文學系第六屆大學生學術論文研討會