Browse by SDGs / 依聯合國永續發展目標主題瀏覽
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    Chen, Cheng-Che
    College of Medicine, National Taiwan University
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    Efficacy and safety of margetuximab plus chemotherapy trastuzumab plus chemotherapy in Chinese patients with pretreated HER2-positive advanced metastatic breast cancer: results from a randomized, open-label, multicenter, phase II bridging study.
    Zhang, Qingyuan
    Ouyang, Quchang
    Li, Wei
    Chiu, Joanne
    Yan, Min
    Sun, Sanyuan
    Li, Huiping
    Du, Yingying
    Wang, Xujuan
    Sun, Tao
    Yin, Yongmei
    Wang, Haibo
    Ye, Feng
    Shen, Kunwei
    Wang, Jingfen
    Pan, Yueyin
    Wang, Shusen
    Yang, Jin
    Wu, Xiaohong
    Dai, Ming-Shen
    Cheng, Jing
    Teng, Yuee
    Su, Fang
    Wu, Xinhong
    He, Jingdong
    Fu, Peifen
    Yang, Lulu
    Xin, Yuan
    Wang, Xiaojia
    Jiang, Zefei
    Trastuzumab is the recommended first-line treatment for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients in China, but therapeutic resistance to trastuzumab and other early-line treatments is common and late-line treatment options are limited. Derived from the same murine precursor antibody, margetuximab has enhanced anti-tumor activity compared with trastuzumab and may be an effective late-line treatment. However, data regarding the use of margetuximab in pre-treated Chinese patients are scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of margetuximab plus chemotherapy trastuzumab plus chemotherapy in Chinese patients, and to determine whether the results are consistent with the clinical benefit of margetuximab observed in the pivotal global phase III study.
    Scopus© Citations 3
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    A transferable in-silico augmented ischemic model for virtual myocardial perfusion imaging and myocardial infarction detection.
    Harnod, Zeus
    Lin, Chen
    Yang, Hui-Wen
    Wang, Zih-Wen
    Huang, Han-Luen
    Lin, Tse-Yu
    Huang, Chun-Yao
    Young, Hsu-Wen V
    Lo, Men-Tzung
    This paper proposes an innovative approach to generate a generalized myocardial ischemia database by modeling the virtual electrophysiology of the heart and the 12-lead electrocardiography projected by the in-silico model can serve as a ready-to-use database for automatic myocardial infarction/ischemia (MI) localization and classification. Although the virtual heart can be created by an established technique combining the cell model with personalized heart geometry to observe the spatial propagation of depolarization and repolarization waves, we developed a strategy based on the clinical pathophysiology of MI to generate a heterogeneous database with a generic heart while maintaining clinical relevance and reduced computational complexity. First, the virtual heart is simplified into 11 regions that match the types and locations, which can be diagnosed by 12-lead ECG; the major arteries were divided into 3-5 segments from the upstream to the downstream based on the general anatomy. Second, the stenosis or infarction of the major or minor coronary artery branches can cause different perfusion drops and infarct sizes. We simulated the ischemic sites in different branches of the arteries by meandering the infarction location to elaborate on possible ECG representations, which alters the infraction's size and changes the transmembrane potential (TMP) of the myocytes associated with different levels of perfusion drop. A total of 8190 different case combinations of cardiac potentials with ischemia and MI were simulated, and the corresponding ECGs were generated by forward calculations. Finally, we trained and validated our in-silico database with a sparse representation classification (SRC) and tested the transferability of the model on the real-world Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) database. The overall accuracies for localizing the MI region on the PTB data achieved 0.86, which is only 2% drop compared to that derived from the simulated database (0.88). In summary, we have shown a proof-of-concept for transferring an in-silico model to real-world database to compensate for insufficient data.
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    Understanding the Association Between Home Broadband Connection and Well-Being Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in China: Nationally Representative Panel Data Study.
    (JMIR Publications, 2025-02-10)
    Yang, Lu
    Lynch, Chris
    Oldenburg, Brian
    Haregu, Tilahun
    Background: Access to digital technology is among the major social determinants of health, and digital divide impacts health inequality. Yet, the impact of digital connectivity on the well-being and psychosocial outcomes in adults has not been fully studied. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the association of home broadband connection with health and well-being of middle-aged adults and adults older than 45 years in China. Methods: A panel data study design of the national sample of China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) was conducted in 2015, 2018, and 2020. This study included 16,185 participants older than 45 years. The associations between digital connectivity (home broadband connection), loneliness, social participation, and life satisfaction were assessed using mixed effects logistic regression models, adjusting for socioeconomic factors, behavioral factors, and locality. Broadband internet connectivity, feelings of loneliness, social participation, and satisfaction with life were measured using the self-reported CHARLS questionnaire. Results: We observed a substantial increase in digital connectivity from 29.5% in 2015 to 59.8% in 2020. Broadband internet connection at home was positively correlated with social participation (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.34, 95% CI 1.28-1.41) and life satisfaction (AOR 1.30, 95% CI 1.20-1.40), after adjusting for confounding factors, while the absence of broadband internet connection was associated with increased loneliness (AOR 0.81, 95% CI 0.77-0.86). These associations were consistent across age, gender, socioeconomic groups, and geographic areas. Conclusions: This study highlights the potential additional health benefits of digital connectivity beyond the known advantages. Our results suggest the importance of expanding broadband access to enhance social inclusion and life satisfaction. Further research is needed to understand the broader implications and digital determinants of health associated with digital connectivity.
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    Sex-specific associations between prolonged serum uric acid levels and risk of major adverse cardiovascular events.
    Chien, Hsiu-Ting
    Lin, Yu-Wen
    Shen, Li-Jiuan
    ; ;
    Chen, Yi-An
    Lin, Fang-Ju
    While hyperuricemia has been correlated with cardiovascular (CV) diseases, further evidence is required to evaluate the implications of stable serum uric acid (sUA) levels, especially concerning low sUA. This study aimed to investigate prolonged stable sUA levels and CV events/mortality. We conducted a retrospective cohort study at a medical center using electronic medical records linked with the national claims database. Patients with at least two sUA measurements, with intervals ranging from 6 months to 4 years, were included. The mean of the first two eligible sUA measurements were analyzed, stratified by sex. Outcomes of interest comprised major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), heart failure hospitalization, CV and all-cause mortality. This study included 33,096 patients (follow-up: men 6.6 years, women 6.4 years). After multivariable adjustment, cubic spline models showed that long-term high sUA levels were consistently associated with a higher risk of MACE, heart failure hospitalization, CV and all-cause mortality. A U-shaped association was observed between sUA levels and all-cause mortality in both sexes and between sUA levels and CV mortality in women. The impact of sUA, especially lower levels, on CV events and mortality was more pronounced in women than in men. Long-term high sUA levels are consistently associated with increased risk of CV events and mortality. A U-shaped association between sUA levels and all-cause mortality was observed in both men and women and was pronounced in women. The findings underscore the importance of considering sUA levels, especially in women, when assessing CV risk.
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