
第 1 到 22 筆結果,共 22 筆。

BAU-SHOW LIN林寶秀 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 景觀規劃與設計; 環境資源評估; 綠屋頂設計與效益評估; 都市綠地效益評估
CHIA-KUEN CHENG鄭佳昆 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 環境行為分析與預測; 景觀資訊科技; 人文層面景觀資源; 景觀意象及美學; 資源永續利用規劃設計
CHUN-TA WU吳俊達 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 種子學; 果實採後儲運技術; 植物生理
CHUN-YEN CHANG張俊彥 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics Therapeutic Landscapes; Recreational Planning and Management; Landscape Ecology; Landscape Planning and Design
DER-MING YEH葉德銘 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 花壇植物; 新興切花作物; 室內植物; 景觀草本植物
FU-CHIUN HSU許富鈞 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 作物育種; 作物基因體學; 植物抗逆境生理與機制; 植物繁殖技術
FUU SHEU許輔 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Center for Biotechnology 
HSIAO-FENG LO羅筱鳳 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Center for Biotechnology 園藝植物生理學; 蔬菜學
HUI-MEI CHEN陳惠美 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 景觀遊憩規劃設計; 景觀遊憩心理行為研究; 園藝治療與療癒景觀設計; 休閒遊憩經營管理
HYUNGMIN RHO盧炯敏 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Advanced Horticultural Crop Physiology
IOU-ZEN CHEN陳右人 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 果樹生理; 亞熱帶果樹; 營養分析
KUO-TAN LI李國譚 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture small fruits; using the concept of carbohydrate and water supply and demand balance
PO-JU CHANG張伯茹 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 景觀休閒規劃與設計; 環境與休憩心理學; 都市景觀與休閒行為研究
SHU-I LIN林淑怡 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 番茄尻腐病生理調控機制與防治對策之探討; 番茄裂果生理因素與防治對策之探討; 植物工廠立體水耕栽培萵苣; 蔬菜作物磷調控之生理與分子機制; 嫁接技術在蔬菜生產上之應用; 發展智慧型植物以監控植物對磷或其他營養元素之需求
SHU-YEN LIN林書妍 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 氣味分析與應用; 果樹生態生理; 茶葉栽培與生產; 茶葉品質化學; 常綠果樹
SZ-JIE WU吳思節 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 蔬果及藥用植物原料鑑別與食品安全; 園產品加工與新產品開發; 發酵與釀造技術
WEN-JU YANG楊雯如 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS) 蔬菜育種; 遺傳及種原
YAO-CHIEN CHANG張耀乾 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Floricultural physiology on orchids, bulbs, and cut flowers
YEN-CHOU KUAN官彥州 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Postharvest Physiology; Postharvest Disease; Biological Chemistry; Postharvest Technology
YI-YIN DO杜宜殷 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Master Program in Global Agriculture Technology and Genomic Science (Global ATGS) Crop gene cloning and analysis; Characterization and regulation of sex expression and fruit development in bitter gourd, and studies in stress physiology utilizing biotechnology; Characterization of signal transduction in the plant hormone ethylene, auxin, ABA, GA, and cytokinin responses
YU-SEN CHANG張育森 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture 觀賞樹木學; 地被植物; 開花生理學; 草坪管理技術; 園藝作物栽培生理
YUAN-TAY SHYU徐源泰 Horticulture and Landscape Architecture  Research Center of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (CCSD) 食品與農業生物技術; 生物多樣性; 農業政策與生農產業規劃; 微生物