第 1 到 45 筆結果,共 45 筆。

12022運數說與南宋亡國論述方震華 漢學研究
22022以車抗騎--宋代的戰車論述與實務方震華 新史學
32020將從中御的困境-軍情傳遞與北宋神宗的軍事指揮方震華 臺大歷史學報
52019權力結構與文化認同 : 唐宋之際的文武關係 [875-1063]方震華 
62018朱熹與恢復論──"立場改變說"的檢討方震華 唐宋歷史評論
72017Military families and the southern song courtthe-lu caseCHENG-HUA FANG Warfare in China to 160000
82017[Book Review] Reunification of China: Peace through War under the Song Dynasty. By Peter Lorge . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015CHENG-HUA FANG Journal of Chinese History
92017復仇大義與南宋後期對外政策的轉變 = Revanchism and the Change of Foreign Policy in Late Southern Song China方震華 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊
102017夷狄無百年之運-運數論與夷夏觀的分析方震華 臺大歷史學報
112016破冤氣與回天意-濟王爭議與南宋後期政治(1225-1275)方震華 新史學
122015和戰與道德-北宋元祐年間棄地論的分析方震華 漢學研究
132014轉機的錯失──南宋理宗即位與政局的紛擾方震華 臺大歷史學報00
142013北宋中晚期文士對武力的定位(A.D. 1022-1126)方震華 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 
152013從和戎到拓邊-北宋中期對外政策的轉折方震華 新史學 
162012才兼文武的追求──唐代後期士人的軍事參與方震華 臺大歷史學報00
172012[Review] Peter Lorge (ed.): Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. ix, 252 pp. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2011CHENG-HUA FANG Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
182011傳統領域如何發展? ──對宋代政治史研究的幾點觀察方震華 臺大歷史學報00
192011養兵衛民-募兵制合理化論述在宋代的建構 = Hiring Soldiers to Protect the People: Song Dynasty Arguments Justifying the Use of Mercenary ArmiesCHENG-HUA FANG 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 00
202011戰爭與政爭的糾葛-北宋永樂城之役的紀事CHENG-HUA FANG 漢學研究00
212009Power structures and cultural identities in imperial China : civil and military power from Late Tang to Early Song Dynasties (A.D. 875-1063)CHENG-HUA FANG 
222009Political History Crossing through the Dynastic BoundariesCHENG-HUA FANG 新政治史研究的展望研討會
232008理想兵制的形塑:唐宋時期的兵農合一論方震華 基調與變奏:七至二十世紀的中國
242007唐宋政治論述中的貞觀之政──治國典範的論辯方震華 臺大歷史學報00
252007歷史學門調查計畫成果報告吳展良 ; 甘懷真 ; 王遠義 ; 方震華 ; 秦曼儀 ; 劉慧; 林欣儀人文與社會科學簡訊 
262006軍務與儒業的矛盾─衡山趙氏與晚宋統兵文官家族方震華 新史學 00
272005The Price of Orthodoxy: Issues of Legitimacy in the Later Liang and Later Tang = 正統王朝的代價―後梁與後唐的政權合理化問題方震華 臺大歷史學報0
282005Military Families and the Southern Song Court—The Lu CaseCHENG-HUA FANG The International Library of Essays on Military History:Warfare in China to 1600 
292004文武糾結的困境──宋代的武舉與武學 = The Dilemma of Recruiting Military Talent through Literary Approaches:the Military Examination and Military Academy in Song China方震華 臺大歷史學報0
302004文武糾結的困境─宋代的武舉與武學方震華 宋史研究集
312003Military Families and the Southern Song Court—The Lu CaseCHENG-HUA FANG Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies 
332002Establishing An Orthodox Dynasty: the Problems of Legitimacy in the Later LiangCHENG-HUA FANG The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies
342002書評:包偉民,《宋代地方財政史研究》方震華 臺大歷史學報00
352001Power structures and cultural identities in imperial China: Civil and military power from late Tang to early Song dynasties (A.D. 875-1063)CHENG-HUA FANG Thesis (Ph.D.)--Brown University
362000Barbarians and Confucians—the Complex Image of Military Officials in the Five DynastiesCHENG-HUA FANG 中國歷史上的軍事與社會國際研討會
372000The Southern Song Court and Military Network—the Case of the Lu FamilyCHENG-HUA FANG Chinese Military History Symposium
381999一九八0年以來宋代政治史中文論著回顧方震華 中國史學 
391998Generals and Books--the Concepts of Great Generals in the Song DynastyCHENG-HUA FANG Chinese Military History Workshop
401995賈似道與襄樊之戰方震華 大陸雜誌 
411994晚宋政爭對邊防的影響方震華 大陸雜誌 
421992現行高中課本第二冊南宋與金代政治史部分檢討方震華 人文及社會學科教學通訊 
431992晚宋邊防研究(A.D.1234-1275)方震華 台灣師範大學歷史研究所碩士論文
441992近四十年南宋末政治史中文論著研究CHENG-HUA FANG 臺灣師大歷史學報 00
451991評陳世松等著《宋元戰爭史》CHENG-HUA FANG 新史學 00