第 1 到 78 筆結果,共 78 筆。

12021Chapter 6 Yijing and Medicine: Discussions of the Gate of Life in Late Imperial ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG The Other Yijing: The Book of Changes in Chinese History, Politics, and Everyday Life
22021求人不如求己-明清時期自學入醫者的動機、行醫與評價張嘉鳳 新亞學報
32019一切皆忘──《折肱漫錄》的養生與知識建構張嘉鳳 法國漢學
42017Medicine and Prognostication: A Case Study on the Taisumai Pulse-Taking Technology in Pre-modern ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG Nova Acta Leopoldina
52017Body, Yijing, and Medicine: A Case Study on the Mingmen (Gate of Life) in Song-Ming ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG Workshop on the The Yijing: Alternative Visions and Practices (2017)
62016. 9Medicine and Prognostication: A Case of the Taisu Pulse Taking Technology in Ming-Qing ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG The Annual Assembly of Leopoldina
72016. 7Sketches of the History of Prognostication in ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG International Conference of Mantic Arts in China
82015. 7Divination and Diagnosis: Physiognomy of Children in Chinese Medical LiteratureCHIA-FENG CHANG The 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
92013愛身念重 ──《折肱漫錄》(1635)中文人之疾與養張嘉鳳 臺大歷史學報0
102013VariolationCHIA-FENG CHANG Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History 
112013自少及長──晉宋之間醫籍對小兒年齡之界定及其醫療意義CHIA-FENG CHANG 第四屆國際漢學會議論文集──衛生與醫療 
122013黃帝不能察其幼小-宋清之間小兒醫的自我認同與社會定位CHIA-FENG CHANG 新史學 
132013十九世紀牛痘的在地化──以《ロ英咭唎國新出種痘奇書》、《西洋種痘論》與《引痘略》為討論中心張嘉鳳 醫療、社會文化史讀本 
142012第九屆科學史研討會彙刊張澔; 李國偉; 張嘉鳳 ; 周維強; 林聰益編
152012隋唐醫籍中的小兒病因觀試探CHIA-FENG CHANG 臺大文史哲學報 
162011Disease and Its Impact on Politics, Diplomacy and the Military: The Case of Smallpox and the Manchus (1613-1795)CHIA-FENG CHANG Global Health
172011「疾疫」與「相染」──以《諸病源候論》為中心試論魏晉至隋唐之間醫籍的疾病觀張嘉鳳 疾病的歷史 
192010天事恆象──殷周至漢初天文占卜體系的發展與演變張嘉鳳 從科技看中國史
212008宋代兒科醫學發展的困境與突破 (新制多年期第1年)張嘉鳳 
222008變化的身體──晉唐之間的小兒變蒸理論張嘉鳳 從醫療看中國史
232008Das Konzept der "Lebenspforte" (mingmen) Während der Jin-, Yuan- und Ming- ZeitCHIA-FENG CHANG Chinesische Medizin 
242008Diagnosing the Crying Child: Pediatrics and Its Breakthrough during the Jin-Tang Period (265-907張嘉鳳 the 12th International Conference of the History of Science in East Asia, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University 
252008The Body Needs to be Warmed and replenished: Mingmen in Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Ming Dynasty張嘉鳳 the Workshop on the Body Wholes, Body Parts: A Cultural History of the Body in Chinese Medicine Department of History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 2008. 7. 19 
262008第八屆科學史研討會彙刊張澔; 張之傑; 張嘉鳳 ; 陳恆安; 周維強編
272007十九世紀初牛痘的在地化-以《(口英)咭唎國新出種痘奇書》、《西洋種痘論》與《引痘略》為討論中心 = The Localization of the Cowpox Vaccination in Early Nineteenth-Century China張嘉鳳 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 00
292007第七屆科學史研討會論文集徐光台; 郝俠遂; 張嘉鳳 ; 周維強編臺北:中央研究院國際科學史委員會 
302007Book review: Joanna Grant -- A Chinese physician: Wang Ji and the "stone mountain medical case histories"CHIA-FENG CHANG Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 
312007Die Entwicklung der Vorstellung von der Lebenspforte (mingmen) während der Jin (1115 - 1234), Yuan (1271 - 1368) und Ming (1368 - 1644) ZeitCHIA-FENG CHANG Zeitschrift für Qigong Yangsheng 
322007科學、技術與醫學CHIA-FENG CHANG 中國文化史 
332006書評:范家偉 《六朝隋唐醫學之傳承與整合》(2004)張嘉鳳 中國文化研究所學報
342006The Interrelationship between Daoism and Medicine in Ancient China: A Case Study on the Conception of Mingmen (gate of life)張嘉鳳 the 3rd International Conference on “Daoism and the Contemporary World – Daoist Cultivation in Theory and Practice”, Munich: University of Munich 
352006傳統中國天文的成立與開展-以分野說為中心張嘉鳳 科技與中國社會工作坊,臺北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所 
362005百年來鄭和研究的特色與趨勢張嘉鳳 鄭和研究與活動通訊 
372005操行英雄立功差難-晉唐之間小兒醫學的成立與對小兒醫的態度張嘉鳳 新史學 00
382005When the Patient Becomes A Doctor: A Case Study on the Zhegong Manlu (Random Notes on Broken Limb, 1635)張嘉鳳 the 11th International Conference on the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in East Asia, Munich: Deutsches Museum, 2005 
392005中國古代天文對政治的影響──以漢相翟方進自殺為例張嘉鳳 ; 黃一農政治與權力 
402005The Guizi’s (Ghost) Method: Vaccination in the Nineteenth Century China張嘉鳳 the Workshop on Epidemics in China (Cambridge: Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, 2005) 
412005Developing the Heavenly Flower without Medicine: Vaccination in the Nineteenth Century China張嘉鳳 the International Conference on the Infectious Diseases and Human Flows in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Dimensions, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University 
422005變化的身體界線──晉唐之間小兒變蒸理論初探CHIA-FENG CHANG 從醫療看中國史學術研討會
432005「疾疫」與「相染」──以《諸病源候論》為中心試論魏晉至隋唐之間醫籍的疾病觀張嘉鳳 生命與醫療 
442005無師自通-以《折肱漫錄》為例張嘉鳳 傳統東亞文明與科技自然知識的傳承與演變學術研討會,臺北:臺灣大學東亞文明中心 
462004中西醫學的接觸與中西結合醫學的發展張嘉鳳 科技與人文的對話初編
472004操行英雄立功差難-漢唐之間的小兒與小兒醫學張嘉鳳 第一屆臺灣STS研習營,教育部STS跨領域整合計畫主辦,南投 
482004百年來鄭和研究的特色與趨勢張嘉鳳 鄭和下西洋(1405~1433):歷史與文化的涵義研討會,美國哈佛燕京學社、香港城市大學中國文化中心主辦,Cambridge, M.A 
492003煞在「迷信」與「傳統」之間張嘉鳳 中央日報
502003上工治未病──中國主流醫學的發展張嘉鳳 網路與書 
512002Disease and its impact on politics, diplomacy, and the military: the case of smallpox and the Manchus (1613-1795)CHIA-FENG CHANG Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences3119
522002Disease, Anxiety and Collective Memory - Cases from the Late Han to Sui DynastiesCHIA-FENG CHANG The 10th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
532002漢唐時期的天文機構與活動、天文知識的傳承與資格張嘉鳳 法國漢學 
542001“The Origins of Childhood Disease in Medieval China”張嘉鳳; CHANG, Chia-Feng The Ninth International Conference on the History of Science in China
552001“Purified Yet Susceptible Body – The Image of Child and Aetiology of Child Disease in Medieval China”張嘉鳳 The XX1st International Congress of History of Science, Mexico City, Mexico(2001.07) 
562001「疾疫」與「相染」──以《諸病源候論》為中心試論魏晉至隋唐之間醫籍的疾病觀張嘉鳳 臺大歷史學報
572001L'ufficio astronomicoCHIA-FENG CHANG Storia della Scienza. v. II
582000“Conceptions of 'Contagion' in the Seventh Century China”張嘉鳳; CHANG, Chia-Feng Symptom on Chinese Healing Tradition: Texts Translations
592000〈「染易」與「傳染」-以《諸病源候論》為中心試論漢唐之際醫籍中的疾病觀〉張嘉鳳 「「疾病」的歷史」學術研討會, 台北,中央研究院歷史語言研究所(2000.06) 
602000A General Review on the History of Chinese Medicine in China and Taiwan, 1919-1999CHANG, Chia-Feng The International Workshop of Medecine en Chine, Techniques de Sant eacute; et Histoire Sociale 
612000Dispersing the Foetal Toxin of the Body – Conceptions of Smallpox Aetiology in Pre-modern ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-modern Societies 
621999“Body, Desire and Disease – A Case of Taidu in Traditional Chinese Medicine”張嘉鳳; CHANG, Chia-Feng The 9th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
631999第五屆科學史研討會論文集張嘉鳳 ; 劉君燦主編
641998生化之源與立命之門-金元明醫學中的「命門」試探CHIA-FENG CHANG 新史學 00
651998Variolation, Vaccination and Medical Theory in Nineteenth Century ChinaChia-Feng Chang International Convention of Asian Scholars 
661997傳統中國醫藥中的命門觀念張嘉鳳; CHIA-FENG CHANG 醫療與中國社會學術研討會, 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 
671997Legends, Rituals and Disease - Variolation during the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries ChinaChia-Feng Chang History of Science Society 1997 Annual Meeting
681996清康熙皇帝採用人痘法的原因與時間試探張嘉鳳 中華醫史雜誌
691996清初的避痘與查痘制度張嘉鳳 漢學研究
701996When the Chinese Encountered Vaccination in the Nineteenth CenturyCHIA-FENG CHANG The 8th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
711996Aspects of smallpox and its significance in Chinese history張嘉鳳; CHIA-FENG CHANG PhD Dissertation, London: School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
721995Strategies of Dealing with Smallpox in the Qing Imperial FamilyCHIA-FENG CHANG East Asian Science: Tradition and Beyond 
731993Conceptions of 'Contagion'- Smallpox Etiology in Pre-modern ChinaCHIA-FENG CHANG The Symposium on Conceptions of Contagion in Pre-modern Societies
741993The Impact of Smallpox on the ManchusCHIA-FENG CHANG The 7th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
751991中國傳統天文的興起及其歷史功能張嘉鳳; CHIA-FENG CHANG 新竹:清華大學歷史研究所碩士論文
771990The Influence of Astronomy on Politics – A Case in the Late West Han DynastyChia-Feng Chang; Yi-Long Huang; CHIA-FENG CHANG The 6th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia
781990中國古代天文對政治的影響──以漢相翟方進自殺為例張嘉鳳; 黃一農; CHIA-FENG CHANG 清華學報