第 1 到 79 筆結果,共 79 筆。

12023宗教與現代臺灣發展關係的思考:從基督宗教看臺灣與世界HUI-HUNG CHEN ; 陳慧宏公共人文學的反思與實踐──以臺灣為場域
22023羅馬教廷的文藝復興--古典古籍與聖經傳統的共榮故事陳慧宏 故宮文物月刊
32022Alan Richard Sweeten: China's Old Churches: The History, Architecture, and Legacy of Catholic Sacred Structures in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei ProvinceChen, Hui-Hung Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies-University of London0
42021一套收藏於美國的中國近代史掛圖:臺灣戒嚴時期歷史教育之政治意涵與疆域概念陳慧宏 歷史學柑仔店
52021種族議題與黑人教會:文化交流例證的當代啟發陳慧宏 歷史學柑仔店
62021從耶穌會的羅馬聖母聖像看中國聖母的特質及其世界史脈絡陳慧宏 近代史研究所集刊
72021The Hanging Maps of Modern Chinese History at Brown UniversityHUI-HUNG CHEN Brown University Library Project
82021A Couple of Soles: a Comic Play from Seventeenth-Century ChinaChen, Hui Hung SEVENTEENTH CENTURY0
92020.11論東亞視野下的基督宗教 (An Eastern-Asian View of Christianity)陳慧宏 第十二屆東亞人文學論壇: 典範轉移-東亞文化的互動與整合 (The Twelfth East Asia Forum on Humanities (EAFH-12) Paradigm Shift: Interaction and Integration among East Asian Cultures)
102020.07宗教與現代台灣發展關係的思考:從基督宗教看台灣與世界陳慧宏 「臺灣公共人文的試探」學術研討會
112020Santa Maria Maggiore's Madonna icon of Rome and its story with China: reconsidering the complexity of Mary and Guanyin and its global significanceHUI-HUNG CHEN Rivista degli Studi Orientali (RSO)
122019.09Santa Maria Maggiore's Madonna Icon of Rome and China: Three Spanish and Portuguese Jesuits and Their Translations of the Virgin MaryHUI-HUNG CHEN The Conference of Visions of Humanity and Letters: Chinese Culture and the Two Tides of Western Learning, from the Late Ming to Early Modern Times
132019.07天主聖母世界傳播之亞洲:西班牙圖像和文獻在中國與日本的流傳陳慧宏 西學與明清之際的文化變遷系列工作坊(ㄧ)
142019從聖母看明清中國天主教的宗教調適與文化互動陳慧宏 《天主教研究學報》之專號〈中國天主教教會史學:歷史資源和方法論〉
152019從十七世紀兩件史料看聖母的世界史脈絡:西班牙、日本、和中國的一個跨域交流陳慧宏; HUI-HUNG CHEN 漢學研究
162019書評:評Christopher M. S. Johns China and the Church: Chinoiserie in Global Context陳慧宏 漢學研究
172018.12東亞文化交流中的「歐洲」:從天主教聖母世界史角度的一個討論陳慧宏 第十屆五校聯盟「東亞人文學論壇」「東亞文學與文化的交流互動」研討會
182018.05聖母看明清中國天主教的宗教調適與文化互動陳慧宏 「中國天主教教會史學:歷史資源和方法論」學術會議
192018Shaping the Anthropological Context of the "Salus populi Sinensis" Madonna Icon in Xian, ChinaHUI-HUNG CHEN Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas; Jesuit Studies, vol. 14
202018明末天主教圣母圖像所見的圣母神化與觀音信仰陳慧宏 國際比較文學
212017.12耶穌會士李瑪諾與明末江南陳慧宏 2017明清研究國際學術研討會
222017.11耶穌會士李瑪諾與聖母像陳慧宏 第五屆「澳門學」國際學術研討會
232017兩幅耶穌會士的聖母聖像──兼論明末天主教的「宗教」陳慧宏 臺大歷史學報00
242017Shaping the Anthropological Context of the "Salus Populi Sinensis" Madonna Icon in Xian of ChinaHUI-HUNG CHEN The Symposium of Encounters between Jesuits and Protestants in Asia and the Americas
252016在「國家」及「文明」之外的人類的故事書陳慧宏導讀 我們的歷史
262015Review of The Virgin Mary and Catholic Identities in Chinese History, by Jeremy ClarkeChen, Hui-Hung Journal of Chinese Religions
272015Rethinking Chinese Madonna Images and Cult in the Seventeenth CenturyHUI-HUNG CHEN The seminar of the International Conference: Christian Missionaries and East Asia in the Early Modern Period
282015Two Madonna Icons in Late Ming China: Jesuit Perplexity on Chinese Religions and ConfucianismHUI-HUNG CHEN The Faculty Seminar Meeting, Department of History, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan ( (臺灣大學歷史學系講論會)
292015Perspectives of the Research on the History of Christianity in China and Japan in Recent DecadesHUI-HUNG CHEN International Conference: Christian Missionaries and East Asia in the Early Modern Period
302015Review of Home and the world: editing the "Glorious Ming" in woodblock-printed books of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, by Yuming HeHUI-HUNG CHEN The Seventeenth Century00
312014書評:李奭學《譯述:明末耶穌會翻譯文學論》陳慧宏 漢學研究
322014A Chinese Treatise Attributed to Xu Guangqi (1615): How the Jesuits in China Defined ‘Sacred Images’Hui Hung Chen Europe Meets China, China Meets Europe: The Beginnings of European-Chinese Scientific Exchange i
332014A Material Dimension of Christian Sacred Images: The Case of the Virgin Mary in Chinese Encounters and Communications in Early Modern Period 基督聖像的物質性:聖母案例在早期近現代的中國HUI-HUNG CHEN The Tenth Annual International Conference on the History of Cultural Exchange: Theories, Reviews, and Trends (第10 屆文化交流史:理論、回顧與趨勢國際學術研討會)
342013.12An Interdisciplinary Perspective to a Historical Issue: A Jesuit Madonna Case in the Seventeenth CenturyHUI-HUNG CHEN Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar Talk
352013利瑪竇研究的過往及思考:兼論幾本新著及利瑪竇史料 = Rethinking the studies on matteo ricci: Reviews and sourcesHUI-HUNG CHEN Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies = 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊00
362013Review of The Jesuit Mission to New France: A New Interpretation in the Light of the Earlier Jesuit Experience in Japan, by Takao AbeHUI-HUNG CHEN Renaissance Quarterly00
372013Rethinking the Faith and Image of the Holy Mother in Late-Ming Jesuit MissionsHUI-HUNG CHEN The symposium entitled "Christianity Translated: Knowledge Circulation and Epistemic Transformation through Missionary Enterprise (16th-19th centuries)"
382013The Agency of a Paradox: Rethinking the Madonna Images and Cult in Jesuit China MissionsHUI-HUNG CHEN East Asian Archaeology Forum (EAAF)
392013文化交流研究入門介紹陳慧宏 臺大東亞文化研究00
402013Review of Europe in China-China in Europe: Mission as a Vehicle to Intercultural Dialogue, ed. Paul WidmerHUI-HUNG CHEN The Catholic Historical Review00
412012道味與孝情:家族喪禮感思,暨略談鐘鳴旦《禮儀的交織》陳慧宏 臺大歷史系學術通訊
422012A Chinese Treatise Attributed to Paul Xu (1615): How the Jesuits in China Defined 'Sacred ImagesHUI-HUNG CHEN The symposium entitled "Beginnings of European-Chinese Scientific Exchange in the 17th Century"
432012明末天主教白話文本的初步研究 (A Preliminary Research on Vernacular Texts in Late-Ming Catholicism)陳慧宏 「從晚明到晚清:文學‧翻譯‧知識建構」國際學術研討會
442012Review of A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552-1610, by R. Po-chia HsiaHUI-HUNG CHEN The Catholic Historical Review00
452011Il corpo umano come l'universo: comprendere il Cielo attraverso la raffigurazione e le percesione nella cartografia gesuitica in CinaChen, Hui-Hung La Cina nella cartografia da Tolomeo al XVII secolo i mappamondi di Matteo Ricci e Giulio Aleni = China in cartography from Ptolemy to XVII century = 中國地圖學:從托勒密時期到十七世紀
462011從一件託名為徐光啟之作談天主教之何謂藝術 How Catholicism Termed'Art': A Chinese Treatise Attributed to Paul Xu (Xu Guangqi; 1562-1633)陳慧宏 The Faculty Seminar Meeting, Department of History, National Taiwan University (臺灣大學歷史學系講論會)
472010清華大學人文社會研究中心訪問研究陳慧宏 台大歷史系學術通訊
482010Aristotelianism in the Visual Discourses of the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit China MissionsHUI-HUNG CHEN The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
492010耶穌會傳教士利瑪竇時代的視覺物像及傳播網絡陳慧宏 紀念利瑪竇逝世四百週年國際學術研討會:東西方對話的初啟與開展
502010Review of The Missionary Strategies of the Jesuits in Ethiopia (1555-1632) , by Leonardo CohenHUI-HUNG CHEN Renaissance Quarterly00
512010耶穌會傳教士利瑪竇時代的視覺物像及傳播網絡陳慧宏 新史學00
522010Giulio Aleni e la Prospettiva in CinaChen, Hui-Hung Giulio Aleni: Commento e immagini della incarnazione del Signore del Cielo = 艾儒略:天主降生出像經解
532009Chinese Perception of European Perspective: A Jesuit Case in the Seventeenth CenturyHui-Hung Chen The Seventeenth Century85
542009試論耶穌會傳教士利瑪竇時代的視覺物象及傳播網絡(Visual Objects and Communication Contexts in the Period of the Jesuit Matteo Ricci (1552-1610)陳慧宏 「匯聚亞洲--交流中所形塑的亞洲」國際學術研討會 (Confluence--Exchanges in the Making of Asia)
552009Visual Objecthood and Friendship Building in the Early Jesuit China MissionsHUI-HUNG CHEN The International Conference on Transcultural Studies: Languages, Figures, and Material Culture (「跨文化研究:語言、人物、物質文化」國際研討會)
562009Visual Objecthood and Friendship Building in the Early Jesuit China MissionsHUI-HUNG CHEN The Centre for Seventeenth-Century Studies Twelfth International Conference: Friends and Enemies: Collaboration and Conflict in the Seventeenth Century
572008Image and Soul: A Research on Jesuit Vision in Seventeenth-Century China陳慧宏 Chinese Cross Currents 
592008A European Distinction of Chinese Characteristics: A Style Question in Seventeenth-Century Jesuit China Missions = 「中國性」的歐洲解釋:耶穌會中國傳教區的「風格」問題初探 =陳慧宏 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊 00
602008Aristotelianism in Multiple Discourses of the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit China Missions: An Epistemological Attempt or a Geoculture?陳慧宏 International Conference on the History of Cultural Interactions: A Comparative Perspective
612008推薦序:從環境史重新解讀全球化陳慧宏 哥倫布大交換 : 1492年以後的生物影響和文化衝擊
622007The Human Body as a Universe: Understanding Heaven by Visualization and Sensibility in Jesuit Cartography in China陳慧宏 The Catholic Historical Review108
632007Review of Journey to the East: The Jesuit Mission to China, 1579-1724, by Liam Matthew Brockey陳慧宏 Renaissance Quarterly 00
642007「文化相遇的方法論」──評析中歐文化交流研究的新視野陳慧宏 臺大歷史學報00
652007試論利瑪竇時代耶穌會的視覺語言陳慧宏 第3屆「文化交流史:點與線的觀察與思維」國際學術研討會
662007An Anthropological Approach to the Jesuit China Mission in the Early Modern Period: Christian Devotional Materials in a Cross-Cultural Context陳慧宏 Workshop and International Conference 2007: Data and Interpretation on Contemporary Understanding of Anthropological Knowledge
672007國立臺灣大學所藏大鳥文庫之耶穌會傳教文獻陳慧宏 國立臺灣大學圖書館館藏大鳥文庫目錄 
682006A Cross-Cultural Transformation of Western Vision in the Jesuit China Missions of the Early Modern Period陳慧宏 College Art Association (CAA) 94th Annual Conference
692005歷史學是一門科學嗎?引介John Lewis Gaddis, The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past Illustrated. 1992 pp. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.陳慧宏 臺大歷史學報00
702005A European Distinction of Chinese Characteristics: the Style Question in Seventeenth-Century Jesuit China Missions陳慧宏 International Conference on “Chineseness” and “Europeanness” in East Asian Perspective
712004Encounters in Peoples, Religions, and Sciences: Jesuit Visual Culture in Seventeenth Century China陳慧宏 Brown University. Thesis (Ph.D.)
722004The Human Body as a Universe: Understanding Heaven by Visualization and Sensibility in Jesuit Cartography in China陳慧宏 2nd International Junior Scholars’ Conference on Sinology (第二屆國際青年學者漢學會議) 
732004One Example of Visual Material in the Comparative Framework of China and the Overseas: the Façade of the Church of St. Paul in Macao陳慧宏 18th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia
742004Visualization as a Spiritual Practice: A Jesuit Meditation in Late-Ming Society陳慧宏 2004 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion
752002Why is Christ Bound to Incarnate? A Chinese Version of Jerome Nadal's Illustrated Gospel Evangelicae Historiae Imagines in the Seventeenth CenturyHUI-HUNG CHEN The College Art Association (CAA) 90th Annual Conference
762002本無形之可擬, 乃降生之遺容—十七世紀的中國福音書插畫 (From Invisibility to Visibility—Gospel Illustrations in Seventeenth Century China)陳慧宏 宗教與藝術國際研討會
772001European Cultic Images in China: Two Chinese-Style Madonna Images of the Seventeenth CenturyHUI-HUNG CHEN The 5th Annual Graduate Student Symposium in the Department of Art History at the University of Southern California, U.S.A.
781994敦煌莫高窟早期的千佛圖 = Thousand-Buddha Paintings in the Early Period at Mao-Kao Cave of Tun-Huang in China陳慧宏 國立台灣大學藝術史研究所碩士論文
791993彌勒淨土的具體呈現—敦煌莫高窟彌勒淨土變陳慧宏 法光月刊