第 1 到 77 筆結果,共 77 筆。

12024Motivated cognitive control during cued anticipation and receipt of unfamiliar musical themes: An fMRI studyLi, Chia Wei; CHEN-GIA TSAI Neuropsychologia
22023The Structure and Function of Mind-Wandering in Chinese Regulated VerseCHEN-GIA TSAI Humanities (Switzerland)00
32023Prediction errors arising from switches between major and minor modes in music: An fMRI studyCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Fu, Yi Fan; Li, Chia WeiBrain and Cognition00
42023Anticipating the main theme: A model for understanding prospective memory and reward learning in sonata-form listeningCHEN-GIA TSAI Musicae Scientiae
52022Attention Control and Audiomotor Processes Underlying Anticipation of Musical Themes while Listening to Familiar Sonata-Form PiecesLi, Chia-Wei; CHEN-GIA TSAI Brain sciences31
62021Cognitive control in agents: On the importance of supplementary motor area in the brain for music activitiesCHEN-GIA TSAI Journal of Music Research
72021Predictive processing, cognitive control, and tonality stability of music: An fMRI study of chromatic harmonyLi C.-W; Guo F.-Y; CHEN-GIA TSAI Brain and Cognition4
92019Music enhances activity in the hypothalamus, brainstem, and anterior cerebellum during script-driven imagery of affective scenesLi, Chia Wei; Cheng, Tzu Han; CHEN-GIA TSAI Neuropsychologia87
102019Increased activation in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and temporal pole during tonality change in musicCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Li, Chia WeiNeuroscience Letters42
112019從內模仿到訊息整合:再探音樂引發情緒的機制蔡振家 藝術評論
122019Is it speech or song? Effect of melody priming on pitch perception of modified mandarin speechCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Li, C.-W.Brain Sciences
132018音樂創作的心理學:自我、執行控制、創意產生蔡振家 關渡音樂學刊
142018Roles of posterior parietal and dorsal premotor cortices in relative pitch processing: Comparing musical intervals to lexical tonesCHEN-GIA TSAI ; TAI-LI CHOU ; Li CWNeuropsychologia65
152017The effect of harmonization on cortical magnetic responses evoked by music of rapidly changing tonalitiesWen, Ya Chien; CHEN-GIA TSAI Psychology of Music54
162017戲曲「緊拉慢唱」板式的音樂特徵與戲劇運用蔡振家 ; 夏菉廷戲劇學刊
172017文學主題音樂對於博物館參觀經驗之影響-以賴和紀念館為例蔡振家 ; 杜薇; 陳佳利博物館學季刊
182017為何華語流行樂壇以情傷歌曲為主?試析抒情歌曲的療癒潛質蔡振家 ; 李家瑋; 葉家含; 陳容姍; 林耀盛 本土心理學研究
192017鄧麗君歌曲對於臺灣健康老年人與失能老年人之情緒效應吳孟庭; 蔡振家 人文社會與醫療學刊
202016Female Listeners’ Autonomic Responses to Dramatic Shifts Between Loud and Soft Music/Sound Passages: A Study of Heavy Metal SongsTzu-Han Cheng; CHEN-GIA TSAI Frontiers in Psychology06
212015音樂與科學的當代邂逅:從基礎研究到醫療應用蔡振家 界定跨科際 
222015高齡者的音樂治療:認知神經科學的觀點曾念生; 蔡振家 人文社會與醫療學刊 00
232015The Influence of Background Music on the Visitor Museum Experience: A Case Study of the Laiho Memorial Museum, TaiwanChen, C.-L.; CHEN-GIA TSAI Visitor Studies60
242015京劇《碰碑》、《南天門》中的度脫與救贖-精神醫學與觀眾心理的探索Nian-Sheng Tzeng; Chen-Gia Tsai; 曾念生; 蔡振家 戲劇學刊 
252015Relaxation and executive control processes in listeners: An exploratory study of music-induced transient suppression of skin conductance responsesCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Yang, C.-M.; Chen, I.-P.; CHIEN-CHUNG CHEN Empirical Studies of the Arts10
262015Experiencing affective music in eyes-closed and eyes-open states: an electroencephalography studyYun-Hsuan Chang; You-Yun Lee; KENG-CHEN LIANG ; I-Ping Chen; CHEN-GIA TSAI ; Shulan HsiehFrontiers in Psychology1510
272015Musical Tension over Time: Listeners’ Physiological Responses to the ‘Retransition’ in Classical Sonata FormCHEN-GIA TSAI ; CHUNG-PING CHEN Journal of New Music Research67
282015Neuromagnetic brain activities associated with perceptual categorization and sound-content incongruency: A comparison between monosyllabic words and pitch namesCHEN-GIA TSAI ; CHIEN-CHUNG CHEN ; Wen, Y.-C.; TAI-LI CHOU Frontiers in Human Neuroscience21
292015Listening to music in a risk-reward context: The roles of the temporoparietal junction and the orbitofrontal/insular cortices in reward-anticipation, reward-gain, and reward-lossLi, C.-W.; Chen, J.-H. ; CHEN-GIA TSAI Brain Research1916
302014華語流行歌曲的聽眾研究:腦造影實驗與生理訊號測量蔡振家 ; 陳志宏; 李家瑋國立政治大學2014創新研究國際學術研討會 
312014Urban canyon effect: Storm drains enhance call characteristics of the Mientien tree frogTan, W. H.; CHEN-GIA TSAI ; Lin, C.; Lin, Y. K.Journal of Zoology1110
322014解析「主歌-副歌」形式:抒情慢歌的基模轉換與音樂酬賞陳容姍(Rong-Shan Chen); 余思霈(Szu-Pei Yu); 蔡振家(Chen Gia Tsai) 應用心理研究 
332013亂世英雄的「鬧天宮」與「碰碑」:精神醫學與觀眾心理之探索蔡振家 「梅蘭芳與京劇的傳播」第五屆京劇學國際學術研討會 
342013以情緒感受為基礎的音樂情緒資料庫陳一平; 林智祥; 蔡振家 中華心理學刊
352013古箏彈絃位置之音色分析與演奏實踐楊宜樺; 蔡振家 音樂研究 
362013音乐情绪跟音乐认知的关系:美学与心理学的对话蔡振家 星海音乐学院学报 
372013音樂認知心理學蔡振家 00
382012渴望.解決.酬賞系統:聽眾對於終止式的情緒反應蔡振家 ; 陳容姍藝術學報 
392012Relating the harmonic-rich sound of the Chinese flute (dizi) to the cubic nonlinearity of its membraneCHEN-GIA TSAI The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 
402012Specialization of the posterior temporal lobes for audio-motor processing: evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of skilled drummersCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Li-Ying Fan; Shu-Hui Lee; JYH-HORNG CHEN ; TAI-LI CHOU European Journal of Neuroscience76
412011西樂敘說紅色神話─音樂基模轉換在京劇樣板戲中的功能與實踐蔡振家 ; 楊為茜戲劇學刊 00
422011另類閱讀表演藝術中的大腦疾病與音聲異常蔡振家 知識通訊評論
432010京劇鑼鼓與爵士鼓音樂的口頭再現:功能性核磁共振造影研究蔡振家 「迎向21世紀台灣音樂學:全球化與跨文化」研討會 
442010大翅鯨與鳴禽的歌曲形式—生物音樂學的跨領域研究蔡振家 星海音樂學院學報 
452010博物館中的文學聲景—試析聲音元素在文學展示中的 角色與功能陳佳利; 李捷葳; 蔡振家 博物館學季刊 
462010Bamboos as the material for saxophone reedCheng, J.-Y.; CHEN-GIA TSAI ; Lee, S.-C.20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010 - Incorporating Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society
472010Neural mechanisms involved in the oral representation of percussion music: An fMRI studyCHEN-GIA TSAI ; CHIEN-CHUNG CHEN ; TAI-LI CHOU ; JYH-HORNG CHEN Brain and Cognition108
482010博物館中的文學聲景—試析聲音元素在文學展示中的角色與功能蔡振家(Tsai, Chen-Gia) ; 陳佳利(Chen, Chia-Li); 李捷葳(Lee, Chieh-Wei)博物館學季刊00
492009從神經科學的觀點探討動作想像對於音樂演奏的重要性呂怡萱; 蔡振家 關渡音樂學刊 00
502009從政治宣傳到戲劇妝點──1958-1976年京劇現代戲的詠嘆與歧出蔡振家 戲劇學刊 
512009帶有雜質的樂音-聽覺模型及「泛音-噪音比」蔡振家 關渡音樂學刊
522009Dynamic B-Mode Ultrasound Imaging of Vocal Fold Vibration During PhonationCHEN-GIA TSAI ; Chen, J.-H.; YIO-WHA SHAU ; TZU-YU HSIAO Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology2822
532009從臺灣的喇叭弦看樂器的「延伸適應」蔡振家 黃鍾—武漢音樂學院學報
542009從政治宣傳到戲劇妝點─1958-1976年京劇現代戲的詠嘆與歧出蔡振家(Tsai, Chen-gia) 戲劇學刊00
552009臺灣亂彈戲皮黃腔的音樂特色:與其它劇種的比較研究蔡振家 紀念俞大綱先生百年誕辰戲曲學術研討會論文集
562008具有非線性邊界條件的琴弦振動:京胡「開花音」的聲學研究蔡振家 黃鍾—武漢音樂學院學報 
582008癲癇研究對於音樂心理學的一些啟示蔡振家 ; 林永煬星海音樂學院學報 
592008腦內模仿-〈音樂與鏡像神經元:從運動到情緒〉導讀CHEN-GIA TSAI 關渡音樂學刊 00
602008浪漫化的瘋癲-戲曲中的大腦疾病蔡振家 民俗曲藝
612008Laryngeal Mechanisms During Human 4-kHz Vocalization Studied With CT, Videostroboscopy, and Color Doppler ImagingCHEN-GIA TSAI ; YIO-WHA SHAU ; HON-MAN LIU ; TZU-YU HSIAO Journal of Voice65
622007當京劇演員碰到北管戲-記「逍遙劇場」北管表演藝術傳習計畫蔡振家 文資學報 
632007野性的呼喚-淺談音樂中的嘈雜音色蔡振家 物理雙月刊 
642007聽見1933年的「跳舞時代」蔡振家 臺灣音樂研究 00
652006疾病與作曲:以Smetana、Wolf、Schubert的梅毒為例蔡振家 臺灣音樂研究 00
662006試論戲曲音樂與認知心理學-以客家戲《喜脈風雲》、《大宰門》為例蔡振家 臺灣戲專學刊 00
672006Inharmonic sounds of bowed strings in Western music and Beijing operaCHEN-GIA TSAI The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
682005中國笛的音準、音域與音色:笛膜的Duffing振子模型蔡振家 傳統樂器學術研討會
692005表演者的混沌嗓音-吼音的跨領域探討蔡振家 戲劇學刊 
702005Multi-pitch effect on cognition of solo music: examples of the Chinese flute, Jew’s harp and overtone singingTsai, Chen-Gia International Symposium on Body & Cognition
712005疾病與作曲:以Smetana、Wolf、Schubert的梅毒為例November 11-12; 蔡振家 2005臺灣音樂學論壇00
722004The timbre space of the Chinese membrane flute (dizi): physical and psychoacoustical effects (invited).Tsai, Chen-Gia ; November 15-19148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America 
732004Auditory grouping in the perception of roughness induced by subharmonics: empirical findings and a qualitative modelTsai, Chen-Gia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics
742004絕對音感的認知心理學研究蔡振家 關渡音樂學刊 
752004Experimental research of the flow field in a brass mouthpiece-like channel using Particle Image Velocimetry.Chen, Jeng-Horng; Tsai, Chen-Gia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics
762004Helmholtz’s nasality revisited: physics and perception of sounds with predominance of upper odd-numbered harmonicsTsai, Chen-Gia Proceedings of the International Symposium on Musical Acoustics
772000論臺灣亂彈戲福路聲腔屬於亂彈腔系─聲腔板式與劇目的探討蔡振家 民俗曲藝