第 1 到 67 筆結果,共 67 筆。

12023Energy Futures of/with Energy GenerationHsin-yi Lu Energy Futures: Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life
22022Contested futures of/with energy generationAbram, Simone; Bresciani, Chiara; LU Hsin-yi ; Müller, Katja; Vonderau, AstaEnergy Futures Anthropocene Challenges, Emerging Technologies and Everyday Life
32022專題導言:當代時景呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
42022從時間面向重思離岸風電與沿岸漁業的衝突呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
52021工業隙縫裡的盆栽景觀:人與樹在失調環境中的符應與共生呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 考古人類學刊
62021訪談互動呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 田野敲敲門:現地研究基本功 Basics for field research
72021離岸風電啟示錄呂欣怡(Hsin Yi Lu) 異溫層迷航記【芭樂人類學2】 編者: 趙恩潔, 林浩立
82021Bonsai Care in an Industrial ZoneLU Hsin-yi Theorizing the Contemporary, Fieldsights, January 26. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/bonsai-care-in-an-industrial-zone
92020前言:會議作為方法呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊 
102020會議做為未來時間性的匯集與競逐:臺灣離岸風電環評的民族誌分析呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊
112019邁向共生的都市LU Hsin-yi 文化研究00
122019雲林縣口湖鄕養殖烏魚子的品質建構歷程劉如意(LIU Ru-yi); 呂欣怡(LU Hsin-yi) 中國飲食文化00
132019導論:環境變遷下的臺灣漁業與水產LU, HSIN-YI 中國飲食文化00
142019多重倫理交織下的能源困局:穿梭於綠電叢林的田野經驗LU Hsin-yi 辶反田野:人類學異托邦故事集,蔡晏霖、趙恩潔編
152019Film Reviews: The Maribor UprisingsHSIN-YI LU 臺灣人類學刊
162018環境人類學呂欣怡(LU Hsin-yi) 應用人類學
172017離岸風力發電設置過程的社會爭議與化解機制劉如意; 呂欣怡 能怎麼轉— 啟動臺灣能源轉型鑰匙
182017紛紛擾擾的風電基礎設施呂欣怡 人類學視界
192016博物館、思想與社會行動呂欣怡 臺灣人類學刊
202016土地、社群、信仰:解析俗民環境論述呂欣怡 科技醫療與社會
212015國家政策對臺灣客家社群文化之影響莊雅仲; 呂欣怡 客家族群與國家政策
222014地方文化的再創造:從社區總體營造到社區文化產業呂欣怡 重讀台灣:人類學的視野
232014從文化人類學觀點談「正常」與「殘障」。抱殘守缺--殘障研究讀本呂欣怡 台北:蜃樓出版社
242013工農協作的環境運動呂欣怡 人類學視界
252012導論教學做為公共人類學場域呂欣怡 人類學視界00
262012課堂如田野:以導論課程作為公共人類學實踐場域呂欣怡 文化研究
272012Cultural Mechanisms of Folk Environmentalism in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Society for Applied Anthropology
282011土地、社群、信仰:解析俗民環境論述呂欣怡 2011年台灣人類學與民族學年會─民族、民主、民生:人類學的場域
292011客家微型創業婦女的勞動初探:以橫山鄉為例呂欣怡 客家研究
302011跨界的人類學訓練劉紹華; 呂欣怡 人類學視界00
312011Children's Dreamland': Constructing national identity through a children's festival in post-authoritarian TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 
322011Gendered Patterns of Work: Gendered Patterns of Work in Micro-entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Women Business Owners in Taiwan’s Hakka SocietyHSIN-YI LU The 2011 International Forum of Association for East Asian Anthropology
332011Transformation of Folk Environmentalism in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Society for Applied Anthropology 71st Annual Meeting
342011地方文化的再創造:從社區總體營造到社區文化產業呂欣怡 重讀台灣:人類學的視野
352010墮入凡間的烏托邦呂欣怡 人類學視界00
362010客家觀光發展中的婦女微型創業者:以橫山鄉為例呂欣怡 四溪計畫期末成果研討會
372010課堂作為田野呂欣怡 人類學視界00
382010Empowerment and Entrepreneurship of Hakka Women in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Society for Applied Anthropology
392010課堂如田野:以導論與通識課程做為公共人類學實踐呂欣怡 台灣人類學與民族學年會
402010客家地方社區的發展策略研究:以內灣及九讚頭為例呂欣怡 客家的形成與變遷
412009Place and Environmental Movement in Houjin, KaohsiungHSIN-YI LU 考古人類學刊00
422009Gender, Economy, and Empowerment: Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in a Hakka CommunityHSIN-YI LU The Society for East Asian Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association
432009觀光產業與地方性形構:以橫山鄉內灣地區為例呂欣怡 客家研究
442009希望經濟學:社區文化產業再思考呂欣怡 社會運動工作坊
452009從文化人類學觀點談正常與殘障呂欣怡 神學的殘障與殘障的神學
462008客家性的兩種地方實踐─以橫山鄉九讚頭及內灣社區為例呂欣怡 ; 蔡世群第二屆國際客家研究研討會
472008知識、權力與田野實踐/知識的回歸呂欣怡 ; 林徐達人類學視界00
482008專題前言:從一場在部落的口試說起呂欣怡 ; 林徐達; 郭佩宜人類學視界00
492008客家文化的創新與再造─以新竹縣內灣聚落為例呂欣怡 台灣人類學與民族學年會
502008Economy of Hope: Community Cultural Industry in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU The Annual Convention of the Association of Asian Studies
512007書評《動盪的圍龍屋:一個客家宗族的城市化遭遇與文化抗爭》呂欣怡 客家文化研究通訊
522007「社區」的本體與方法:對於台灣當代社區研究的人類學省思呂欣怡 人類學的應用與推廣─台灣人類學與民族學年會
532007Lacking of Sufficient Institutional Support for Physicians in Confrontation with the Challenge Derived from the Public Health System ReformHSIN-YI LU Asian Bioethics Conference
542006From Resistance to Development: Transformation of Environmentalism in Post-Authoritarianist TaiwanHSIN-YI LU North American Taiwan Studies Conference
552005Panel discussant for “Culture and Social Movements in East Asia”HSIN-YI LU The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies
562004Children’s Dreamland: Festivals and Memory Work of the National Childhood in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Workshop: Remembering to be Chinese: History, Commemoration, and Identity in Greater China
572004Imagining Women, Imagining Modernity: Constructing ‘New Women’ in Colonial TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Women in the New Taiwan: Gender Roles and Gender Consciousness in a Changing Society
582002The Politics of Locality: Making a Nation of Communities in TaiwanHSIN-YI LU 
592001地方性的建構與再現呂欣怡 文化研究月報
602001The politics of locality: Making a nation of communities in TaiwanLU, HSIN-YI 
612000Crafting Locality in the Global Village: Culture Workers in a Taiwanese RegionHSIN-YI LU Remapping Taiwan: Histories and Cultures in the Context of Globalization
621999Community in ContextHSIN-YI LU Fourth Annual Conference on the History and Culture of Taiwan
631999Localizing the National Past: Historical Practices in a Taiwanese Old TownHSIN-YI LU 98th Annual Convention of the American Anthropological Association
641999Imagined Nation, Real Community: When the State Project of Community Making Contests the Real Politics of a CommunityHSIN-YI LU North American Taiwan Studies Conference
651999Creating a Better Future: Vernacular Architecture, Place Making, and the Politics of regional difference in I-lan, TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Vernacular Culture” Seminar
661997Colonial Modernity and Its Gendered Aspect – Constructing "New Women" in Colonial TaiwanHSIN-YI LU Second Annual Conference on the History and Culture of Taiwan
671996Reading the Colonial Past – The Ambiguity of Self-identity in Taiwanese Colonial LiteratureHSIN-YI LU 95th Annual Convention of American Anthropological Association