第 1 到 43 筆結果,共 43 筆。

12019A Hazard of New Professions: Mrs. Mandel and the Business of ClassHSIN-YING LI 中山人文學報
22019「掃黃」:美國白奴敘事下的華裔女性身影李欣穎 世界文學
32018The Cultural Work of National Literature Courses: Teaching American Literature in TaiwanHSIN-YING LI International Conference on English Literary Studies and Cultural Studies: “Recent Trends in English Literary Studies and Cultural Studies 2018
42015White Slavery Writing Contemplates China: Jean Turner Zimmermann’s The Social Menace of the OrientHSIN-YING LI Humanitas Taiwanica
52015「浮華與浪蕩」:《國家習俗》中的名流文化HSIN-YING LI 東吳外語學報
62015The Power of the Comic: Humoring the Humorless in Huckleberry Finn李欣穎 NTU Studies in Language and Literature
72014Humoring the Humorless in Huckleberry FinnHSIN-YING LI 第二十二屆英美文學研討會:「情生意動:文學與情感」
82013The Social Menace of the Orient: White Slavery in ChinaHSIN-YING LI Migration: British Comparative Literature Association XIII International Conference
92013鬼屋與房奴:〈空地〉與〈事後〉裡的「宅」經濟李欣穎 英美文學評論
102012「掃黃」:美國白奴敘事下的華裔女性身影HSIN-YING LI 世界文學
112012深入文學的桃花源李欣穎 椰林論壇:教與學經驗分享
122012猶太.美國.文學李欣穎 再見,哥倫布
132011Gothic Crossings: Medieval to PostmodernHSIN-YING LI ; Wu, Ya-feng
142011欲知蒼生問鬼神:十九世紀後期的美國靈異小說〉李欣穎 追求創意之樂:余玉照教授七秩壽慶文集
152010Fearful realty: "The ghostly rental" and "his apparition"HSIN-YING LI Tamkang Review
162009Fearful Realty: Three American Haunted House Stories. Translating Risk: Literary Mediation in New ContextsHSIN-YING LI The 10th Quadrennial International Conference on Comparative Literature
182007Forty Years of American Literary Studies in TaiwanHSIN-YING LI English Studies in Asia
192007The Art of Marriage: Taking the Woman Artist as Wife in A Hazard of New FortunesHSIN-YING LI 2007 American Literature Association Conference
202006盜亦有道乎?-《卡內基自傳》李欣穎 ; HSIN-YING LI 中山人文學報00
212005反璞歸真的文字與心靈(導讀)李欣穎 頑童流浪記
222005Forty Years of English Literary Studies in TaiwanHSIN-YING LI An International Symposium on English Relocated in Asia
232004Forty Years of American Literary Studies in TaiwanHSIN-YING LI The Rising Generation (Japan)
242004階級中的階級──《黑奴籲天錄》中黑奴的階級標記李欣穎 中外文學
252004Fool's Gold: Playing the Market in The Rise of Silas LaphamHSIN-YING LI 臺大文史哲學報
262004愚人金:《富賈滄桑》中的股市投資李欣穎 臺大文史哲學報00
272004無法禁鈷的良知(導讀)李欣穎 亨利去爬山
282003插畫家的肖像:〈真品〉的美學與倫理李欣穎 臺大文史哲學報
292003The Portrait of the Illustrator: Reconciling the Esthetic and the Ethical in ‘The Real ThingHSIN-YING LI 臺大文史哲學報
302003臺灣地區英美文學研究回顧:二十世紀以前的美國文學李欣穎 國科會人文學研究中心「英美文學書目研究計畫」子計畫
312003臺灣地區二十世紀以前美國文學研究書目提要李欣穎 國科會人文學研究中心「英美文學書目研究計畫」子計畫
332002美國小說中的股市投資行為李欣穎 中華民國美國研究學會第二十二屆年會
342002Losing Popularity? An Overview of Taiwan Scholarship on American Literature Before the 20th CenturyHSIN-YING LI American Literary Studies in Asia: An Asian Forum
352002新舊交替:三本美國寫實小說中的新富階級李欣穎 第八屆美國文學與思想研討會
362000八○年代以來的庫柏研究李欣穎 美國文學1607-1860
372000臺灣的英美文學研究:二次大戰之間的美國小說李欣穎 第八屆英美文學研討會
382000附錄:八○年代以來的庫柏研究李欣穎 美國文學 1607-1860
392000從見鯨不是鯨,到見鯨又是鯨─淺談《白鯨記》李欣穎 第四屆臺灣海洋環境大會 / 第八屆鯨類生態與保育研討會
401999化外之民何處流浪?從《湯姆歷險記》到《頑童流浪記》李欣穎 人本教育札記
411998Seeking the Center: The Provincials in the Novels of W. D. Howells, Theodore Dreiser, and Edith WhartonHSIN-YING LI 
421996For Love or Money: Courtship and Class Conflict in Howells' The Rise of Silas Lapham'For Love or Money: Courtship and Class Conflict in Howells' The Rise of Silas Lapham'HSIN-YING LI Studies in American Fiction01
431986雙性人格的體認李欣穎 中外文學00