
第 1 到 53 筆結果,共 53 筆。

12023中國經濟金融現況、風險與臺資銀行因應謝順峰; 葉國俊 臺灣銀行季刊
22023俄烏戰爭下的歐洲:整合與分歧葉國俊 思想
32021運用大數據機器學習方法預測臺灣經濟成長率何宗武; 葉國俊 ; 牟萬馨; 林雅淇中央銀行季刊 
42021國際情勢下台灣半導體供應鏈之採購營運影響、 策略與挑戰陳馨蕙; 白宗城; 葉國俊 台灣半導體產業面對國際政經環境變動的挑戰及因應
52021中國大陸的經濟風險:財政債務相關議題評述葉國俊(Kuo Chun Yeh) 中國大陸研究 0
62021歐盟因應中國大陸競爭威脅的新產業政策倡議:爭議源起與可能作為葉國俊(Kuo Chun Yeh) ; 林雅淇(Ya Chi Lin)歐美研究 0
72021Alternative monetary policies under keynesian animal spiritsTAI-KUANG HO ; Lin, Ya Chi; KUO-CHUN YEH Macroeconomic Dynamics; Macroeconomic Dynamics00
82021Youth’s Overseas Employment and Entrepreneurship: The Case of TaiwanLin, Ya Chi; Lin, Chan Hui; Chen, Shin Hui; KUO-CHUN YEH Emerging Markets Finance and Trade21
92021The case for starting a new exchange rate after debt settlement: Reexamining alternatives to Argentina's exchange rate policy in 2001-2002Ho, TK; Lin, YC; KUO-CHUN YEH REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS00
102020Growth effect of foreign direct investment and financial development: new insights from a threshold approachTHU-HA THI AN; KUO-CHUN YEH Journal of Economics and Development0
112020Determinants of Taiwan's outward investment in Southeast Asia: Economic factors and institutional issuesTHU-HA THI AN; KUO-CHUN YEH PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW12
122020回顧移轉支付問題:凱因斯、凡爾賽和約與德國一戰賠償何泰寬(Tai Kuang Ho) ; 葉國俊(Kuo Chun Yeh) 人文及社會科學集刊 
132019歐盟建立外資併購監控機制分析:歐中雙邊爭議與挑戰葉國俊 ; 林展暉問題與研究 0
142019Introduction: Normative and Economic Dimensions of EU-East Asia RelationsBart Dessein; Jan van der Harst; Frank Gaenssmantel; KUO-CHUN YEH 政治科學論叢 0
152019Room for maneuver and alternatives: A reinterpretation of the German crisis of 1931KUO-CHUN YEH ; TAI-KUANG HO ; Mengyuan CaiJournal of Economics and Management
162019美中貿易衝突對臺灣經貿與金融之可能影響與因應謝順峰; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 財稅研究
172019Were capital flows the culprit in the Weimar economic crisis?TAI-KUANG HO ; KUO-CHUN YEH Explorations in Economic History12
182018Asian perception of the EU after Brexit: the case of TaiwanHUNG-DAH SU ; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Asia Europe Journal11
192018Asymmetric Adjustments between Creditors and Debtors: International Financial History and Its Implications for Emerging EconomiesHo, Tai-kuang; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 何泰寬; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 國家發展研究
202017資本流動、金融管制與不動產價格:新興經濟體實證分析Da-You Huang; Yeh,Kuo-chun; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 應用經濟論叢 00
212017Measuring the end of the European financial crisis: A test for "ins" and "outs"Lin, Ya-chi; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Economics of Transition11
222017Asset price targeting in an open economy with cognitive limitations: The best for macroeconomic and financial stability?葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH North American Journal of Economics and Finance22
232016Monetary Policy Rules in an Open Economy with Heuristics: Which Model Is Best?葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Emerging Markets Finance and Trade32
242016The Impact of 2007/08 Financial Crisis on the Stability and Enlargement of the EMULin, Ya-chi; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Review of Development Economics11
252015Policy Configurations of PRC and East Asian Emerging Economies after the Global Financial Crisis: An Analysis of Trilemma IndexesKUO-CHUN YEH ; CHEN-DONG TSO China-An International Journal 0
262015Beijing’s new international financial institutions: Strategy for domestic growth and stability葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
272015公債殖利率能否作為解釋國家主權債務違約的良好指標-歐元區、OECD與重要新興經濟體的實證研究Hsiehlin, Fang-yu; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 謝林芳羽; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 經濟論文 
282014資本流入對於資產價格的影響—臺灣的實證研究何泰寬 ; 葉國俊 中央銀行季刊
292014The post-asian crisis drop in investment: The cases of indonesia, korea, malaysia, and thailandHo T.-K., Yeh K.-C.; 何泰寬; KUO-CHUN YEH ; TAI-KUANG HO Contemporary Economic Policy64
302014資本流入對於資產價格的影響--臺灣的實證研究Ho, Tai-kuang; Yeh, Kuo-chun; 何泰寬; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 中央銀行季刊
312014歐元區債務危機爆發前各國財政狀況分析:具個體經濟基礎的數據詮釋葉國俊 ; 涂玉菁; KUO-CHUN YEH 財稅研究
322013歐元區紓困爭議與國際經濟政策協調作為葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 歐債陰影下歐洲聯盟新財經政策
332013An Asian currency unit: Simulations for its effects on East Asia葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH World Economy31
342012Renminbi in the future international monetary system葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH International Review of Economics and Finance44
352012Magnitude and volatility of Taiwan's net foreign assets against Mainland China: 1981-2009KUO-CHUN YEH ; TAI-KUANG HO China Economic Review44
362011East Asian Regional Integration: Strategies for the Post-ECFA Era葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
372011China's Strategy toward Regional Currency Integration during the Financial Tsunami: A Choice between the Asian Currency Unit and the Renminbi葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
382011金融海嘯後中國對於東亞貨幣整合的策略分析:亞元與人民幣之間的抉擇Yeh, Kuo-chun; Tso, Chen-dong; 葉國俊 ; 左正東; KUO-CHUN YEH 
392011ERM crisis in retrospect: What if a European central bank had been in existence before 1992?KUO-CHUN YEH ; TAI-KUANG HO Economic Modelling00
402011Evaluating Taiwan’s performance in regional economic integration: The case of Asian Development Bank葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
412010Capital Flows, International Financial Integration, and Economic Growth: An Analysis for the Emerging MarketsYeh, Kuo-chun; Ho, Tai-kuang; Chang Lee, I-cheng; 葉國俊 ; 何泰寬; 張李易呈; KUO-CHUN YEH 經濟研究00
422010Will Japan, Taiwan or the US be isolated by China? A macroeconomic game approachYeh K.-c., Ho T.-k.; 何泰寬; KUO-CHUN YEH ; TAI-KUANG HO Japan and the World Economy21
432010資金流動、國際金融整合與經濟成長:東歐、東亞與拉丁美洲新興經濟體的實證分析葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
442010東亞區域整合:後ECFA時代的新方略劉碧珍(Bih Jane Liu) ; 劉復國; 葉國俊(Kuo Chun Yeh) ; 左正東(Chen Dong Tso) 
452010Measuring monetary policy in a small open economy with managed exchange rates: The case of TaiwanYeh, Kuo-chun; Ho, Tai-kuang; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Southern Economic Journal
462009Will a Taiwan-China monetary union be feasible? Lessons from Europe葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy10
472009Will Taiwan's economy be marginalized by China? A macro-economic policy coordination approach葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Global Economic Review22
482008Prospects for a Chinese currency area: Simulations of Robert Mundell's multi-currency monetary union葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH Journal of Economic Policy Reform01
492007Prospects for EMU enlargement: What will be the consequences of a fiscal union?KUO-CHUN YEH Eastern European Economics30
502007探索臺灣經濟邊緣化問題:國際總體經濟政策協作思維Yeh, Kuo-chun; Hou, Nai-rong; 葉國俊 ; 侯乃榕; KUO-CHUN YEH 
512007歐盟東歐成員國加入貨幣同盟的策略與得失:經濟文獻回顧與模擬預測葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 
522005建立兩岸經濟合作機制是台灣免於經濟邊緣化的唯一選擇?一項總體經濟賽局模擬初評葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 00
531996中國大陸財政概況、問題與展望--由「分稅制」談起吳淑貞; 葉國俊 ; KUO-CHUN YEH 財稅研究