第 1 到 101 筆結果,共 101 筆。

12019Reconstructing spatial narratives as a mode of action research and planning – Dialogical community actions of urban regeneration in the neighborhoods of Ka-la̍k-á, Taipei, 2017Kang, M.J.; MIN-JAY KANG Action Research
22018Regenerating public life for ageing communities through the choreography of place-ballets and the weaving of memory tapestriesKang, M.J.; MIN-JAY KANG Creative Ageing Cities: Place Design with Older People in Asian Cities
32017妙想氈開 - 開展臺北與香港都市再生的社區共利計畫MIN-JAY KANG 
42017社會住宅與公共藝術(下)MIN-JAY KANG 天下獨立評論
52017社會住宅與公共藝術(上)MIN-JAY KANG 天下獨立評論
62017邊陲社區的邊緣效應 -臺北蟾蜍山聚落的保存行動與社會可持續力MIN-JAY KANG 城市更新中的社區再造論壇
72017The spatial production of urban parks and counter-public non-parksMIN-JAY KANG The 10th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU): The Entrepreneur City, Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017
82017地景敘事的詮釋與建構:臺北社子島文化地景的實驗性敘事操作康旻杰 地理學報
92016遍地開花的彩繪讓城市變美了嗎?從美德音城市規劃看東引老屋彩繪MIN-JAY KANG 關鍵評論網
102016社子上河圖 - 社子島地景敘事體的實驗性建構MIN-JAY KANG 巷仔口社會學
112016The social calculus of “floodplainizing” and planning Taipei’s Shezi IslandMIN-JAY KANG The 10th Conference of the Pacific Rim Community Design Network: Agency and Resilience, Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
122016The Dynamics between Green infrastructure and Civic Life under Landscape Urbanism – the Case of the Neighborhoods Abutting Taipei’s Da-an Park and the National Taiwan University CampusMIN-JAY KANG The 9th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU): From Knowledge to Development: New university challenges for a contemporary urban development, Buenos Aires / UBA, FADU, 2016
132016Re-envisioning Taipei’s urban identity through a typology of its cultural landscapesMIN-JAY KANG International Conference Inheriting the City: Advancing Understandings of Urban Heritage
142016根與路徑:台灣城鄉流動中的地方認同與社會鏈結MIN-JAY KANG 藝術介入與社會化實踐 論壇 - 社會行動的”根-徑-絡"
152015消失與隱匿的藝術想像 -從戶外公共空間隱退的實驗性公共藝術計劃MIN-JAY KANG 公共藝術簡訊
162015台北市戰後都市及公共住宅發展的未竟之業MIN-JAY KANG 計劃城事 - 戰後臺北都市發展 歷程
172015後政治城市的「希望」工程與反造城市的「希望」空間康旻杰 建築師
182015國際視野的在地實驗--關於國際建築與都市設計工作營康旻杰 臺灣建築學會會刊雜誌
192015大安森林公園與周邊環境的人文地景變遷康旻杰; 詹品丞; 林芷筠; 陳美寰; 康旻杰 造園季刊
202015過去的未來 - 記憶島的空間轉生術MIN-JAY KANG 空間記憶 - 懷念與蛻變
212015都市再開發造成之居住議題 - 蟾蜍山聚落MIN-JAY KANG 東亞包容城市國際論壇
222015眷村襲產的空間與社會想像MIN-JAY KANG 下一個十年:台北眷村文化論壇
232015Fluidity of local identity and the permeable boundaries of places in Taiwan’s spatial conservation projectsMIN-JAY KANG International Workshop: “Genius Loci” as a Formative Force in Taiwan Literature and Culture, Olomouc, Czech, 2015.
242014雙城對話:台北X香港(Urban Dialogue: Taipei X Hong Kong)MIN-JAY KANG Reflections
252014從邊緣出發,由底層發聲MIN-JAY KANG 艺术界
262014「臺北南機場」口述歷史座談會紀錄胡萬華; 陳天土; 李瑞騏; 史鎮墉; 方荷生; 高傳棋; 康旻杰; 洪致文; 徐燕興; 吳昭明; 康旻杰 臺北文獻
272014Reconstructing spatial narratives as a mode of urban regeneration – local actions and community initiatives in the neighborhoods of Gara, TaipeiMIN-JAY KANG Great Asian Streets Symposium (GASS 2014) Conference
282013From Original Homeland To 'permanent Housing' And Back: The Post-Disaster Exodus And Reconstruction Of South Taiwan's Indigenous CommunitiesMIN-JAY KANG Social Sciences Directory
292013Creative cluster or community economy? The transformation and restructuring of Min-sheng CommunityMIN-JAY KANG Proceedings of the 7th Conference of IFoU (International Forum on Urbanism): Creativity and Urban Evolution
302013From sin city to cine city: Re-peeling of Taipei’s Skin-peeling AlleyMIN-JAY KANG The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration40
312013From original homeland to 'permanent housing' and back: The post-disaster exodus and reconstruction of South Taiwan's indigenous communitiesMIN-JAY KANG Conference Proceedings of The Conference of International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) - Communal Pathways to Sustainable Living: Past, Present and Future, Findhorn, Scotland
322013都市歷史街區的再生困境MIN-JAY KANG 海峽兩岸城鄉發展研討會 - 城鄉整合與居民權益
332013Urban bricolage of grassroots tactics in modernist housing projects – reinterpreting the socio-spatial role of street market in the South Airport public housing clustersMIN-JAY KANG The 12th International Congress of Asian Planning School Association APSA : Global Metropolitan Regions in Asia and Challenges for Governance
342013地下莖城市的異聲畛域 - 溫羅汀獨立聯盟的詩與政治MIN-JAY KANG 反造城市
352012從城市文化交錯群落之形成與運作談起MIN-JAY KANG 蕪土吾民, 2012文化研究會議圓桌:打 造新文化共同體?談藝術介入社會的諸種矛盾與創新
362012「掠奪」資本城市中的都市保存康旻杰 文化研究
372012藝術聚落與能量培力--從城中走向臺北的未來論壇忠泰建築文化藝術基金會整理; 張玉音整理; 龔書章與談; 康旻杰與談; 彭俊亨與談; 李玉玲與談; 林昆穎與談; 蘇瑤華與談; 蕭麗虹與談; 姚瑞中與談; 王俊雄主持; 康旻杰 典藏今藝術
382012社會住宅與聚落保存/再利用康旻杰 建築師
392012Patching up permanent houses into a new settlement identity and sustaining the original identity with the uprooted homeland, the case of Rinari, TaiwanMIN-JAY KANG International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, the special issue of Disaster and Urbanism
402011柏林/德國MIN-JAY KANG 國際十城都市再生戰略研析案總結報告書
412011Boundary Dialectics and Spatial Narratives of Cultural Ecotones – Surveying the Cultural Niches of Keelung’s Hoping IslandMIN-JAY KANG Proceedings of the Transcultural Cities Symposium, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2011
422011Disaster Mitigation Housing and Transitional Housing as Sites of Social Housing and Community Self-EmpowermentMIN-JAY KANG experimentdays International Conference on Collaborative Housing, Diversity, and Sustainable Cities, Milan, Italy. 2011
432011走過寶藏巖口述歷史MIN-JAY KANG 
442011公共藝術計畫的都市針灸術MIN-JAY KANG 2010台中市文化講座專輯
452011西雅圖/美國MIN-JAY KANG 國際十城都市再生戰略研析案總結報告書
462011Prelude to Parc GuellMIN-JAY KANG BeSIDES TOURISM: Revisiting Barcelona's most touristic places
472011Besides Tourism TaipeiMIN-JAY KANG BeSIDES TOURISM: Revisiting Barcelona's most touristic places
482010From Sin City to Cine CityMin Jay Kang; MIN-JAY KANG 
492010空間囹泊 - 時間懸置中的地景敘事MIN-JAY KANG 覹空間(Survival Scene)兩岸攝影學術交流論壇
502010Conservation Planning of a Former-Squat into a Co-living Village of Mixed-Program Social Housing - Best Practice of Social and Innovative Collaborative HousingMIN-JAY KANG experimentcity International Conference of Collaborative Housing, Diversity, and Sustainable Cities, Berlin, Germany. 2010
512010Spatial limbo: Reinscribing landscapes in temporal suspensionMIN-JAY KANG Insurgent Public Space: Guerrilla Urbanism and the Remaking of Contemporary Cities2
522009Taibei (Taipei)MIN-JAY KANG Encyclopedia of Modern China
532009第一屆桃園縣城鄉景觀大賞--評審感言王秀娟; 米復國; 康旻杰; 郭瓊瑩; 賀士麃; 盧憲孚; 康旻杰 臺灣建築
542009Ten Facets of a City: A Preliminary Survey of Taipei’s Cultural LandscapesMIN-JAY KANG Taiwan: Complex Character
552009Informal Urbanism from Inside-Out: Internalizing Taipei Experiences of InformalityMIN-JAY KANG Conference Proceedings of The New Urban Question: Urbanism Beyond Neo-Liberalism - 4th Conference of International Forum on Urbanism, Delft, the Netherlands, 2009
562009面對差異 – 看的方法與視野MIN-JAY KANG 在社區營造藝術
572008「互換角色」與「互為主體」MIN-JAY KANG 2008嘉義縣北回歸線環境藝術行動
582006Squatting and Legitimizing Treasure Hill, TaipeiMIN-JAY KANG Australian Council for the Arts, Sydney, Australia, 2006
592006Artivism: the Role of Arts in RegenerationMIN-JAY KANG the Cultural Development Network, at Melbourne Town Hall, Australia, 2006
602006Altered Spaces: Alternative, temporary and artist-run exchangesMIN-JAY KANG the Asialink Arts Residency Forum 2006 – Blind Dates and Foreign Affairs, at Sidney Myer Asia Center, University of Melbourne, Australia
612006空間懸置與延異MIN-JAY KANG CO6台灣前衛文件展「超速」 速度的政治經濟學 — 亞洲當代藝術論壇
622006建築設計中的地景意識MIN-JAY KANG 中華民果建築學會第十九屆第一次建築研究成果發表會
632006溫羅汀的文化認同與地景編碼康旻杰 建築
642006都市叢林的黑暗之心 電影「金剛」的空間閱讀康旻杰 建築
652006封閉的實質空間VS.開放的影像空間康旻杰 建築
662006臺灣觀察.移工島--移民誠中的「文化飛地」康旻杰 誠品好讀月報
672006Confronting Place Identity in Taipei’s Cultural LandscapeMIN-JAY KANG “Kulturelles Gedächtnis (Cultural Memory)” as a part of the project China – Between Past and Future in the House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany
682006Differences and dialogic learning in a collaborative virtual design studioHou, Jeffrey; Kang, Min-Jay; MIN-JAY KANG Open House International
692005Confronting the Edge of Modern Urbanity — GAPP (GlobalArtivists Participation Project) at Treasure Hill, Taipei, 2005/12MIN-JAY KANG The 2nd Asian Cultural Symposium(CITY+CULTURE+HUMAN), Kwangui, Korea
702005焙葉成茶 , 化泥為陶 ─地方文化創意產業的文化自信與產業個性MIN-JAY KANG 文化創意產業速報
712005閱讀溫羅汀「獨」書角MIN-JAY KANG 台北登時行
722005寶藏巖聚落保存的都市計畫命題與藝術行動回應MIN-JAY KANG 市民參與的活力社 區與適居城市 ─ 國際社區規劃論壇
732005城市獨立精神之空間定錨─台北溫羅汀MIN-JAY KANG 兩岸建築發展與建築教育研討會
742005自由的所在,城市的光MIN-JAY KANG 中國時報開卷版
752005藝術與公共性MIN-JAY KANG 大同新世界 ─ 第二屆台北公共藝術節 迪化污水處理廠 公共藝術國際研討會
762005藝術實驗寶藏巖 - GAPP全球藝術行動者參與計畫實錄MIN-JAY KANG 
772005聚落深層意識的沈默伏流MIN-JAY KANG 東風通信
782005旅館 ─ 非家之家MIN-JAY KANG 網路與書
792005Identity Politics and Community Artivism – A Strategic Arts Project of Cultural Landscape Conservation at Treasure Hill, Taipei, 2005MIN-JAY KANG The 5th Pacific Rim Participatory Community Design Conference - (Re)constructing Communities/ Design Participation in the Face of Change
802005蘭州派出所熄燈號康旻杰 建築
812005集體無意識與文化完型--臺北原生地景與通屬地景的空間辯證康旻杰 建築師
822005地景敘事體的詮釋與建構MIN-JAY KANG 
832004集體無意識與文化完型 ─ 台北原生地景與通屬地景的空間辯證MIN-JAY KANG 第一 屆台北學學術研討會 ─ 隱喻想像與賦形蛻變
842004認同的藝術 ─ 社區社群與公共藝術MIN-JAY KANG 解放公共藝術 ─ 破與立之間
852004孩子MIN-JAY KANG 無照駕駛 ─ 建築家的私文學
862003公共藝術在西雅圖MIN-JAY KANG 《2002公共藝術年鑑》「國外公共藝術政策」篇
872003一個人在城市MIN-JAY KANG 網路與書
882003西雅圖--「都市村落」的規劃與實踐康旻杰 建築師
892002城市閱讀,空間書寫MIN-JAY KANG 誠品好讀
902002Poetics of Chaos and Place Ballet – Re-envisioning Taipei’s Urban LandscapeMIN-JAY KANG the International Symposium “The Age of the City", 2002
912002地方特色的營造--兼論中央與地方的合作與競爭閻亞寧; 康旻杰; P. Yongtanit; 康旻杰 空間
922001飛夢共和國MIN-JAY KANG ; 楊清芬
932001都市社區的辯證MIN-JAY KANG 《空間重塑簡訊》 ─ 社區參與及管理專輯
942001西雅圖 飛夢Fremont Fair街道上的「等待電車」康旻杰 公共藝術簡訊
952001西雅圖的等待電車康旻杰 公共藝術簡訊
962001閒置空間再利用的想像與實踐MIN-JAY KANG 文建會藝術進駐經營管理研討會
972001古蹟的積極空間角色與新認同 ─ 新竹與台北古蹟再利用經營計畫的比較分析MIN-JAY KANG 內政部古蹟活化再利用國際學術研討會
981998淺談西雅圖公共藝術MIN-JAY KANG 當代設計
991998Integrated reconstruction of communities: A culturally based approach to local development in TaiwanMin-Jay Kang; Michael Lafond; MIN-JAY KANG Local Environment
1001998影說臺北視覺篇:浮光掠影康旻杰 臺北畫刊
1011998影說台北MIN-JAY KANG ; 莊永明; 盧健英; 許佑生; 黃威融