(Principal Investigator)

第 1 到 100 筆結果,共 121 筆。

2023「國際及我國屠宰場設置相關規範及審驗標準研析」計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2023112年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2023臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2023112年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2023日本沙門氏菌清淨食用蛋之產銷鏈之研析CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2023建立最少病原禽場之良好管理作業規範計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2023養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良種禽供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2022養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良種禽供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2022111年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2022111年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2022家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫(結餘款)CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2022臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務第1次契約變更(增購)契約書CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2020109年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2020輸入與走私禽鳥之國際重要疫病監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2020日本無沙門氏菌食用蛋之產銷鏈之研析CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2020建置土雞良好種禽場最少病原管理作業模式CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2020109年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2020養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良品種供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2019108年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2019臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測(結餘款)CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2019108年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2019建立最少病原土雞種禽場良好管理作業模式CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2019重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-台灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2019養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良品種供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2019臺北市禽流感防疫工作委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2019輸入與走私禽鳥之國際重要疫病監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2018禽流感病毒基因體分析與禽場禽流感傳播媒介監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2018鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2018以大陸輸港澳家禽產品現況研析臺灣土雞未來供銷樣態及雞蛋銷港澳可行性評估CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2018輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2018臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務第二次契約變更(增購)CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2018輸入與走私禽鳥之國際重要疫病監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2018重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究 - 台灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2018建置土雞及水禽良好種禽場管理作業模式和雛禽追溯系統 - 建立最少病原土雞及水禽種禽場CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2018開發家禽生產系統、加工技術及產品加值計畫- 不使用特定抗菌劑飼養之白肉雞新生產模式開發研究CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2018家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2018養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良品種供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017106年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2017家禽流行性感冒防疫(追加)CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2017106年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2017監測輸出入動物及動物產品傳染病及評估其傳染風險 - 輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017臺灣地區養禽場沙門氏菌及彎曲桿菌監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究 - 臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017建立國產白肉雞不使用含藥物飼料添加物之飼養方式與飼養手冊CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2017開發家禽生產系統及提升產品附加價值計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUCouncil of Agriculture, Executive Yuan
2017養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良品種供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2017輸入與走私禽鳥之家禽流行性感冒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016養禽場重要病原檢測暨協助建立優良品種供應體系計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2016105年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUOffice of Animal Care and Control, Taoyuan City Government
2016臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務第2次契約變更(增購)CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2016重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究 - 臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016監測輸出入動物及動物產品傳染病及評估其傳染風險 - 輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016輸入與走私禽鳥之家禽流行性感冒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2016臺灣地區養禽場沙門氏菌及彎曲桿菌監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015104年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUAnimal Protection and Health Inspection Office, New Taipei City Government
2015104年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2015輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2015104年度「家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015輸入與走私禽鳥之家禽流行性感冒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015監測輸出入動物及動物產品傳染病及評估其傳染風險-輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015104年度臺灣地區養禽場沙門氏菌及彎曲桿菌監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2015104年臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2015臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014科普活動:萌菌學園—認識生活中的微生物CHUNG-HSI CHOUNational Science and Technology Council
2014103年度臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2014輸入與走私禽鳥之家禽流行性感冒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014103年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2014103年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUAnimal Protection and Health Inspection Office, New Taipei City Government
2014養禽場沙門氏菌監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-臺灣地區寵物鳥禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014建立動物及其產品風險評估與傳染病監控體系-輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2014輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOU
2014家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013沙門氏菌感染雞隻卵巢顆粒細胞相對反應之探究CHUNG-HSI CHOUNational Science and Technology Council
2013科普活動:萌菌學園—認識生活中的微生物CHUNG-HSI CHOUNational Science and Technology Council
2013「102年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測」委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUAnimal Protection and Health Inspection Office, New Taipei City Government
2013102年度「因應H7N9(亞型家禽流行性感冒加強防疫計畫」CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013102年度臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫委託專業服務CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2013102年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2013經濟動物獸醫人力規劃制度研習計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013建立動物及其產品風險評估與傳染病監控體系-輸入禽鳥新城病及犬貓狂犬病抗體檢測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-臺灣地區寵物鳥家禽流行性感冒病毒監測及防疫策略研析CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-種禽場沙門氏菌認證及監測輔導計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013輸入與走私禽鳥之家禽流行性感冒之監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013家禽流行性感冒防疫計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2013學術領域全面提升計畫研究教學產學部分/生農學院保留款/人畜共通中心CHUNG-HSI CHOUMinistry of Education
2012加強畜產品藥物殘留風險評估及調查計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA
2012沙門氏菌感染雞隻卵巢顆粒細胞相對反應之探究CHUNG-HSI CHOUNational Science and Technology Council
2012學術領域全面提升計畫研究教學產學部分/生農學院機動保留款/人畜共通中心CHUNG-HSI CHOUMinistry of Education
2012101年度國際青年大使交流計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUMinistry of Foreign Affairs
2012101年臺北市禽流感防疫工作計畫CHUNG-HSI CHOUTaipei City Animal Protection Office
2012101年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUKaohsiung City Animal Protection Office
2012101年度鳥禽家禽流行性感冒病毒監測委託檢驗CHUNG-HSI CHOUAnimal Protection and Health Inspection Office, New Taipei City Government
2012重大人畜共通傳染病預警及因應對策之研究-寵物鳥繁殖鳥類之家禽流行性感冒病毒監測CHUNG-HSI CHOUBureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, COA