第 1 到 150 筆結果,共 150 筆。

12024Reduced Growth in Eustoma under High Nutrient and Phytotoxic Organic Acid Concentrations and Recovery through Hot Water Conditioning of Continuously Cropped SoilWang, Mei Chin; DER-MING YEH HortScience
22021Mechanism of leaf vein coloration and inheritance of leaf vein color, flower form, and floral symmetry in gloxiniaKan P.-W; Cheng Y.-C; DER-MING YEH Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
32020Pollination timing and hybrid seed production of NeoregeliaLiang C.-C; Wei T.-Y; DER-MING YEH HortScience
42020大專院校花卉產業研發成果及前瞻規劃葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場特刊
52019Discontinuity of xylem function during maturation associated with quality development and calcium allocation in wax apple (Syzygium samarangense Merr. & Perry) fruitChen, Szu-Ju; Yeh, Der-Ming; Lin, Huey-Ling; DER-MING YEH ; KUO-TAN LI Fruits33
62019Active living wall modules - CO2 and CH2O purificationHung, Y.-H.; JIA-KUN CHEN ; Yeh, D.-M.; DER-MING YEH IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering40
72018Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, or Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Photosynthesis of EustomaChen, Chang-Tsern; Lee, Ching-Lung; DER-MING YEH Hortscience21
82018Relationship between Phloem Fiber and Trailing Habit, and Independent Inheritance of Growth Habit and Flower Form in PeriwinkleLin, Huan-Keng; Wei, Tzu-Yao; Chen, Chin-Mu; DER-MING YEH Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science1
92016貯運期間之乙烯影響火鶴花盆花貯後品質及1-MCP與BA之保護效果林樵; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
102015養液氮濃度對洋桔梗穴盤苗生長及後續開花之影響黃群哲; 魏子耀; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
112015植物生長調節劑對臺灣一葉蘭體胚形成之影響楊颺; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
122015Quantitative analysis of floral symmetry and tube dilation in an F<inf>2</inf> cross of Sinningia speciosaHsu, H.-C.; Chen, C.-Y.; Lee, T.-K.; Weng, L.-K.; DER-MING YEH ; TA-TE LIN ; CHUN-NENG WANG ; YAN-FU KUO Scientia Horticulturae
132015光強度與苯濃度對‘娃娃’朱蕉移除苯與二氧化碳之影響陳舒罄; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
142015‘T.S.S. No.1-Pink Pearl’: A double-flowered and fragrant amaryllis cultivarLiu, M.-C.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
152015介質體積含水量對夏秋季花壇植物生長與光合作用之影響洪嘉樺; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
162014Physiology, anatomy, and cell membrane thermostability selection of leafy radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleiformis Pers.) with different tolerance under heat stressChen, Wei-Ling; Yang, Wen-Ju; Lo, Hsiao-Feng; DER-MING YEH ; HSIAO-FENG LO ; WEN-JU YANG Scientia Horticulturae3931
172014鈣的平衡在蘋果苦痘病病徵發展之角色陳思如; 李國譚; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 
182013非洲菊切花瓶插期間糖類與糖醇類濃度變化與添加糖類延長切花壽命陳思如; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
192013菊花之細胞膜熱穩定性檢測及其應用於篩選耐熱實生苗王進學; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
202013非洲菊耐熱相關之形態適應與生理特性陳思如; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
212013Genotypic differences in post-storage photosynthesis and leaf chloroplasts in response to ethylene and 1-methylcyclopropene in AglaonemaFan S.-T.; Yeh D.-M.; DER-MING YEH ; SHIANG-JIUUN CHEN Postharvest Biology and Technology66
222013應用於植物栽培的LED光環境控制系統之開發陳金男; 陳世銘; 葉德銘; 楊宜璋; 楊蕙綺; 陳加增; 李進發; DER-MING YEH 農業機械學刊
232012灌溉方式與養液濃度對火鶴花生長及開花之影響黃欣釧; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
242012土壤含水量對菊花生長、開花與切花品質之影響Yi-Hsuan Chiu; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
252012Morphology and inheritance of double floweredness in catharanthus roseusChen, C.-M.; Wei, T.-Y.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
262012'Taoyuan No. 1 Rose Girl': A double-flowered periwinkle, Catharanthus roseusChen, C.-M.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
272012鈣的吸收、運移及分配對番茄果實尻腐病之影響陳思如; 李國譚; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 高雄區農業改良場研究彙報 
282011遮光對彩葉草葉色及生長之影響夏文茹; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
292011栽培溫度對火鶴花切花形態、顏色、碳水化合物含量及瓶插壽命之影響?侖葳; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
302011化學藥劑處理改善擎天鳳梨盆花貯後品質之效果陳祈男; 葉德銘; 林宗賢; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝 
312010儲運期間之乙烯影響黛粉葉儲後品質及1-MCP之保護效果范舒婷; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
322010盆栽黛粉葉之地上部與根系及介質移除甲醛之效率評估余軍洪; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
332010'Tainan no. 2' statice: A low vernalization-requiring Limonium cultivarChang Y; Wang S; DER-MING YEH ; WEN-JU YANG HortScience00
342010'Tainan no. 1' statice: An early flowering Limonium cultivarDER-MING YEH HortScience0
352010'Tainan no. 2' statice: A low vernalization-requiring Limonium cultivarDER-MING YEH HortScience0
362010儲運期間之乙烯影響黛粉葉儲後品質及1-MCP之保護效果葉德銘 ; 范舒婷臺灣園藝
372009瓶內培養時間對粗肋草‘白馬'組織培養苗出瓶後生長之影響陳葦?; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
382009Cultivar sensitivity to ethylene during storage and 1-methylcyclopropene protection of AglaonemaDER-MING YEH HortScience6
392009瓶內培養時間對粗肋草‘白馬’組織培養苗出瓶後生長之影響葉德銘 ; 陳葦玲臺灣園藝
412008貯運溫度與時期對擎天鳳梨'Cherry'儲後品質、葉片解剖與水勢之影響郭倩妤; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
422008貯運溫度與時期對擎天鳳梨'Cherry'儲後品質、葉片解剖與水勢之影響葉德銘 ; 郭倩妤臺灣園藝
432008Heat tolerance and flowering-heat-delay sensitivity in relation to cell membrane thermostability in chrysanthemumYeh, Der-Ming ; Wang, Ching-Hsueh; Sheu, Chian-ShinnJournal of the American Society for Horticultural Science12
442008Potassium nutrition affects leaf growth, anatomy, and macroelements of GuzmaniaLin, C.-Y.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
452008In vitro leaf anatomy, ex vitro photosynthetic behaviors and growth of Calathea orbifolia (Linden) Kennedy plants obtained from semi-solid medium and temporary immersion systemsYang, S.-H.; DER-MING YEH Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
482007菊花品種插穗之耐貯性生理差異徐碧徽; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
492007菊花耐淹水品種系之選拔DER-MING YEH ; 許謙信; 葉德銘臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 
502007菊花品種插穗之耐貯性生理差異葉德銘 ; 徐碧徽臺灣園藝
512007Breeding and micropropagation of AglaonemaYeh, Der-Ming ; Yang, W.J.; Chang, F.C.; Chung, M.C.; Chen, W.L.; Huang, H.W.Acta Horticulturae60
522007菊花耐淹水品種系之選拔葉德銘 ; 許謙信臺中區農業改良場研究彙報
532007Elimination of in vitro contamination, shoot multiplication, and ex vitro rooting of AglaonemaChen, W.L.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
542006合歡山主峰原生植栽復育工程暨棲地生態景觀改善工程技術引進計畫(第二期) 研究報告張育森 ; 葉德銘 ; 張祖亮; 許亞儒; 林楨祐
552006馴化光度對白馬粗肋草組織培養苗出瓶後葉片光合作用與植株生長之影響DER-MING YEH ; 褚昱均; 葉德銘臺灣園藝 
562006貯藏溫度與期間對菊花插穗發根與定植後開花之影響DER-MING YEH ; 徐碧徽; 葉德銘臺灣園藝 
572006白鶴芋‘綠巨人’與黃金萬年竹在不同鐵濃度下之生長反應葉德銘 ; 林怡如臺灣園藝
582006Growth Response of Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' and Dracaena sanderiana 'Celica' to Iron ConcentrationYi-Ru Lin; DER-MING YEH 臺灣園藝
592006光度對黛粉葉組織培養苗出瓶後生長與光合作用之影響葉德銘 ; 褚昱均中華農學會報
602006氣溫與根溫對開運竹生長與發根之影響葉德銘 ; 林曉君臺灣園藝
612006氣溫與根溫對開運竹生長與發根之影響DER-MING YEH ; 林曉君; 葉德銘臺灣園藝 
622006馴化光度對白馬粗肋草組織培養苗出瓶後葉片光合作用與植株生長之影響葉德銘 ; 褚昱均臺灣園藝
632006貯藏溫度與期間對菊花插穗發根與定植後開花之影響葉德銘 ; 徐碧徽臺灣園藝
642006光度對黛粉葉組織培養苗出瓶後生長與光合作用之影響褚昱均; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 中華農學會報 
652006Effects of boric acid concentration and shading on growth, leaf physiology, and anatomy of GuzmaniaKuo, C.Y.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
662005合歡山主峰原生植栽復育工程暨棲地生態景觀工程技術引進計畫研究報告張育森 ; 葉德銘 ; 張祖亮; 許亞儒; 林楨祐
682004不同栽培地區對小蒼蘭開花之影響李美玲; 葉德銘 中國園藝 
692004以細胞膜熱穩定評估菊花之耐熱表現王進學; 葉德銘 中國園藝 
702004天南星科觀葉植物生產要點沈再木; 葉德銘 永續農業-具潛力之花卉產業專輯 
712004常春藤之栽培徐步雲; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場特刊 
732004出瓶馴化光度與培植期對‘綠巨人’白鶴芋組培苗出瓶生長之影響葉德銘 ; 林怡如中國園藝
742004籠血樹屬植物之栽培應用林曉君; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場特刊 
752004出瓶馴化光度與培植期對‘綠巨人'白鶴芋組培苗出瓶生長之影響?怡如; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
762004Growth and flowering responses of Canna x generalis to nitrogen supplied to the growing medium via top- or sub-irrigationDER-MING YEH ; Hsu, P.H.; Atherton, J.G.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
782004Heat tolerance in English ivy as measured by an electrolyte leakage techniqueDER-MING YEH ; Hsu, P.Y.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
792004Differential growth and photosynthetic response of selected cultivars of English ivy to irradianceDER-MING YEH ; Hsu, P.Y.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
802004短期貯藏對菊花插穗發根之影響徐碧徽; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場特刊 
812003溫度對繡球花花期調節之影響葉德銘 ; 江秀紅海峽兩岸園藝學術發展研討會
832003粗肋草品種之耐寒性與葉尖反捲原因之探討DER-MING YEH ; 陳佳慧; 葉德銘中國園藝 
842003溫?對繡球花花芽形成之影響葉德銘 ; 江秀紅中國園藝
852003脆鐵線蕨孢子無菌撒播繁殖體系之建立高秀雲|葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣林業科學 
862003溫度與激勃酸對粗肋草開花之影響陳佳慧; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
872003試管內乙烯與激勃素含量對脆鐵線蕨原葉體發育之影響高秀雲; 葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 臺灣林業科學 
882003溫度對繡球花花芽形成之影響DER-MING YEH ; 葉德銘; 江秀紅中國園藝 
892003Partial tissue culture system for the mass propagation of Adiantum tenerum 'Scutum Roseum' from sporesKao, H.-Y.; DER-MING YEH Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
902003Effects of ethylene and GA3 contents on the prothallialdevelopment of Adiantum tenerum 'Scutum Roseum' cultured in vitroKao, H.-Y.; DER-MING YEH Taiwan Journal of Forest Science
912003Thermostability of cell membranes as a measure of heat tolerance and relationship to flowering delay in chrysanthemumDER-MING YEH ; Lin, H.F.Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science
922002以葉片細胞膜之熱穩定性技術評估菊花之耐熱性與開花熱延遲林和鋒; 葉德銘 中國園藝
932002Studies on spore propagation of Adiantum tenerum 'Scutum Roseum'Kao, H. Y.; D. M. Yeh; 葉德銘 International Symposium on Tropical Floriculture Industry and Biotechnology 
942002岩地花卉園藝圖鑑黃小萍; 葉德銘 ; 翻譯; 植物譯名審定
952002四季草花柯美玲; 葉德銘 
962002潮汐灌溉系統中肥灌頻率與椰纖類介質對‘綠巨人'白鶴芋生長之影響麥德恩; ?德銘; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
972002臺灣中部地區春夏季定植菊花之開花習性葉德銘; 洪惠娟; 林和鋒; 許謙信; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 
992002臺灣中部地區秋冬季定植菊花之開花習性許謙信; 葉德銘; 陳彥睿; 黃勝忠; DER-MING YEH 臺中區農業改良場研究彙報 
1002002遮光對鳴子百合地上部及根莖生長之影響DER-MING YEH ; 陳怡如; 葉德銘中國園藝 
1012002遮光對鳴子百合地上部與根莖生長之影響葉德銘 ; 林怡如中國園藝
1022002觀葉植物產業之發展潛力葉德銘 花卉產業現況與未來發展方向研討會
1062001Nitrogen nutrition of Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' grown in sphagnum peat and coir dust-based media and two irrigation methodsYeh, Der-Ming ; Mak, A.T.Y.HortScience 36: 
1082001Growth and flower initiation in hydrangea as affected by root restriction and defoliationDER-MING YEH ; Chiang, H.H.Scientia Horticulturae
1092001Nitrogen nutrition of Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' grown in sphagnum peat- and coir-based media with two irrigation methodsMak, A.T.Y.; DER-MING YEH HortScience
1122000觀賞蕨類植物(推廣手冊)葉德銘 ; 高秀雲
1132000Effects of mineral nutrient deficiencies on leaf development, visual symptoms and shoot-root ratio of SpathiphyllumDER-MING YEH ; Lin, L.; Wright, C.J.DER-MING YEH ; Lin, L.; Wright, C. J.Scientia Horticulturae
1142000Effects of irradiance on growth, net photosynthesis and indoor performance of the shade-adapted plant, maidenhair fernDER-MING YEH ; Wang, H.M.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
1152000Cardinal temperatures and thermal requirements for germination of cineraria seedDER-MING YEH ; Atherton, J.G.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
1162000A thermal time model for predicting time to aerial shoot elongation in Variegated Solomon's SealDER-MING YEH ; Lin, Y.R.; Atherton, J.G.Annals of Applied Biology
1172000Effects of post-chilling temperature on growth and variegation in Solomon's SealDER-MING YEH ; Lin, Y.R.; Atherton, J.G.Annals of Applied Biology
1191999氮素濃度與型態對綠巨人白鶴芋生長之影響葉德銘; 林立; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1201999試管內培養基成分與無土介質對鐵線蕨孢子發芽與原葉體生長及配子體發育之影響王幸美; 葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1211999Effect of irradiance on growth and flowering in the shade plant, cinerariaYeh, Der-Ming ; Atherton, J.G.Annals of Applied Biology 
1221999A thermal time model of post-initiation flower development in the shade plant, cinerariaDER-MING YEH ; Atherton, J.G.; Craigon, J.Annals of Applied Biology
1241999Effects of irradiance on growth and flowering in the shade plant, cinerariaDER-MING YEH ; Atherton, J.G.Annals of Applied Biology
1251999試管內培養基成分與無土介質對鐵線蕨孢子發芽與原葉體生長及配子體發育之影響葉德銘 ; 李哖; 王幸美中國園藝
1281998Leaf Initiation and Shoot Apical Diameter in Relation to Phase Transition in CinerariaYeh, Der-Ming ; Atherton, J.G.; Tucker, G.A.; Craigon, J.The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 
1321998Timing of the protein changes during phase transition in cinerariaAtherton, J.G.; DER-MING YEH ; Tucker, G.A.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
1331998底部灌溉系統對六種觀葉植物生長之影響葉德銘; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝 
1361997草本花卉栽培管理與應用之研究李哖; 李 哖; 葉德銘 
1391997Manipulation of flowering in cineraria. II. JuvenilityDER-MING YEH ; Atherton, J.G.Journal of Horticultural Science
1401997Manipulation of Flowering in Cineraria. I. Effects Of PhotoperiodYeh, Der-Ming ; Atherton, J.G.The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
1411997Manipulation of Flowering in cineraria. III. Cardinal Temperatures and Thermal Times for VernalizationYeh, Der-Ming ; Atherton, J.G.; Craigon, J.The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
1421997Manipulation of Flowering in Cineraria. IV. DevernalizationYeh, Der-Ming ; Atherton, J.G.; Craigon, J.The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology
1431995數種高經濟花卉作物肥料之開發應用研究(二)―即溶花卉肥料楊光盛; 孫華慰; 葉德銘; 林學正; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝 
1441994數種高經濟花卉作物肥料之開發應用研究(一)-切花用粒狀複合肥料楊光盛; 孫華慰; 葉德銘; 林學正; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝 
1451992花壇植物之展示與競賽徐碧徽; 葉德銘 鄉間小路 
1461990臺灣山蘇花孢子發芽與配子體發育之研究葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1471989栽培介質、緩效性肥料和廐肥對臺灣山蘇花生長之影響葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1481989溫度與無機養分對波斯頓腎蕨生長之影響葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1491989無機養分對臺灣山蘇花生長之影響葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝
1501988溫度對臺灣山蘇花生長之影響葉德銘; 李哖; DER-MING YEH 中國園藝