
第 1 到 37 筆結果,共 37 筆。

12023應用虛擬實境教學於網球技能提升之研究HSIAO-HAN CHAO; 趙曉涵 教育部教學實踐研究計畫
22022Effect of a Strategic Physical Activity Program on Cognitive Flexibility among Children with Internet Addiction: A Pilot StudyYU-HSIEN TSENG ; HSIAO-HAN CHAO ; CHIAO-LING HUNG Children (Basel, Switzerland)21
32021Effects of backhand stroke styles on bone mineral content and density in postmenopausal recreational tennis players: a cross-sectional pilot investigationWang, Ho-Seng; Tsai, Yi-Shan; Chen, Yung-Chih; HSIAO-HAN CHAO ; Lin, Hsin-Shih; Chiang, Yi-Pin; Chen, Hou-YuBMC women's health01
42021Influences of Recreational Tennis-Playing Exercise Time on Cardiometabolic Health Parameters in Healthy Elderly: The ExAMIN AGE StudyHSIAO-HAN CHAO ; Liao, Yi-Hung; Chou, Chun-ChungInternational journal of environmental research and public health76
52021不同教學策略對網球動作技能學習成效及後設認知之影響HSIAO-HAN CHAO; 趙曉涵 教育部教學實踐研究計畫
62020長期運動介入對ADHD兒童之效益:文獻回顧=Benefits of long-term exercise interventions on symptoms in children with ADHD: A review蔡雨璇; 趙曉涵 ; 洪巧菱 臺灣運動心理學報0
72019Effect of the Chemical Potentials of Electrodes on Charge Transport across Molecular JunctionsPeng, Hao Howard; Lin, Geng Min; Lin, Chih Hsun; CHUN-HSIEN CHEN; Wang, Tsai Hui; HSIAO-HAN CHAO ; Ho, Ching Hwa; Hsu, Hsiu FuJournal of Physical Chemistry C87
82019Effects of caffeine and sex on muscle performance and delayed-onset muscle soreness after exercise-induced muscle damage: A double-blind randomized trialChen, H.-Y.; Chen, Y.-C.; Tung, K.; Chao, H.-H. ; Wang, H.-S.Journal of Applied Physiology3832
92019不同急性運動類型對BDNF及干擾控制之影響=The effect of different acute exercise modes on serum BDNF and interference control曾竣瑋; 洪巧菱 ; 趙曉涵 ; 洪聰敏; 王鶴森體育學報00
102019Roger Federer 2005-2018年澳洲網球公開賽各項技術表現之數據分析Data analysis on Roger Federer's performance skills from 2005 to 2018 in Australian open; 林子揚; 趙曉雯; 趙曉涵 臺大體育學報
112018Effect of Acute Exercise Mode on Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and Task Switching PerformanceCHIAO-LING HUNG ; Tseng, Jun-Wei; HSIAO-HAN CHAO ; Hung, Tsung-Min; Wang, Ho-SengJournal of clinical medicine4641
122018網球開跳步搶打截擊動作下肢肌電特徵分析=The EMG analysis of lower limb muscles in tennis poaching split-step movement趙曉雯; 吳建志; 趙曉涵 ; 林子揚; 黃僅喻; 盛世慧淡江體育學刊
132017持拍運動與動脈硬化周峻忠; 林維鐘; 朱昌勇; 趙曉涵 ; 林子揚2017國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會
142017Racket Sport Participation on Delaying Vascular Aging周峻忠; 趙曉涵 ; 陳美莉 ; 林信甫 運動生理暨體能學報00
152017核心訓練搭配阻力訓練對網球運動員專項體能表現之影響趙曉雯; 吳建志; 趙曉涵 ; 盛世慧; 施惠方2017國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會
162017持拍運動對延緩血管老化之生理效益探討=Racket Sport Participation on Delaying Vascular Aging周峻忠; 趙曉涵 ; 陳美莉 ; 林信甫 運動生理暨體能學報00
172016Panax ginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza supplementation during eccentric resistance training in middle-aged and older adults: A double-blind randomized control trialHsin-Fu Lin ; Chun-Chung Chou; Hsiao-Han Chao ; Hirofumi TanakaComplementary Therapies in Medicine45
182016Acute effects of Core Rotation Exercise on Leg HemodynamicsLin, H-F. ; Chou, C-C.; Chao, H-H. ; Tung, Kang.2016 Annual Meeting of American College in Sports Medicine
192015The Effects of Core Exercise Combined with Resistance Exercise Training on Groundstroke and Serve Performance in Elite Female Tennis PlayersChao, H. W.; Wu, C. C.; Chao, H. H. ; Lin, T. Y.; Chou, C. C.第14屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會
202015年齡與性別對長距離路跑賽事表現的影響=Effects of Age and Gender in Performance of Long-Distance Running Competitions王鶴森; 趙曉涵 ; 范姜逸敏; 林淑惠體育學報00
212015Effects of panax ginseng and salvia miltiorrhiza supplementation with eccentric-biased resistance training on body composition and muscle strength on postmenopausal womenLin H. F. ; Chou, C. C.; Chao, H. H. ; Tsai, Y. C.; Chen, C. Y.38th?NSCA Annual Conference. Orlando, USA.
222015頂尖網球選手發球優勢與發球落點之性別差異研究=The Gender Differences on Serve Advantage and Serve Placement in Top Tennis Players趙曉涵 ; 王鶴森運動教練科學00
232015十二週雙參增補搭配離心阻力訓練對中老年人身體組成與肌力表現之影響周峻忠; 趙曉涵 ; 蔡易珊; 陳宗與; 林信甫 2015國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會
242015Effects of Acute Core Rotation on Cardiovascular Response Compared with Lower Leg Resistance Exercise- A Pilot Study by Using ImpedanceChao, H. H. ; Chou, C. C.; Chao, H.W.; Huang, C. C.; Lin H. F. 第14屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會
252015Effects of Chinese herb?supplementation with eccentric-biased resistance training on body composition and muscle strength in postmenopausal womenLin, H-F. ; Chou, C-C.; Chao, H-H. ; Tsai, Y-S.; Chen, C-Y. 2015 Annual Meeting of National Strength and Conditioning Association
262015Effects of Gender Difference and Caffeine Supplementation on Anaerobic Muscle PerformanceChen, H. Y.; Wang, H. S.; Tung, K.; Chao, H. H. International journal of sports medicine2827
272015單次站立閉鎖式核心旋轉運動對血管功能之立即生理效益研究趙曉涵 ; 周峻忠; 趙曉雯; 林信甫 2015國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會
282015核心訓練搭配阻力訓練對大專甲組女子網球選手技能表現之影響=The Effects of Core Exercise Combined with Resistance Exercise Training on Tennis skill Performance in Elite College Female Tennis Players趙曉雯; 趙曉涵 ; 王鶴森; 周峻忠體育學報00
292014Effects of lower-limb eccentric exercise on tennis skill performanceChao, H. H. ; Lin, T. Y.; Chao, H.W.; Chou, C. C.第13屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會
302014頂尖網球選手發球落點之性別差異研究趙曉涵 ; 周峻忠; 趙曉雯; 林子揚; 王宇涵; 王鶴森2014體育運動學術團體聯合年會暨學術研討會
312013耳穴貼壓與中等強度運動對肥胖者血漿瘦體素之影響=Effects of Ear Points Pressing and Moderate Exercise on Plasma Leptin Concentrations in Obese Men趙曉涵 ; 林子揚; 王鶴森臺大體育學報
322012Effects of Carbohydrate-Chromium Supplement on Sprint Performance Following Prolonged Exercise in Cyclists王鶴森; 趙曉涵 ; 劉昭吟第11屆華人運動生理與體適能學者學會年會暨2012上海國際運動醫學高層論壇
332012低強度阻力結合加壓訓練對肌肉適能的效益及相關機制童亢; 趙曉涵 ; 王鶴森2012國際運動生理及體能領域學術研討會
342010網球公開賽男子單打之發球技能分析研究:以2009年四大網球公開賽為例=Comparative Analysis on Serve Skill of Men's Single Matches in 2009 Grand Slam Tournament邱豐傑; 李鑑芸; 趙曉涵 臺大體育學報
352008不同材質場地對網球發球落點與相關表現之影響=The Effect of Different Court Surface on Tennis Serve Placement and Related Performance趙曉涵 ; 王鶴森運動教練科學00
372005網球發球落點與技術相關表現之研究-以2004年美國網球公開賽男子單打賽為例=The Role of Serve Placement in Tennis Matches-An Example Study of the 2004 US Open Men's Singles王鶴森; 林偉毅; 趙曉涵 體育學報00