
第 1 到 76 筆結果,共 76 筆。

12020Developing an interdisciplinary bio-sensor STEM module for secondary school teachers: An exploratory studySHIHKUAN HSU ; CHIA-CHI SUNG ; Sheen H.-J.; HORN-JIUNN SHEEN Voprosy Obrazovaniya
22018中國文化下的教育之省思=Reflections on Education in Chinese Culture徐式寬 清華教育學報00
32018教育科技與教育實踐間的差距及省思=Discrepancies Between Educational Technology and Educational Practices: A Reflection徐式寬 清華教育學報00
42017Developing and validating a scale for measuring changes in teachers’ ICT integration proficiency over timeHsu, S. Computers and Education2017
52016關於本期徐式寬 教育傳播與科技研究00
62015Finding a new identify for teachersHsu, S. ; Hwang, T.-M.Education as cultivation in Chinese culture
72015關於本期徐式寬 教育傳播與科技研究00
82015Exploring Teacher’s Role in Students’ Internet Overuse Problems: Instructional Strategies and Emotional Support徐式寬 教育傳播與科技研究00
92015ConclusionHsu, S. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region10
102015Exploring the effect of support and cooperation on teacher's ICT integrationHsu, S. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education
112015Education as cultivation in Chinese cultureHsu, S. ; Wu, Y.-Y.
122015IntroductionHsu, S. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region01
132014Developing and validating a follow-up scale for a study of teacher’s technology integration proficiencyHsu, S. Taiwan E-Learning Forum (TWELF) 2014
142014談教師在資訊科技教育中的重要性徐式寬 臺灣教育評論月刊
152014應用雲端虛擬教室降低數位落差:Ezilla 雲端簡單龍徐式寬 ; 黃俊宏; 鄭國陽; 潘怡倫; 吳長興; 陳繼銘; 游錫恩; 陳惠珊ICEET 數位學習與教育科技國際研討會論文集
162013The impact of multilevel factors on technology integration: The case of Taiwanese grade 1-9 teachers and schoolsHsu, S. ; Kuan, P.-Y.Educational Technology Research and Development
172012從卓越師資培育特色議題計畫談起徐式寬 臺灣教育評論月刊
182012研究的後台分享—從研究開始到意義產生的過程徐式寬 TWELF第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會論文集
192011Who assigns the most ICT activities? Examining the relationship between teacher and student usageHsu, S. Computers and Education4443
202011國民中小學教師資訊融入教學素養評量表之建構與調查徐式寬 ; 關秉寅科學教育學刊00
212010長高─教學評量實踐知識的意象內涵與運作胡惠絮; 吳毓瑩; 徐式寬 課程與教學00
222010實習教師實踐知識成長之探究徐式寬 師資培育政策與專業實踐的反思國際研討會
232010A study of teacher’s support and students’ Internet misusesHsu, S. 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology (ECPP)
242010創造力、智慧與信賴—文化生產的利基Dillon, P.; 徐式寬 Craft, A., Gardner H., & Claxton, G. (Eds.), 創造力; 智慧; 與信賴──教育可以做什麼
252010The relationship between teacher's technology integration ability and usageHsu, S. Journal of Educational Computing Research
262010The process of learning to be a teacher: Extension, modification, and adoption of teacher's knowledgeHsu, S. The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research (EAI 2010)
272010創造力、智慧與信賴Gardner, H.; 徐式寬 Craft, A., Gardner H., & Claxton, G. (Eds.), 創造力; 智慧; 與信賴──教育可以做什麼
282010The growing of teacher’s practical knowledge on learning assessment—as wise as water.Hu, H.-H.; Wu, Y.-Y.; Hsu, W.-T.; Hsu, S. 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research (EAI 2010)
292010國民中小學教師推薦之優良網站分析徐式寬 教育資料與研究
302010Developing a scale for teacher integration of information and communication technology in grades 1-9Hsu, S. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning3531
312010Exploring concept learning in a wireless sensor networking environment: A Chinese language exampleYueh, H.-P.; Hsu, S. ; Lin, C.-T.; Liu, Y.-C.Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age, CELDA 2010
322009School level and subject differences in teacher’s use of technology in TaiwanHsu, S. ; Kuan, P. Y.Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association (CAERDA) International Conference
332009The relationship between teacher ICT capability and design of student activities.Hsu, S. American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting
342009線上影音資源與學生學習促進之研究:以臺大演講網為例胡秋帆; 岳修平; 邱立安; 徐式寬 ; 莊榮輝第十三屆全球華人計算機教育會議(GCCCE2009)
352009學生使用線上演講影音資源及評估之研究:以臺大演講網為例胡秋帆; 岳修平 ; 邱立安; 徐式寬 ; 莊榮輝 教學科技與媒體
362008Teacher’s background and ICT uses at schools in Taiwan.Hsu, S. ; Kuan, P. Y.; Yang, C. H.Conference of International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2008)
372008Designing a learning management system to support instructionYueh, Hsiu-Ping ; Hsu, Shihkuan Communications of the ACM6240
382008漫漫遙迢路:從新手到專家的教師成長之路徐式寬 華人教養之道──若水
392008臺北縣市國中小教師資訊融入教學之方式與影響因素研究=Methods and Factors Influencing Computer Integration for Elementary and Junior High School Teachers in the Taipei Area徐式寬 教學科技與媒體
402008台北縣市國中小教師資訊融入教學之方式與影響因素研究徐式寬 教學科技與媒體
412007Applying performance support system approach to LMS design in supporting a large scale university teaching.Yueh, H. P.; Hsu, S. 2007 Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network Conference
422007教師觀點中的學校科技設備豐富度—縣市及城鄉差異徐式寬 ; 關秉寅; 楊正宏中華民國九十六年全國計算機會議(2007 National Computer Symposium, NCS)論文集
432007中小學教師資訊素養與其科技環境之關係徐式寬 ; 楊正宏TANET2007台灣網際網路研討會論文集
442007中小學教師資訊素養自評表應用調查結果徐式寬 臺北全球華人資訊教育創新論壇—ICT跨領域特性在教育上的應用演講集
452007認識生活科技徐式寬 自然與生活科技
462006教師利用資訊融入教學程度之探討—以台北縣市中小學教師為例徐式寬 第三屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2006)論文集
472006Establishing a K-12 Nanotechnology Program for Teacher Professional DevelopmentLee, Chih-Kuan; Wu, Tsung-Tsong ; Liu, Pei-Ling ; CHIH-KUNG LEE ; TSUNG-TSONG WU ; Hsu, S. IEEE Transactions on Education1518
482006Reasons for Participation: Experiences from a student teacher web forumHsu, S. Proceedings of the International Computer Symposium 2006 (ICS2006)
492005Help-seeking behaviour of student teachersHsu, S. Educational Research3529
502005從教師教學需求及資訊尋求過程探索教學資源庫之設計岳修平; 徐式寬 ; 李盈蓁2005年教育資訊傳播與科技國際學術研討會會議論文集
512005教師教學資訊尋求歷程研究與網路教學資源庫建置岳修平 ; 徐式寬 ; 李盈蓁教學科技與媒體
522005Learning from the pitfalls of a case sharing webHsu, S. Proceedings - 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005
532004大學教師教學專業發展之資訊尋求行為研究李盈蓁; 岳修平 ; 徐式寬 圖書資訊學刊
542004資訊融入教學的資源庫建置──臺灣區遠距教學交流網中小學專區介紹徐式寬 ; 岳修平 ; 李盈蓁; 胡秋帆中等教育
552004Using case discussion on the web to develop student teacher problem solving skillsHsu, S. Teaching and Teacher Education3227
562003反省與回顧台灣政府近年來在電腦融入教學上的投資與努力徐式寬 ; 林珮貞教學科技與媒體
572002Educational technology and teacher professional developmentHsu, S. The Teaching and Learning Journal at National Taiwan University
582002Examining the problems facing distance education with a focus on learner’s satisfactionHsu, S. Open University Annual
592002An initial exploration of the achievement and problems of the government’s effort in computer-integrated instruction.Hsu, S. ; Lin, P. J.Forth Annual Conference of Teaching and Learning at National Chiao Tung University
602002從學習滿意度談遠距教學面對面的問題徐式寬 隔空教育論叢
612002Learning from the Pitfalls of a Case Sharing Web.Hsu, S. annual conference of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
622001從實習教師的需求探索教育實習網站之建構=Analyzing the Needs of Student Teachers to Build a Web-supported Environment徐式寬 教學科技與媒體
632001Is matching the needs of students necessary? —A revist to the issue of satisfaction.Hsu, S. annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
642001Constructing a web from the communication need of student teachersHsu, S. Instructional Technology and Media
652000From research to development: A content analysis of journal articles.Rath, A.; Hsu, S. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction 2000
662000Achieving interaction in distance education: A case study.Hsu, S. ; Banwart, W. L.; F. L. MastnyNational Association for College Teachers in Agriculture (NACTA) Journal
672000Examining Problems of Student Teachers to Build a Web-supported EnvironmentHsu, S. ; Wang, H.Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer-Assisted Instruction 2000
681999Conclusion: The need for systematic educational computing R&D.Rath, A.; Hsu, S. Journal of Research in Computer Education
691999Learner satisfaction in distance education: Implications to learning in higher education.Hsu, S. Proceedings of the Cross Century Cross-strait Conference of Research and Planning in Higher Education.
701998Case studies of using audioconferencing technology for distance course delivery in American universities.Hsu, S. National Open University in Taiwan.
711998Individulaizing whole group instruction: Pedagogical insights from peer teaching.Rath, A.; Hsu, S. Proceedings of the Tel-Ed ’98 Conference.
721998The missing borders: Pedagogical reflections from distance education.Hsu, S. ; Bruce, B.Teaching Education
731997Recognizing and bridging the distance—A case study with visual teleconferencing.Banwart, W. L.; Hsu, S. National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
741997The invisible barriers in teaching at a distance.Hsu, S. ; Sammons, M.Proceddings of the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference
751996The process of distance education: A qualitative study.Hsu, S. Sixth Annual Conference of Instructional Technology, Pedagogy and the Curriculum.
761994Where do the minds meet?--Expanding on Moore's three types of interaction.Hsu, S. International Distance Education Conference.