第 1 到 97 筆結果,共 97 筆。

12019Estimating the effect of a fit-focused employee selection programSHUEN-ZEN LIU ; Liu, Nai Yng; Chu, Hsuan LienJournal of Management Accounting Research22
22019個案就像一本故事書劉順仁 管理評論
32018Cost drivers for managing dialysis facilities in a large chain in TaiwanCho C.-C.; Chiu A.; Huang S.Y.; Liu S.-Z. Management Decision12
42017由會計看「死生之地,存亡之道」劉順仁 會計研究月刊
52016會計與資治通鑑-以「三家分晉」為例劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
62015The Impact of Performance Measure Properties on the Relationship between Incentive Intensity and Firm Performance-Evidence from the Real Estate Brokerage Chain in TaiwanNai-Ying Liu; SHUEN-ZEN LIU 2015 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 
72015競爭與「上下都亢」分析劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
82014會計與競爭劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
92014競爭與「1325」分析劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
102014Changes in the prescription pattern of antipsychotics for schizophrenic outpatients after the implementation of a global budgeting programChiu, Hsien-Jane; Chou, Po-Han; Loh, El-Wui; Lan, Tzuo-Yun; Wu, Bo-Jian; Chang, Yung-Yan; Liu, Shuen-Zen ; Lan, Tsuo-HungJournal of the Chinese Medical Association21
112013豐富損益數字的管理意涵劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
122013什麼是會計學-爵有德、封有功劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
132012Health Service Quality and Financial Performance: Findings from Renal Clinics in Taiwan = 醫療服務品質與財務績效:台灣血液透析診所的實證分析卓佳慶(Chia-Ching Cho); 劉順仁(Shuen-Zen Liu) ; James C. Romeis管理學報00
142012The Relationship between a Buyer Incentive Scheme and Purchasing Performance朱炫璉(Hsuan-Lien Chu); 劉順仁(Shuen-Zen Liu) ; 劉乃熒(Nai-Yng Liu)當代會計00
152011Assessing the Effects of Drug Price Reduction Policies on Older People in Taiwan.Hsuan-Lien Chu; SHUEN-ZEN LIU ; James C RomeisHealth Services Management Research
162011Effects of unbalanced incentive measures on buyer performance - an empirical study in TaiwanChu H.-L.; Cho C.-C.; Liu S.-Z. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management20
172011動態競爭與財報分析劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
182010Do drug price adjustment policies work? The impact of physician financial incentive plans on the implementation of drug cost containment mechanismsChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. ; Romeis J.C.Drug Information Journal44
212008Changes in prescribing behaviors after implementing drug reimbursement rate reduction policy in Taiwan: Implications for the medicare systemChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. ; Romeis J.C.Journal of Health Care Finance
222008The effects of physicians' financial incentives on the effectiveness of Taiwan's outpatient drug copayment policyChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. ; Romeis J.C.Drug Information Journal43
232008The impact of manager promotion programs on store performance: Evidence from 3C chain stores in TaiwanChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. Service Industries Journal55
242007競爭,在對的地方─談如何為病患創造真正的價值劉順仁 國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院雲林分院院訊 
252007淺談非營業特種基金願景之訂定劉順仁 主計月刊 
262007非營業基金之績效管理-談平衡計分卡之應用劉順仁 研考雙月刊00
292006好管理要像好電影劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
302006樂於分享才有凝聚力劉順仁 哈佛商業評論中文版 
322005財務報表吐露競爭力劉順仁 財務人月刊 
332005道德與誠信是成功經營的基石劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
352005Taiwan's National Health Insurance: A Decade of Change in Health Care Policy and Management ResponsesRomeis J.C.; Liu S.-Z. ; Counte M.A.Advances in Health Care Management00
372004一筆外國人捐款造就美國富藝社會─史密斯博物館的文化大愛啟示錄劉順仁 商業周刊 
382004Changes in drug utilization following the outpatient prescription drug cost-sharing program - evidence from Taiwan's elderlyLiu, Shuen-Zen ; Romeis, James C.Health Policy2928
392004平衡計分卡最新發展及其在公共部門應用的省思劉順仁 主計月刊 
402004論平衡計分卡的最新發展及其在公共部門的應用劉順仁 國家政策季刊 00
412004Does capitated contracting improve efficiency? Evidence from California hospitalsChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. ; Romeis J.C.Health Care Management Review75
422003荒野中打造世界十大頂級餐廳─美國小華盛頓棧二十五年成功傳奇劉順仁 商業周刊 
432003制敵機先─「英雄」與假想敵─ 回顧波斯灣戰爭前的決策劉順仁 商業周刊 
442003Assessing the Effect of Taiwan’s Outpatient Prescription Drug Co-Payment Policy in the ElderlyLiu, Shuen-Zen ; Romeis, James C.Medical Care2927
452003The Initial Effects of Physician Compensation Programs in Taiwan Hospitals: Implications for Staff Model HMOsChu, Hsuan-Lien; Liu, Shuen-Zen ; Romeis, James C.; Yaung, Chih-LiangHealth Care Management Science250
462002基層醫療經濟指數之建立劉順仁 台灣醫學
472002Does the implementation of responsibility centers, total quality management, and physician fee programs improve hospital efficiency? Evidence from Taiwan hospitalsChu H.-L.; Liu S.-Z. ; Romeis J.C.Medical Care2623
492001The Effect of Outpatient prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Program on Taiwanese ElderlySHUEN-ZEN LIU The 2001 Annual Conference of Association of Health Service Research 
512001我國基層政府預決算之差異與剖析-過度「保守」及「收支平衡」預算造成差異劉順仁 主計月報 
522000A Field Study on the Efficiency Effect of Implementing the Physician Compensation Program in Taiwan HospitalsH.L.Chu; LIU SHUEN-ZEN ; James C.RomeisThe 2000 Annual Conference of Association of Health Service Research
532000網路科技與政府會計資訊揭露劉順仁 主計月報 
542000牙醫診所醫療物價指數建立之研究劉順仁 中華公共衛生雜誌 
552000紐、澳、美三國政府平衡表表達之比較研究劉順仁 ; 陳峙維會計研究月刊 
562000我國會審人員對政府公務會計之看法問卷調查劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
572000The Effect of Outpatient prescription Drug Cost-Sharing Program on Taiwanese ElderlyLiu, Shuen-Zen The 2000 Annual Conference of Association of Health Service Research
592000資產涵蓋權責制統一 負債分類依政情細分 紐、澳、美三國政府 平衡表表達之比較研究劉順仁 ; 陳峙維會計研究月刊00
602000需求供給互動不佳 惡性循環裹足不前 我國政府會計資訊需求面及供給面之分析劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
612000我國政府會計資訊需求面及供給面之分析劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
622000紐、澳、美三國政府會計收支認列原則之比較研究劉順仁 ; 陳峙維會計研究月刊 
632000推動政府會計改革 貫徹權責基礎精神 我國會審人員對政府公務會計之看法問卷調查劉順仁 ; 陳峙維會計研究月刊00
642000收入多依循權責 支出常檢視程序 紐、澳、美三國政府會計收支認列原則之比較研究劉順仁 會計研究月刊00
652000政府會計整合型計畫之規劃劉順仁 科學發展月刊
672000Does the implementation of responsibility centers, total quality management and physician fee programs improve hospital efficiency–Evidence from Taiwan hospitalsH.L.Chu; SHUEN-ZEN LIU ; C. L. Yaung; James C. RomeisThe Second Globalization Conference of American Accounting and British Accounting Association 
681999如何推動醫院責任中心制度—公立教學醫院之個案分析劉順仁 ; 楊志良中山企業論壇 
691999國內綜合醫院管理控制制度實施現況及成效楊志良; 劉順仁 ; 朱炫璉會計研究月刊00
711999全民健康保險財務表達問題之探討吳琮璠 ; 劉順仁 ; 陳引瑞會計研究月刊 00
721998中央健保局現行會計制度及財務表達問題之探討吳琮璠 ; 劉順仁 政府會計學術研討會
731998全民健保會計制度與財務資訊表達吳琮璠 ; 劉順仁 政府會計研討會 
741998世界政府會計基礎之發展及啟示劉順仁 主計月報 
751998全民健康保險財務監理與稽核研究吳琮璠 ; 劉順仁 
761998公立教學醫院收益中心成本及利潤決定因素之探討楊志良; 劉順仁 ; 白嘉眉主計月報 
781997資本盈餘與租稅目的下美國商業銀行會計決策之研究劉順仁 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會 
791997公立教學醫院責任中心成本及利潤決定因素之個案研究劉順仁 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會 
801997台灣商業銀行壞帳決策與買賣有價證券損益影響因素之實證研究劉順仁 第八屆會計理論與實務研討會 
811997The Determinants of Loan Impairment Recognized by the U. S. Bank Holding CompaniesSHUEN-ZEN LIU 會計評論 
821997國立大學校務基金會計問題面面觀柯承恩; 劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
831997美國商業銀行財務資料揭露之資訊內涵劉順仁 ; 洪曉穎管理與系統 
841997走向自給自足之路─國立大學校務基金會計問題面面觀柯承恩; 劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
851997附註揭露是股價保證還是毒藥?─美國商業銀行財務資料揭露之資訊內涵劉順仁 ; 洪曉穎會計研究月刊 
871997醫療管理的新工具─臨床路線之簡介及探討劉順仁 今日會計 
881997公立教學醫院實施責任中心制度之初步成效及成本控制相關因素之個案研究劉順仁 ; 楊志良; 鄭旭然管理評論00
891997The Determinants of Loan Impairment Recognized by the U.S. Bank Holding Companies劉順仁(Shuen-Zen Liu) 會計評論00
901996醫院管理新制度 責任中心悄降臨─公立教學醫院實施責任中心制度之成效評估劉順仁 ; 楊志良; 鄭旭然會計研究月刊 
911996參考美國經驗 掌握放款風險─美國商業銀行壞帳承認影響因素之實證研究劉順仁 ; 張智凱; Bedingfield; James P.會計研究月刊 
921996積極尋求預測法則─信用評等與會計研究劉順仁 會計研究月刊 
941995Signaling, Capital Adequacy Ratio Regulations, and the Loan Impairment recognized by Commercial BanksSHUEN-ZEN LIU The 7th Conference on Accounting Theory & Practices 
951995On the Signaling Incentives of Loan Loss Provision Recognized by Banks劉順仁(Shuen-Zen Liu) 會計評論00
961994The Economic Consequences of Mandating Accrual Basis Accounting in GovernmentsSHUEN-ZEN LIU The sixth Asian-Pacific Conference on Accounting Issues 
971993Signaling, Capital Adequacy Ratio Regulations, and the Load Impairment Recognized by Commercial BanksSHUEN-ZEN LIU