第 1 到 50 筆結果,共 50 筆。

12023Toward a State-led, Market-Enabled Commons: Positioning Urban Civic Energy in East AsiaCHI-HSIN CHIU Urban Affairs Review0
22023Negotiating Urban Greening Through Housing Development: Stakeholders and Sociospatial Strategies in a Municipality-Led Eco-Building ProgrammeCHI-HSIN CHIU Housing, Theory and Society
32023Greening informality through metabolic coordination: An urban political ecology of governing extralegal housing forms in TaiwanCHI-HSIN CHIU Urban Studies
42020後政治社會之能源社群與公民電廠發展: 個案與理論分析邱啟新 台灣社會學年會,臺北市:國立臺灣大學
52020Solidarity, Civil Society and Social Distancing in Taiwan and BeyondCHI-HSIN CHIU Public Space Research Group Academic Commons (Retrieved 18 June 2020)
62020Theorizing Public Participation and Local Governance in Urban Resilience: Reflections on the “Provincializing Urban Political Ecology” ThesisChihsin Chiu Sustainability20
72020以都市政體理論檢視台中市宜居建築政策實施過程之多元行動者關係陳贊仁; 邱啟新 第七屆都市計畫與空間資訊研討會,2020年5月2日,台中:逢甲大學
82020能源轉型過程之社區(群)參與: 都市公民電廠之當前實踐與理論意涵邱啟新 中華民國都市計劃學會2020 聯合年會暨論文研討會,臺北市:臺北市立大學
92020非正式城市之永續性修補:高雄市違章住宅轉型之空間與環境策略邱啟新 都市與計畫
102019Association of injury pattern and entrapment location inside damaged buildings in the 2016 Taiwan earthquakePan, S. T.; Cheng, Y. Y.; Wu, C. L.; Chang, R. H.; Chiu, C. ; Foo, N. P.; Chen, P.T.; Wang, P.Y.; Chen, L. H.; Chen, C. J.; Ong R.; Tsai, C. C.; Hsu, C. C.; Hsieh, L. W.; Chi, C.H.; Lin, C. H.Journal of the Formosan Medical Association1716
112019Creativity, Conviviality and Civil Society in Neoliberalizing Public Space: Changing Politics and Discourses in Skateboarder Activism From New York City to Los AngelesChihsin Chiu ; Christopher GiamarinoJournal of Sport and Social Issues1411
122019解密上流社會物種之都市民族誌:評《我是一個媽媽,我需要柏金包!:耶魯人類學家的曼哈頓上東區臥底觀察》邱啟新 社會分析
132018城市低碳治理行動中之綠住宅生產與自然社會意義變遷邱啟新 台灣社會學會年會:「行動中的社會學」,2018年12月1日至2日,新竹:交通大學
142018垂直綠化不應成豪宅專利邱啟新 蘋果日報
152018綠色房地產之成長聯盟轉型: 台中經驗初探邱啟新 第十屆台灣發展研究年會「台灣經驗2.0:全球與在地發展研究與實踐」,2018年10月27日至28日,台北: 政治大學
162018陽光下之非正式性: 綠能導向違建治理之發展願景與城市管理意義CHI-HSIN CHIU 地理學報
172018The Sustainability Fix of an Informal City: Green architectural interventions in governing urban squatting in TaiwanCHI-HSIN CHIU International Association of People-Environment Studies Biannual Conference: “Transitions to sustainability, lifestyles changes and human wellbeing: cultural, environmental and political challenges”, July 8-13, Rome, Italy
182017Regulatory regimes and the environmental implications of sustainability-based governance of extralegal buildings: Comparing the Taichung and Kaohsiung policiesCHI-HSIN CHIU Journal of Architecture and Planning2
192017集合住宅屋頂空間之使用型態與公共性初探張承澔; 邱啟新 第二十九屆建築研究成果發表會,台南: 成功大學建築系
202017永續思維之違建規範體制與其環境意涵:台中市與高雄市政策之比較邱啟新 建築與規劃學報
212017從舊園林到新地景:社子公園之行為導向設計與使用活化邱啟新 ; 李政陽建築學報
222016違建城市之綠色治理與永續修補:台中與高雄政策之比較邱啟新 中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、住宅學會、城市管理學會聯合年會,台北市。科技部:104-2410-H-030-075。
232016綠能導向屋頂違建治理之都市政治生態學:以高雄市為例邱啟新 第八屆台灣發展研究年會,台北:台灣大學地理系。科技部:104- 2410-H-030-075
242016Remodeling rooftop squatting with Solar Photovoltaic systems in Taiwan: House owners’ experience and social construction of technologyCHI-HSIN CHIU Anthropology, Weather and Climate Change Conference, London, UK. MOST 104-2410-H-030-075
252016寵「物」之外:以場域論探討國父紀念館遛狗者社交行為邱啟新 ; 黃嫈凱觀光休閒學報
262015"Celebrating squatting"and "building an orchid house": Perspectives on public space and publicness from two contemporary architectural discourses of taiwanese squattingCHI-HSIN CHIU Journal of Architecture and Planning0
272015推薦序邱啟新 圖解住宅植栽 (山崎誠子著; 施金英譯)
282015台北社子公園更新對社會文化永續性之衝擊邱啟新 中國地理學會年會暨地理學術研討。台北市:臺灣師範大學。4月28日
292015「朗讀違章」與「建構蘭花屋」:當代台灣違建論述之公共空間觀點與公共性詮釋邱啟新 建築與規劃學報
302015鑲嵌之社會文化永續性:台北社子公園更新計畫對使用者之衝擊邱啟新 跨界:大學與社會參與
312015綠色堡壘: 台北新圓環之綠活論述、自然再現與偽公共空間邱啟新 
322014從兩空間論述個案探討台灣當代違建之美學與永續治理。邱啟新 中華民國都市計畫學會、區域科學學會、住宅學會、地區發展學會聯合年會。新北市:台北大學。12月6日
332014以綠之名: 新圓環之綠活論述、自然再現與都市發展意涵邱啟新 科技部區域研究及地理學門學術研討與研究成果會。台北:科技部,10月18日。(NSC 101-2410-H-030-060)
342014Building a green fortress? Rethinking planning and design strategies of New Jiangcheng Circle in TaipeiCHI-HSIN CHIU EURA-UAA Joint Conference: City Futures III, Paris, France, June 18-20 (NSC 101-2410-H-030-060)
352014新自由主義治理下之本土消費地景轉型:士林夜市與建成圓環更新比較邱啟新 藝術學報
362014From self-management towards private management: Changing approaches to decentralized management of street business in TaipeiChiu, C. Journal of Urban Management
372013我「演」故我在:士林攤販創製夜市版圖之空間戰術邱啟新 反造城市:台灣非典型都市規劃術
382013鄰里公園私有化現象探討:社子公園與艋舺公園之比較邱啟新 ; 林慧佳景觀論壇論文集:變遷中的地景
392013Informal management, interactive performance: Street vendors and police in a Taipei Night MarketChiu, C. International Development Planning Review
402013Inclusion or exclusion: Neoliberal redevelopment of Shilin Night Market in TaipeiCHI-HSIN CHIU Urban Affairs Association, San Francisco, U. S. A. (NSC 101-2410-H-030-086)
412013Voyage of a wavering mind: Phantasmagoric space in Thomas Hardy's “Poems of 1912-13"Chiu, C. ; Tang, C.GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences
422013本土地景之新自由主義治理:士林夜市與建成圓環更新邱啟新 景觀領域國科會專題研究計畫研討會論文集,台北: 台灣造園景觀學會。(NSC 101-2410-H-030-086)
432012Excluding the elderly: Designs and discourses of urban parks邱啟新 設計研究學報
442012Contestation and conformity: Street and park skateboarding in New York City public spaceChiu, C. Space and Culture
452012都市經典對台灣族裔文化之啓示:評桃樂絲.海登之《地方的力量:都市地景作為公共歷史》邱啟新 文化研究月報
462010Fluid occupancy: Politics and space in a Taipei night marketCHI-HSIN CHIU 
472009Contestation and Conformity: Street and Park Skateboarding in New York City Public SpaceCHI-HSIN CHIU Space and Culture
482009From street facelifting to business building: the Experiences at Taipei Shilin Old Streets DistrictCHI-HSIN CHIU Joint Conference of the Society for East Asian Anthropology and the Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology, Taipei, July 2-5
492009Contesting space, branding a City: Space, culture, and capital of Shilin Night MarketCHI-HSIN CHIU 10th Annual Conference of Taiwanese Cultural Studies Association, Taipei, January 3-4
502008Walking in the market: Culture, body, and movement in Taipei night marketsCHI-HSIN CHIU Concerning the quality of life in different crowds: The 8th International Symposium for Environment-Behavior Studies