Others: Center for General Education
Taipei City
<p> In 1981, NTU President Zhao-Zhong Yu proposed the idea that ideal education should be liberal and well-round, and the Group for General Education was therefore established. According to NTU Affairs Meeting in 1992, the Planning Croup of General Education was formed to plan the courses for general and liberal education while the Curriculum Planning Commission was established in 1994. Afterwards, the functional mission-grouping the General Education Commission was founded in the following year, and was reformed as the General Education Center. General Education Curriculum Planning Commission, which belongs to General Education Center, was still in charge of planning courses for general education. In April 1996, the Commission for General Education (CGE) was established to promote and administer general and liberal education and other related matters. In 2006, Commission for General Education was again reformed as the Center for General Education, and became an independent academic organization instead of administrative organization.</p>