Medical Imaging-NTUH
Taipei City
<p> The Department of Radiology was established early in 1911. In 1990, the Department of Radiology was functionally divided into three divisions, including Diagnostic Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Therapeutic Radiology. As new imaging modalities such as ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging developed, which do not apply the use of radiation, the division of Diagnostic Radiology was renamed as the Department of Medical Imaging in 1993. The imaging system was filmless and used PACS since 1995. </p><p> Our faculties in the three divisions of Deparment of Radiology are experts in education, clinical practice, and research. We have outstanding researches of modern medical imaging techniques, including dynamiccontrast-enhanced MRI, especially for bone marrow and leukemia, liver and hepatocullular carcinoma, breast cancer and lung cancer, myocardial perfusion imaging, functional MR of brain, diffusion tensor imaging, diffusion spectrum imaging, cardiovascular CT, SPECT and PET-CT. We also established a reputable position in interventional neuroradiology, and also improvements in minimum invasive procedures in various fields, and improvements in therapeutic radiology. Recently, the department also established new equipments for clinical service and research, including two 3.0 tesla MR scanners, one 256 slices ultras-fact CT scanner and PET-CT with cyclotron. In the future, we are looking forward to new advances, such as molecular image, in imaging techniques, and preparing ourselves to play a leadership role in radiology. </p>