Taipei City
The department of economics at National Taiwan University is the premier economics program in the country. Both our undergraduate and graduate programs are unsurpassed in Taiwan and for decades, our department has been the training ground for many of Taiwan’s leaders in both government and business. One particular strength of our department is the high quality of the students who elect to study here. The university entrance exam shows that our student body has the highest level of academic achievement among all social science programs in Taiwan. We are the largest economics program on the island admitting approximately 120 new undergraduate students and 60 graduate students each year. This allows us to offer the greatest variety of courses including an ever growing number of courses taught in English. Through a special arrangement with the University of California, outstanding students in our department have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad studying at Berkeley. There are numerous other overseas education opportunities though the University’s student exchange programs. We also have an executive masters degree program to serve those in society who wish to continue their education. Our large award-winning international faculty has published in virtually all fields of economics. Papers written by our faculty members have recently appeared in such journals as the American Economic Review, Science, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Econometrics, etc.. The high quality of our department also attracts top-notch adjunct faculty who bring a wide range of knowledge and experience to the courses they teach. Our numerous department workshops often feature international guest speakers who present their latest research. The economics department publishes the Taiwan Economic Review, one of the very top social science journals in Taiwan. We also publish jointly with the City University of Hong Kong the Pacific Economic Review and the Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, both of which are indexed in the SSCI. We are Taiwan’s leader in economics education and research. Our department’s mission is to further knowledge and understanding of economics in Taiwan and throughout the world. We are continually striving to create a body of alumni who can serve society not only through their understanding of economics, but also through the character and powers of rational analysis they have developed during the time they have spent in our department. We take pride in both the students we have taught and the body of research our department has produced. And we persist in trying to extend these past achievements.