The Use of Disorder: The Daily-life Space and Culture of Duoluo Street in Changsha
Date Issued
Lyu, Hang
Since the policy of Reform and Opening in 1980s, Chinese Government processed in rapid urbanization with many unplanned living streets eradicated for economic growth. Duoluo Street in Changsha is one of them. This demolition-led development erased local space culture and daily memories, causing irreversible damage to the urban landscape. Based on the case of Duoluo Street, this thesis discusses the living culture and value of unplanned living streets for urban space. Through official, media and network data, along with deep interviews, field survey, questionnaire, and my own experience, four conclusions are drawn as follows. Firstly, this self-raised Duoluo Street provided a potential solution to the transforming Chinese society within the modernism planning system. Secondly, this vivid and free street was filled up with diverse business activities, ranging from eating to shoping. Thus, diffierent needs of consumers and self-recovery of this street could be fulfilled according to the social development. Meanwhile, the involved local identification and rebellious youth subculture made Duoluo Street a Carnival shield from traditional bounds. Thirdly, this disorder and somehow dirty street was demolished by government for city image and Yuelu Mountain District planning program. During the dismantling process, the bottom up resistance thrived against the government power. And the huge change afterwards reflected the disparity between government massive planning projectand daily civilian life. Finally, the rebuilding environment after the demolition reflects that the Government of Changsha uses improving the environment of waterfront as a method of urban development and economic growth, under the market-oriented background and the special mode of governance in China.
Duoluo Street
unplanned living streets
everyday life and cultural
dismantle and resist
environment govern
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