Surface plasmons in double layer remote-grating system
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Journal Volume
Part F125-JSAP 2018
Date Issued
Exciting the surface plasmons with large near-field intensity enhancement is important for the nanophotonic applications. There are several ways to excite the surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) [1]. In 2010, a remote-grating structure to excite the SPPs was proposed and studied [2]. By this way, the features and benefits of SPP excitations are the narrow spectral bandwidth and the large near-field intensity. In this paper, we consider the double layer remote-grating structure to excite SPPs and compare our simulation results with single layer remote-grating structures. The effects of structure parameters on field enhancements and bandwidths are studied. ? 2018 OSA - The Optical Society. All rights reserved.
Bandwidth; Diffraction gratings; Electromagnetic wave polarization; Surface plasmon resonance; Double layers; Field enhancement; Grating structures; Near-field intensity; Single layer; Spectral bandwidth; Structure parameter; Surface plasmon polaritons; Surface plasmons
conference paper