Why Is Community Economy Possible in Taiwan--- A story on Ching-Shui-Go in Lu-Gu
Date Issued
Cheng, Wen-Liang
The community economy of the modern society at least can be traced back to the 18th century. Moreover, it is frequently addressed with many forms in today's 'glocal (global and local) development.' During the period that Taiwan transformed to 'beyond late development” country from “late development” country, such community economies were continually brought up and practiced. So here I will discuses 'Why is community economy possible in Taiwan' in context of glocal development.
This thesis is about the story of the post 921-earthqake recovery. In 1999, an earthquake measuring 7.3 degrees on the Richter scale occurred in middle Taiwan, and caused 2,447 people died and many peopled hurt seriously. Many groups worked hard for the recovery with their passion and love. For them, such recovery is the root of community economy recovery, and this is the theme this thesis concerns about.
The topic to be researched is: Why is community economy possible in Taiwan? There are three gaps in current community economy study in Taiwan - spatial, economic process and context. To avoid the gaps, a 'cultural sociograph' is proposed as Epistemology in this thesis. This approach concern about 'How culture formalizes society and furthermore influences economy? '
In conclusion, there are four arguments in this dissertation:
(1) Because family economy involves community economy,
therefore, community economy has to satisfy or transit
local understanding of existence being (the means of
livelihood), virtual image (social) and togetherness
(2) There are the social rules in community economy---
equal exchange (such as labour exchange, market
exchange), equal weight (such as sharing profit,
risks, equal right and power), as well as inter-
benefit and inter-trust.
(3) An invisible possibility is initiated by 'differences
of communities' in community economy; it regulates the
contracts between community relationships and
individual freedom (or independency).
(4) Community economy is not only an object of planning,
but also a reflection of planning. Community economy
should be understood as cultural work, and it aims to
treat 'meaning, praxis and syncretism of identity'
So, planers have to change questionnaire to 'Why is
community economy possible' from 'How to make
community economy work. '
This thesis is about the story of the post 921-earthqake recovery. In 1999, an earthquake measuring 7.3 degrees on the Richter scale occurred in middle Taiwan, and caused 2,447 people died and many peopled hurt seriously. Many groups worked hard for the recovery with their passion and love. For them, such recovery is the root of community economy recovery, and this is the theme this thesis concerns about.
The topic to be researched is: Why is community economy possible in Taiwan? There are three gaps in current community economy study in Taiwan - spatial, economic process and context. To avoid the gaps, a 'cultural sociograph' is proposed as Epistemology in this thesis. This approach concern about 'How culture formalizes society and furthermore influences economy? '
In conclusion, there are four arguments in this dissertation:
(1) Because family economy involves community economy,
therefore, community economy has to satisfy or transit
local understanding of existence being (the means of
livelihood), virtual image (social) and togetherness
(2) There are the social rules in community economy---
equal exchange (such as labour exchange, market
exchange), equal weight (such as sharing profit,
risks, equal right and power), as well as inter-
benefit and inter-trust.
(3) An invisible possibility is initiated by 'differences
of communities' in community economy; it regulates the
contracts between community relationships and
individual freedom (or independency).
(4) Community economy is not only an object of planning,
but also a reflection of planning. Community economy
should be understood as cultural work, and it aims to
treat 'meaning, praxis and syncretism of identity'
So, planers have to change questionnaire to 'Why is
community economy possible' from 'How to make
community economy work. '
Post 921-Earthquake Recovery
Community Economy
Local understanding
Cultural Sociography
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