Integrated Assessment of Pile Driving Noise for Offshore Wind Farm in Western Taiwan
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference
Journal Volume
Date Issued
This study aims to evaluate the influence of pile driving noise through broadband large-area simulation for the potential offshore wind farms (OWFs) in Changhua County, Taiwan. The underwater noise simulation is based on the Range-dependent Acoustic Model (RAM) and ocean environmental inputs to broadband sound transmission calculation. The sound exposure level (SEL) and the cumulative sound exposure level with auditory weighting function for mid-frequency cetaceans in 24 hours (SELMF,24hr) are included in the noise impact assessment criteria. The results show that the SEL of piling in the offshore area of Changhua can reach 146 dB ~ 159 dB in the habitat of Sousa chinensis. Noise mitigations are recommended to reduce the impact of behavioral effects. Copyright ? 2018 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
Acoustic noise; Architectural acoustics; Arctic engineering; Electric utilities; Noise pollution; Pile driving; Piles; Underwater acoustics; Offshore oil well production; Integrated assessment; Large area simulation; Noise impact assessments; Pile driving noise; Sound exposure levels; Sound transmission; Sousa chinensis; Weighting functions; Offshore wind farms
conference paper