The Study of Teenager Mothers'' Stress, Need and Marriage Quality.
Date Issued
Wang, Hsiao-Pei
The purpose of this study is to find out the stress, need and marriage quality that teenager mothers are facing and reconsider the role and function of nursing professionals. With more and more adolescents are open about sex, age of adolescent girls getting devirginized is getting lower and adolescent sex rate is rising annually. According to the statistics of Interior Ministry, in 2006 the adolescent pregnancy rate for girls aged 15-19 accounts for 0.8% of all pregnancies in Taiwan, which has topped other developed countries in Asia.( Department of Census Administration, Ministry of Interior 2000.) Therefore, the problem of adolescent pregnancy needs our attention. 85% of these teenager mothers who’d like to keep their babies would choose to get married following the discovery of an unplanned pregnancy. (LIN Hui Health, 2000)he study combines qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods and was conducted using purposive and snowball sampling teenager mothers listed in health care centers in Halien. Appropriate cases were collected by interview, case diary, blog articles, and questionnaires of triangulation method. 36 pregnant teenager mothers from around Taiwan were invited to participate in the study. The average age of those 36 teenager mothers was 19.19 years old and all of them have been married less than seven years. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS for window 12.0. After analyzing the data, the main findings were as follows: he results of the qualitative analysis were as follows: tress on teenager mothers in marriage included physical and mental health issues, parental stress, how to get by, interactions between mother- and daughter-in-law , family chores distribution, husband’s military service, economic stress and so on. Solutions to their stress are: husband’s understanding and tolerance, good relations between mother- and daughter-in-law, and make the best use of health care professional resources. he results of the quantitative analysis were as follows:verage of marriage quality of the 36 teenager mothers was 2.73 points, showing positive inclination. Predictive factors such as "time between pregnancy and marriage", "support of parents-in-law", "household income", and "attitude of the husband" are found relevant significantly.esults from combination of qualitative and quantitative data analysis were as follows: .Teenager mothers need support from their family, including their parents, followed by health care professionals and friends. .When facing child-care problems, teenager mothers would first go to her family or parents for help, followed by health care professionals. .In social support system, teenager mothers express getting married because of pregnancy, some of her friends would stay away from them. So many teenager mothers would make new friends with husband’s acquaintance, and get to know someone who can share motherhood with. .Teenager mothers have a lot of stress on their roles, if they could get support from family, community, friends, or professional support, not only can they enhance the role of motherhood, but also be more happy about marriage.ased on research purposes and the data analysis, two major conclusions were found as follows: irst, young teenage mothers face stress of different respects. With the support of their family, parents, friends and professionals, their entire marriage quality and other respects were positively inclined. They priority need is to establish supportive system of those mentioned above. Good support system can help them on motherhood such as various child-care problems and make their marital relationship more harmonious and stable.econd, health professionals can promote the health and to assist the maintenance of integrity of their family through a variety of primary prevention education guidance. They can strengthen their coping skills against stress and prevent the destruction of the family structure accompanied by divorce through secondary prevention preparation.his study could help nursing professionals understand teenager mothers’ stresses and needs. It can also serve as a standard for nurses to provide help and support teenager mothers.
teenager mothers
marriage quality
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