Trail Quality and Soil Erosion on Mt. Huangzuei Trail, Yangmingshan National Park
地理學報, 56, 001-016
Journal Issue
Date Issued
This study used a trail census survey to investigate the quality of Mount Huangzuei Trail and analyze the relationship between the characteristics of different impacts. The survey of rail erosion applied the MIP (Maximum Incision: Post-construction), MIC (Maximum Incision: Current Tread) and trail transects method to explore the impact of trail slope and vegetation types upon trail erosion. The results reveal that rock exposure, wet muddy tread and excessive incision were the most common impact problems encountered in the study area. The occurrences of trail impact were closely correlated with trail slope. Steep slopes tended to have root exposure, rock exposure and excessive incision, while gentle slopes tended to have muddiness on trail and excessive width. Among various vegetation types, broadleaf forest is the one in which trail impacts appeared most frequently. The maximum incision depth measured via the MIP method and the MIC method and the trail transect areas measured via the trail transects method were in proportion to trail slope. The MIP, MIC and trail transect areas tended to increase with trail slope. However, the amount of soil erosion would reach the maximum as slope reached level IV (i.e., 16°) and a decrease would ensue. This manifested that trail slope was the key factor in soil erosion but the amount of erosion decreased after a critical threshold of slope steepness was reached. This study used a trail census survey to investigate the quality of Mount Huangzuei Trail and analyze the relationship between the characteristics of different impacts. The survey of rail erosion applied the MIP (Maximum Incision: Post-construction), MIC (Maximum Incision: Current Tread) and trail transects method to explore the impact of trail slope and vegetation types upon trail erosion. The results reveal that rock exposure, wet muddy tread and excessive incision were the most common impact problems encountered in the study area. The occurrences of trail impact were closely correlated with trail slope. Steep slopes tended to have root exposure, rock exposure and excessive incision, while gentle slopes tended to have muddiness on trail and excessive width. Among various vegetation types, broadleaf forest is the one in which trail impacts appeared most frequently. The maximum incision depth measured via the MIP method and the MIC method and the trail transect areas measured via the trail transects method were in proportion to trail slope. The MIP, MIC and trail transect areas tended to increase with trail slope. However, the amount of soil erosion would reach the maximum as slope reached level IV (i.e., 16°) and a decrease would ensue. This manifested that trail slope was the key factor in soil erosion but the amount of erosion decreased after a critical threshold of slope steepness was reached.
trail quality
trail impacts
trail erosion
soil erosion
Yangmingshan National Park
journal article
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