Date Issued
1. Morphometric applications on systematic
studies of Agromyzidae (Diptera)
In traditional taxonomic aspect, we
continue collecting Taiwanese agromyzid
species, re-describing them and providing
character illustrations in greater detail. In
morphometric aspect, we continue using
relative warp data of wing venation in
ordination and cluster analysis for systematic
and evolutionary inferences. In this year,
we focus mainly on the studies of phylogeny
of Agromyzidae. The preliminary results
show the inter-genera relationships in those
reconstructed phylogenetic trees. Among
them, the genera within subfamily
Agromyzinae stably present their
relationships; and we ensured the unique and
special status of genus Agromyza and
Japanagromyza ; this also indicated that this
special genus group probably have much
more different evolutionary pathway
compared with other groups in this subfamily.
In contrast to the stable inter-genera
relationships, subfamily Phytomyzinae
presents the more complex results. Some
branches with more character changed
happened on the terminal ends of the trees.
This indicates that some highly specialized
genera just evolved recently. According to
the preliminary results, we proposed that the
reevaluation of taxonomic divisions and their
adequacy of subfamily Phytomyzinae are
needed. In our studies, both ingroup and
outgroup comparisons are included to
analyze and to clarify the inter-genera
relationships. Furthermore, all of the
phylogenetic relationships were compared
with our previous evolutionary hypothesis
based on traditional or morphometric data.
However, there still have lots of questions
unresolved, especially the divisions and their
boundaries in higher categories, even for the
status of subfamilies or genus groups. We
also found no single character can truthfully
reflect the information appeared on the trees.
This implied using multi-characters in
taxonomic applications is necessary.
2. Taxonomy of Lepturinae from Taiwan
The traditional taxonomy of
Lepturinae in our work including the
revisions, the checklist, and the descriptions
of new species and new records; meanwhile,
the geographic distribution and their possible
visiting plants are also noted. We thought the
southwest China is the most possible
distribution origin of the genus Pidonia ; and
combination of the knowledge of the
biogeography and the food plant in Taiwan
will help us to explore the origin of
Taiwanese Lepturinae. Recently, the
mechanisms of coevolution, biogeography
and evolutionary biology are more and more
important and frequently emphasized for the
taxonomic workers, especially in discussing
the problems of phylogeny. We believe the
Lepturinae can be treated as a significant
material for such researches.
studies of Agromyzidae (Diptera)
In traditional taxonomic aspect, we
continue collecting Taiwanese agromyzid
species, re-describing them and providing
character illustrations in greater detail. In
morphometric aspect, we continue using
relative warp data of wing venation in
ordination and cluster analysis for systematic
and evolutionary inferences. In this year,
we focus mainly on the studies of phylogeny
of Agromyzidae. The preliminary results
show the inter-genera relationships in those
reconstructed phylogenetic trees. Among
them, the genera within subfamily
Agromyzinae stably present their
relationships; and we ensured the unique and
special status of genus Agromyza and
Japanagromyza ; this also indicated that this
special genus group probably have much
more different evolutionary pathway
compared with other groups in this subfamily.
In contrast to the stable inter-genera
relationships, subfamily Phytomyzinae
presents the more complex results. Some
branches with more character changed
happened on the terminal ends of the trees.
This indicates that some highly specialized
genera just evolved recently. According to
the preliminary results, we proposed that the
reevaluation of taxonomic divisions and their
adequacy of subfamily Phytomyzinae are
needed. In our studies, both ingroup and
outgroup comparisons are included to
analyze and to clarify the inter-genera
relationships. Furthermore, all of the
phylogenetic relationships were compared
with our previous evolutionary hypothesis
based on traditional or morphometric data.
However, there still have lots of questions
unresolved, especially the divisions and their
boundaries in higher categories, even for the
status of subfamilies or genus groups. We
also found no single character can truthfully
reflect the information appeared on the trees.
This implied using multi-characters in
taxonomic applications is necessary.
2. Taxonomy of Lepturinae from Taiwan
The traditional taxonomy of
Lepturinae in our work including the
revisions, the checklist, and the descriptions
of new species and new records; meanwhile,
the geographic distribution and their possible
visiting plants are also noted. We thought the
southwest China is the most possible
distribution origin of the genus Pidonia ; and
combination of the knowledge of the
biogeography and the food plant in Taiwan
will help us to explore the origin of
Taiwanese Lepturinae. Recently, the
mechanisms of coevolution, biogeography
and evolutionary biology are more and more
important and frequently emphasized for the
taxonomic workers, especially in discussing
the problems of phylogeny. We believe the
Lepturinae can be treated as a significant
material for such researches.
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