A Study on Taiwan’s Policy-making Process of the Restricted Use of Plastic Materials: the Perspective from Sustainable Development and Governance
Date Issued
Lee, Ming -Huei
The focus of this study is on the government’s policy-making process for the restricted use of plastic materials (PLP, the Plastic-limiting Policy). This study attempts to explain and judge, with views of sustainable development and governance, on the PLP by the local authorities.he objectives of this study include:. To analyze the background and rationale behind the PLP.. To analyze the pros and cons of the planning, legalization and enforcement of the PLP.. To induce the summary of study, to conclude and propose, with a view on improvement in "policy dilemma" of the PLP, for the future public policy-making reference, which might contribute to some higher chances of success. . The conclusions made in this study can be of referential value to any onward study related to the PLP.his study adopts the Literature Review Method with collected information of government information (commissioned research, the meeting records, business documents, decrees and regulations, etc.), tools, periodicals, journal articles, academic papers and others (press reports, Internet information, etc.) Another methodology is by "Case Study." Both methods are referred to in the study on the PLP.his study has made the following conclusions:. The PLP had a positive outcome related to government agencies, supply of military goods, public and private schools and hospitals, the department stores, discount shops, supermarkets, chain convenience stores, fast food chain restaurants and disposable plastic tableware. However, it was less effective when applied to “obtaining by payment” and “thickness control” in the retailed catering industry. I. To View the PLP from the viewpoint of sustainable development, this study take into account the three pillars of economic growth, social fairness and ecological balance..With analytical "economic growth" views, the efficiency, stability, sustainable rowth and the appropriate allocation legitimacy, are studied. Conclusions are made as follows: the "efficiency": not in line with "economic efficiency" principle; the "stability": the PLP implementation has caused certain economic instability; on the "sustainable growth and the appropriate allocation legitimacy”, PLP is not necessarily an option of the lowest cost.. From the view of "social fairness": Analysis was made of poverty, public articipation and cultural heritage. From the view of "poverty," the PLP raised nemployment in laborers and crisis of poverty. From the "public participation" nalysis, comparatively the PLP lacked popular participation in the policy-planning nd legitimacy. From "cultural heritage" point of view, environmental protection aken as PLP’s major means of green marketing, is not giving convenience to the ublic, especially in the retailing catering industries.. Viewed from the analytical study on the "ecological balance", discussions made by views of pollution prevention, conservation of natural assets, global issues, species diversification, systematic recovering capability and stability. Viewed from "Pollution prevention", the PLP is not environment-friendly, nor economical. Viewed from the "conservation of natural assets, global issues, species diversification, systematic recovering capability and stability, the PLP seemed to have brought out more negative impacts.II. From the management perspective to study PLP: herewith the criteria of a good governance in terms of "legitimacy", "policy-transparency", "accountability", "rule-of-law", “responsiveness" and "policy-effectiveness ", collectively as the features of a good governance, are studied along with the PLP.. To view by legality of PLP, in terms of "legitimacy", "relevance" and "legality", there is considerable controversy. . "Transparency”: the policy-making process lacked transparency.. "Accountability " : The EPA (Environmental Protection Administration Executive uan R.O.C.), local EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) and the relevant central government departments had high accountability. Inspectors also had considerable responsibility. Top five industries are of a responsible performance. Yet, the #6 category for retail catering industry lacked accountability. However, according to their legal standing, they could also be regarded as of high accountability. Disposable plastic tableware industry also had great accountability. The previous five industries have the accountability of the industry. In a retail catering industry, it has been possible within the scope of accountability. . From the point of view of "rule of law": the PLP seemed not to have met with the requirements of the rule of law.. From the point of view of "responsiveness": The reduction of fines was quite responsive. The retail catering industry did not have a good response. Targeting street vendors as the disposable plastic tableware restriction object can be regarded as having good responsiveness. In the shopping bag use, disposable paper tableware under control, is a pragmatic response. However, the abolition of the thickness control had poor response. . From the viewpoint of "effectiveness ": the PLP had low effectiveness to no effectiveness. V. High profile in the public opinion poll does not necessarily represent the policy was promoted smoothly. his paper has the following recommendations to the PLP: . Cancel thickness control, but for the profits from commercial plastic bags, the EPA hould set a target of use by consultations, or, set up a fund or cooperation with the inistry of Finance, or set up a government regulation of mutual funds. The sales of lastic shall be within the rates based on social justice, and by environmental groups, experts, academics, government representatives, the relevant industry, consumer representatives, and others, to form a Rates Review Committee that make an annual review of adjustment. Another EPA challenge is to encourage private industry to become entrepreneur-volunteers, to engage in volunteer social enterprises.. For Plastic material used in shopping, the practice may refer to Japan, and to examine the suitability of introducing it to Taiwan. . The implementation of the concept of environmental protection needs maturity of an bjective environment, as well as to convince people so they will willingly comply ith the policy. Therefore, environmental protection should be socially and conomically strong and combined, then this combination is a long lasting sound deas of development. . Governance in a short period of time may be inconsistent with efficiency, but a ong-term perspective is consistent with efficiency and effectiveness. The EPA hould make the best use of the power of civil society, such as the non-governmental rganizations, for their participation. Through cooperation, consultation, artnerships and reach consensus establishment of common goals, The EPA can each the goal of "Community Governance" via “community-units”.. The EPA should proceed with care as it plans to publicize that plastic bags are a quot;general discarded item” and should be recycled" for mandatory recycling plan. In he absence of a detailed assessment of advantages and disadvantages of the former nd related measures, this plan should not be hastily implemented, otherwise it will e another failure case like that of the PET bottles.. In terms of the results in environmental education, the PLP has been carried out for more than five years. The manpower and money, which has been put in, are unprecedented. Besides examining the effects and improvement in the PLP, the public’s knowledge, attitude and behavior growing along with the PLP should be evaluated. Therefore, it is worth to view the function of the PLP on environmental education as a reference for the next vital policy.. Policy makers should take time to make good planning, and never seek quick uccess. The stability of the system can be established, supplemented by the mplementation with high-efficiency, then the success by both two elements will revail.. The government introducing proper legislation, appropriately and properly, to ptimize the public’s interest along with the interests of the private persons’ interest. aw-making or policy–making that might change the social customs, should always ollow the basic rule of “no-punishment-to-the-public”, and act only to meet eople’s needs. In order to maintain the credibility of law or policy, the unrealistic aws or policies should be amended or abolished.
plastic-limiting policy
plastic bag
sustainable development
good governance
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