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Anterior knee pain is one of the most
common problems in orthopedic outpatient
service, and the degenerative osteoarthritis
and the patellofemoral maltracking or the
overuse syndrome (e.g. staircase-climbing,
mountain-climbing, squat, etc.) are the two
major causes of anterior pain of the knee.
Because most of the patients with anterior
knee pain live on the 3rd to 5th floor of the old
deparments, we define this problem as
staircase-climbing syndrome. Degenerative
osteoarthritis is usually ended up with the
erosion of the cartilage, but patellofemoral
maltracking does not always induce the
cartilage erosion. Because the clinicians can
only decide the most appropriate therapy
after they have thoroughly understood the
causes, what we need is a diagnostic tool
which can separate the staircase-climbing
syndrome without cartilage erosion from the
degenerative osteoarthritis. The diagnostic
tools used for the detection of the knee joint
disorders are either invasive in nature or
unable to diagnose the cartilage erosion
The knee joint could produce vibration
signals during normal flexion-extension
motion, and the vibration arthrometry (VAM)
could diagnose the disorders of the knee joint
by analyzing these vibration signals. Because
VAM is a noninvasive diagnostic tool, it has
great potential. From the previous studies we
know that VAM can detect the integrity of
the patellofemoral cartilage effectively. In
this study we will apply VAM to the patients
of the degenerative osteoarthritis and
staircase-climbing syndrome to establish the
mathematical model after adaptive
segmentation, and try to find out the
characteristic parameters of the vibration
signals in these two diseases. We have found
that the vibration signal emitted by the knee
joint under rapid motion (67° / sec ) can be
used to separate the normal volunteers from
the patients of the degenerative osteoarthritis
and staircase-climbing syndrome and the
vibration signal under slow motion (2° / sec )
can be used to separate the patients of the
degenerative osteoarthritis from the normal
volunteers and the patients of the staircaseclimbing
syndrome. Appropriate therapy can
be given to the patients with correct
common problems in orthopedic outpatient
service, and the degenerative osteoarthritis
and the patellofemoral maltracking or the
overuse syndrome (e.g. staircase-climbing,
mountain-climbing, squat, etc.) are the two
major causes of anterior pain of the knee.
Because most of the patients with anterior
knee pain live on the 3rd to 5th floor of the old
deparments, we define this problem as
staircase-climbing syndrome. Degenerative
osteoarthritis is usually ended up with the
erosion of the cartilage, but patellofemoral
maltracking does not always induce the
cartilage erosion. Because the clinicians can
only decide the most appropriate therapy
after they have thoroughly understood the
causes, what we need is a diagnostic tool
which can separate the staircase-climbing
syndrome without cartilage erosion from the
degenerative osteoarthritis. The diagnostic
tools used for the detection of the knee joint
disorders are either invasive in nature or
unable to diagnose the cartilage erosion
The knee joint could produce vibration
signals during normal flexion-extension
motion, and the vibration arthrometry (VAM)
could diagnose the disorders of the knee joint
by analyzing these vibration signals. Because
VAM is a noninvasive diagnostic tool, it has
great potential. From the previous studies we
know that VAM can detect the integrity of
the patellofemoral cartilage effectively. In
this study we will apply VAM to the patients
of the degenerative osteoarthritis and
staircase-climbing syndrome to establish the
mathematical model after adaptive
segmentation, and try to find out the
characteristic parameters of the vibration
signals in these two diseases. We have found
that the vibration signal emitted by the knee
joint under rapid motion (67° / sec ) can be
used to separate the normal volunteers from
the patients of the degenerative osteoarthritis
and staircase-climbing syndrome and the
vibration signal under slow motion (2° / sec )
can be used to separate the patients of the
degenerative osteoarthritis from the normal
volunteers and the patients of the staircaseclimbing
syndrome. Appropriate therapy can
be given to the patients with correct
degenerative osteoarthritis,
staircase-climbing, VAM, PPC
staircase-climbing, VAM, PPC
journal article
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