Tuning the Disorder in Superglasses
Physical Review Letters
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Larson, D.
We study the interplay of superfluidity, glassy, and magnetic orders in the XXZ model with random Ising interactions on a three dimensional cubic lattice. In the classical limit, this model reduces to a ±J Edwards-Anderson Ising model with concentration p of ferromagnetic bonds, which hosts a glassy-ferromagnetic transition at a critical concentration pccl∼0.77. Our quantum Monte Carlo simulation results show that quantum fluctuations stabilize the coexistence of superfluidity and glassy order (superglass), and shift the (super)glassy-ferromagnetic transition to p c>pccl. In contrast, antiferromagnetic order coexists with superfluidity to form a supersolid, and the transition to the glassy phase occurs at a higher p. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Other Subjects
Antiferromagnetic orders; Classical limits; Critical concentration; Cubic lattice; Glassy phase; Magnetic orders; Quantum fluctuation; Quantum Monte Carlo simulations; Supersolids; Antiferromagnetism; Ferromagnetic materials; Ferromagnetism; Ising model; Monte Carlo methods; Quantum electronics; Three dimensional
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