Factors Associated with the Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences of Pregnant Women in Down Syndrome Screening and Genetic Diagnostic Process
Date Issued
Lin, Yu-Ju
In Taiwan, the most common cause of chromosomal disorder causing mental retardation is Down syndrome. Along with rapid advanced technology of prenatal Down syndrome screening and diagnosis, there are a number of different options of examination. Pregnant women should possess basic knowledge for understanding their prenatal genetic diagnosis. Therefore, during prenatal genetic examinations, women should be provided accurate and complete relevant information to understand the meaning of prenatal genetic examination results, so that while reducing stress and anxiety, the appropriate decisions could be made. This study aimed to explore the relation between pregnant women’s prenatal Down syndrome screening and diagnosis process knowledge, attitude and experience. A structured questionnaire used in Australia ""prenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis"" was translated into Chinese. The reliability and validity were established. Data were collected from November 1st 2014 to April 30th 2015, at maternity clinics in a regional teaching hospital in Taipei. A total of 207 pregnant women over 20 weeks gestation were recruited, the response rate was 96.28%. The study results showed the average age of pregnant women was 34.3 years old, average prenatal screening and diagnosis of Down syndrome knowledge scale standardized score of 62.77 points, which is not satisfied and should be strengthened. The main factors related to prenatal screening and diagnosis of Down syndrome knowledge including age, number of pregnancies, and the parity. Attitude scale showed an average standardized score of 68.92 points, revealing the attitude of pregnant women tend to be positive and active. As to experience scale, majority of pregnant women have heard the first trimester and the second trimester screening for Down syndrome, also have recommended by health care workers, and have an understanding of the purpose, most of them have done in the first trimester. Most of the pregnant women did not do second trimester maternal serum screening for Down syndrome. Most pregnant women have heard of chorionic villus sampling technique but health care workers did not recommend, do not understand the purpose, and did not do it. Most pregnant women have heard amniocentesis, recommended by health care workers, understanding of the purpose but did not do it. Significant factors of pregnant women’s Down syndrome prenatal screening and diagnostic knowledge and attitude were examined. Age, number of pregnancies, parity were significantly correlated to knowledge. The attitude and the number of pregnancies also significantly statistical correlated. The results of this study may be useful to clinical practice, nursing education, governmental policy, genetic counselors etc. We suggest that timely information of prenatal Down syndrome screening and diagnosis should be given to most pregnant women, thereby reducing panic effectively to the genetic diseases and related medical costs.
pregnant women
prenatal Down syndrome examination
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