A Study of Social Enterprise Using Performance Evaluation Model: Take “Leeren Corporation” for Example
Date Issued
Cheng, Chih-Hsien
In recent years, with the rising incidents of Food Safety, a variety of eating unsafely has faced our society. In addition, social violence and killings in random also appear more often. All kinds of people has raised a variety of forums or meetings to discuss how to resolve these phenomenon. People in business has gradually advocate the thesis of Social Enterprise. As the name says, Social Enterprise has focus on the social problems surrounding our family and in this society. Besides, it also operates as the traditional business as it indeed needs a lot of resources from financing. The main difference of Social Enterprise and traditional business is that the latter doesn’t found to solve the problem of the society. In these Social Enterprises, the author chose “Leeren Corporation” as the researching subject. The reason is that this Social Enterprise exists around Taiwan and has made a great success since its first opening in 1998. This company has tried its best to solve the social problems such as environment, education, and employment. This research refers other performance evaluation model and introduces the concept of Triple Bottom Line as our researching architecture. In the following steps, we build the Model of Performance Evaluation with using two other businesses as our counterparts. Our researching method is to use online survey, and we collected total 86 results from this online survey. As the survey has done, we calculate the grades of this three business: Leeren, Santacruz, and Sun-organism. Using the T-test and ANOVA analysis are the two methods for the research to analyze the data collected. We analyze by focus on gender, year od age, and the background of consuming organic channels. The results of this research include that male evaluate Santacruz more than female obviously, the age between 40-49 evaluate Leeren more than the other ages, those consuming Leeren and Santacruz evaluate more than other consuming backgrounds. In the last chapter, we suggest some conclusions and the meanings in the management scopes to our targeting business, and we put forward some future suggestions at the same time.
Social Enterprise
Organic Channel
Performance Evaluation
Cause Related Marketing
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