The influence of waterand thermal conditions on the performance of PEM fuel cell
Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology
Date Issued
The conditions of water content in the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) are studied in this research. It is known that the hydrogen proton should accompany with water molecule in order to drift through the membrane from anode to cathode. This drift force will concern to the fuel cell performance. However, too much water content may result of flooding. When flooding appears, some catalyst surfaces may be covered with water and result of the catalysts inactive. This will reduce the electrochemical reaction rate. Furthermore, due to the water molecule will occupy the space, this will hinder the reactant molecules approaching to the catalyst. Therefore, the management of water for the fuel cells is very important. The performance can be optimized with a better control of cell conditions. Some important conditions that concern to the heat and water management are investigated. They include cell temperature, reactant flow rate, humidity and pressure. A standard single cell stack with active area of 25cm2 was set for this study.
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Accident prevention; Atmospheric humidity; Catalysts; Cathodes; Data acquisition; Diffusion; Energy conversion; Hydrogen; Pressure effects; Protons; Stoichiometry; Proton exchange membrane (PEM); Reactant flow channels; Fuel cells
conference paper