Technology Assessment and Democracy: Regulation and Procedures regarding Technology Assessment in Korea
政治科學論叢, 42, 137-168
Journal Issue
Date Issued
Liou, H.M.
In the face of the social, ethical and legal implications of newly emerging technologies, the legitimacy of S&T policymaking processes along with the importance of incorporating diverse specialized fields and public participation into S&T assessments have become issues which no country can afford to ignore and an important trend in global development. This paper is concerned with highlighting the proactive approach of the South Korean government in response to these issues. Through an analysis of amendments made to both their S&T basic law and other related legislation, this paper shows how the South Korean government has restructured their S&T assessment system to incorporate diverse, multi-layered
expertise and public participation. This dual S&T assessment system is carried out through the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP). The main point of the analysis within this paper is to introduce the idea of technology assessment and democracy. Accordingly, in terms of the assessment model, procedure and agenda adopted by KISTEP, the paper will observe how systematic assessing mechanisms and communication platforms can develop S&T democratic elements such as diversity, transparency, responsibility and channeling. At the same time this discussion of greater openness within assessment processes also opens the possibility of broadening the extent of social trust and support for S&T policymaking, and in this area provides a useful model by which Taiwan can
strengthen its own systems.
expertise and public participation. This dual S&T assessment system is carried out through the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP). The main point of the analysis within this paper is to introduce the idea of technology assessment and democracy. Accordingly, in terms of the assessment model, procedure and agenda adopted by KISTEP, the paper will observe how systematic assessing mechanisms and communication platforms can develop S&T democratic elements such as diversity, transparency, responsibility and channeling. At the same time this discussion of greater openness within assessment processes also opens the possibility of broadening the extent of social trust and support for S&T policymaking, and in this area provides a useful model by which Taiwan can
strengthen its own systems.
新興科技;科技評估;社會影響評估;科學技術基本法;KISTEP;科技民主;公眾參與;Newly Emerging Technology;Technological Assessment;Social Impact Assessment;Basic Law of S&T;KISTEP;Technological Democracy;Public Participation
journal article