A decomposition methodology for design of mechanisms from functional and structural perspectives
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung-kuo Kung Ch'eng Hsuch K'an
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This paper presents an innovative methodology for the design of mechanisms. The course of design is decomposed functionally and structurally into two portions as the design of two mechanism modules: the functioning module and the constraining module. Conceptual functions of mechanisms are embodied as the functional requirements to construct admissible functioning modules. Following that, the functioning module is then assigned into feasible kinematic structures existing in the graph atlas to yield admissible structures for the mechanism. Finally, remaining characteristics featured by the constraining module are determined according to the structural requirements of the mechanism. By this methodology, both functional and structural requirements are concurrently taken into account during the design process, to obtain feasible mechanisms without an exhaustive enumeration process. The design of mechanisms can thus be performed in an effective and systematic manner. © 2003, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Kinematic structure; Mechanism design
Other Subjects
Constraint theory; Design; Graph theory; Kinematics; Numerical analysis; Kinematic structure; Mechanism design; Mechanisms
journal article