The Impact of the Diversity of Employment on he Impact of the Diversity of Employment on Workers Security in Taiwan
Date Issued
Peng, Hsueh-Yu
Currently, mass unemployment has become a principal public topic in Taiwan , and in the most countries too. Concerning the workers labor security, there are two totally different views on the government policy . The one is those who believe that a more flexible of labor market makes easier people to get a job . So less labor protection regulations is the way that Taiwan government should do . The another one is those who oppose the view above, and emphasize facing while mass unemployment , the worker are in more forms of labor insecurity(labor market insecurity, employment insecurity, job insecurity, work insecurity , income insecurity. So the government should take more active actions ,to help worker to get raid of the risk of unemployment , including other labor insecurity .n labor laws, the employment contract is based on the labor subordination . The worker is bonded to the employer to whom his services are delivered. This concept is corresponds with the language“ Fordist model“ of industrial relations, that means a large industrial unit engaging in mass production ,based on a deeply specialization of jobs , competencies and pyramidal management. And the model has largely dominanted the whole industrial society in the world. The core feature of the Fordist model is standard full-timeand non-temporary wage contracts. However, It is hardly important today, when so called “ post industrial society “ omes , and post-Fordist model has become the main trend in the business environment in the 21st century . Therefore , the more flexible strategy of human resource management , and the more diversify of employment patterns. The trend, become the employer diversified employment patterns and the government de-regulation labor protection have made and speeded the growth of labor flexibility. highly flexible labor system arises a high degree of five forms of labor in-security . Flexibility means that workers have to face more uncertainty and risk. For many ,but not all, that means a net loss in terms of job and employment security, and most of all in terms of income security and stability. Indeed, one of the most interesting aspects of the growth of labor flexibility has been the implicit trade-off between different forms of security. For example, the trade off between a greater degree of job security and a less employment security trades off for employment security. However, the growth of labor market insecurity , through mass unemployment , has surely accelerated the growth of other forms of insecurity. Two actions should be taken by Taiwan government : one is in the labor law regulations ; another is in administration . In labor laws aspect : to do de-regulation of labor protection laws and to do re-regulation of labor social welfare laws; in administration : to take more actions on job creation and to promote the economic context for people doing small firms which are so call social business enterprise. Both of them will help people to get or to make their own work, instead of being employed by the company. During to paied of modifying the labor laws mentioned above, the government should have to re-think , which is the ideal trade off of labor security , for instance : job in-security trades off for employment ; income in-security trades off for employment security ; employment in-security trades off labor market security.
Post-industrial society
diversification employment pattern
labor security
labor protection laws
labor social laws
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