Animating Characters in Pictures
Date Issued
Dai, Shih-Chiang
To generate a 3D animation from a single image, is an effective and economic way inovie, animation, and game industry. In this paper, we present a system that allows theser to animate a character in a picture in 3D space by applying an existed 3D characterodel with motion data.he 3D character model with skeleton rigged is used as a template model to fit theilhouette of the character in the picture. , which is cut out by the user. After assigningome corresponding points between the 2D character image and 3D template characterodel, the system first fits the template to the 2D character silhouette in 2D space, usingn as-rigid-as-possible algorithm. Then the system will compute the new position ofkeleton according to the fitted model. the system adjust the thickness by the distance ofilhouette and bones with a suitable ratio. Then we can transfer the colors and patternsf the image to the model as the textures. Finally, the user can apply any motion data tonimate the fitted 3D character model in 3D space.he feature of our work, different from the way that reconstruct the 3D model directlyrom the image, is that we can preserve geometry feature of our template, and satisfyinghe 2D silhouette constrain at the same time. If we want to fit the character to someifferent types of characters, such as dolls, animals, we can simply replace the template.he system can still apply the same algorithm to do the work. Thus users can achieveheir purpose - animating characters.
character animation
shape deformation
image-based modeling
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