Detection of Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis infesting adzuki bean by near-infrared spectroscopy and cuticular hydrocarbon analysis
Date Issued
Cheng, Chun-Yun
我國農產品進出口檢疫業務量在 2000 年為 81,110 批,至 2002年,我國加入世界貿易組織 (WTO)後,增至 106,253 批,且不僅檢疫產品種類多樣化、出口地區更遍佈全球;因此迫切需要開發快速的檢疫技術,以因應快速通關與落實檢疫檢查制度。本文報告以近紅外線光譜的分析技術,鑑別為害紅豆 (Vigna angularis) 之四紋豆象 (Callosobruchus maculatus ) 及綠豆象 (C. chinensis)之試驗資料。藉由近紅外線光譜的分析技術,鑑別這兩種儲藏害蟲之卵、幼蟲及成蟲。並利用氣相層析/質譜儀 (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer, GC/MS) 檢測四紋豆象及綠豆象昆蟲表皮之碳氫化合物之組成分,經層析圖分析,鑑別這兩種儲藏害蟲之成蟲日齡及性別。使用近紅外線光譜分析偵測為害紅豆之豆象幼蟲,平均正確率為 96.3%;偵測成蟲,平均正確率為 97.5%。辨識為害紅豆之四紋豆象或綠豆象幼蟲,平均正確率為 91.7%;辨識成蟲,平均正確率為 100%。已知豆象種類時,判別紅豆樣本中四紋豆象成蟲的性別,平均正確率為 90.6%;估測幼期及成蟲期日齡的標準差分別約為 2.19 及 0.25 日,R2 值分別為 0.9344 及 0.9978。判別紅豆樣本中綠豆象成蟲的性別,平均正確率為 100%;估測幼期及成蟲期日齡的標準差分別約為 2.38 及 0.36 日,R2 值分別為 0.9229 及 0.9907。應用氣相層析/質譜儀量測,分析四紋豆象及綠豆象的昆蟲表皮碳氫化合物層析圖,可正確判別出四紋豆象或綠豆象及其性別,並可估測出四紋豆象及綠豆象成蟲的日齡。
我國農產品進出口檢疫業務量在 2000 年為 81,110 批,至 2002年,我國加入世界貿易組織 (WTO)後,增至 106,253 批,且不僅檢疫產品種類多樣化、出口地區更遍佈全球;因此迫切需要開發快速的檢疫技術,以因應快速通關與落實檢疫檢查制度。本文報告以近紅外線光譜的分析技術,鑑別為害紅豆 (Vigna angularis) 之四紋豆象 (Callosobruchus maculatus ) 及綠豆象 (C. chinensis)之試驗資料。藉由近紅外線光譜的分析技術,鑑別這兩種儲藏害蟲之卵、幼蟲及成蟲。並利用氣相層析/質譜儀 (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer, GC/MS) 檢測四紋豆象及綠豆象昆蟲表皮之碳氫化合物之組成分,經層析圖分析,鑑別這兩種儲藏害蟲之成蟲日齡及性別。使用近紅外線光譜分析偵測為害紅豆之豆象幼蟲,平均正確率為 96.3%;偵測成蟲,平均正確率為 97.5%。辨識為害紅豆之四紋豆象或綠豆象幼蟲,平均正確率為 91.7%;辨識成蟲,平均正確率為 100%。已知豆象種類時,判別紅豆樣本中四紋豆象成蟲的性別,平均正確率為 90.6%;估測幼期及成蟲期日齡的標準差分別約為 2.19 及 0.25 日,R2 值分別為 0.9344 及 0.9978。判別紅豆樣本中綠豆象成蟲的性別,平均正確率為 100%;估測幼期及成蟲期日齡的標準差分別約為 2.38 及 0.36 日,R2 值分別為 0.9229 及 0.9907。應用氣相層析/質譜儀量測,分析四紋豆象及綠豆象的昆蟲表皮碳氫化合物層析圖,可正確判別出四紋豆象或綠豆象及其性別,並可估測出四紋豆象及綠豆象成蟲的日齡。
Detection of Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis infesting adzuki bean by near-infrared spectroscopy and cuticular hydrocarbon analysis
Chun-Yun Cheng
Graduate Institute of Entomology, National Taiwan University
The number of batches of quarantine on the imported agricultural products have dramatically increased from 81,110 in 2000 to 106,253 in 2002 when Taiwan became a member of World Trade Organization. It is important to develop a quick detection technique that can be applied to the quarantine on various products from all over the world. In this study, near-infrared spectroscopic method was used to detect the existence of eggs, larvae and adults of Callosobruchus maculatus or C. chinensis which are the major pests of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) during storage. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) was also used to identify the age and sex of these two pests by analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons. The accuracy of detecting larvae of the weevils infesting adzuki beans was 96.3% by a near-infrared spectrometer. The accuracy of differentiating the adults infesting the bean was 97.5%. To discriminate the larvae or adults of C. maculatus from that of C. chinensis, the accuracy was 91.7 and 100%, respectively. The accuracy of determing the sex of C. maculatus mixed with bean was 90.6%. For C. maculatus, there is a significant correlation between estimated and real age of larvae (R2 = 0.9344, SD = 2.19 day) and also between estimated and real age of adults (R2 = 0.9978, SD = 0.25 day). The accuracy was 100% when applied to determine the sex of C. chinensis mixed with bean. For C. chinensis there is a significant correlation between estimated and real age of larvae (R2 = 0.9229, SD = 2.38 day) and also between estimated and real ages of adults (R2 = 0.9907, SD = 0.36 day). The analysis of carbohydrates on the insect cuticles via the GC/MS can differentiate Callosobruchus maculatus from C. chinensis and determine their sexes as well as the estimated age.
Key words: Near-infrared, Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus chinensis, GC-MS, adzuki bean, detection
Detection of Callosobruchus maculatus and C. chinensis infesting adzuki bean by near-infrared spectroscopy and cuticular hydrocarbon analysis
Chun-Yun Cheng
Graduate Institute of Entomology, National Taiwan University
The number of batches of quarantine on the imported agricultural products have dramatically increased from 81,110 in 2000 to 106,253 in 2002 when Taiwan became a member of World Trade Organization. It is important to develop a quick detection technique that can be applied to the quarantine on various products from all over the world. In this study, near-infrared spectroscopic method was used to detect the existence of eggs, larvae and adults of Callosobruchus maculatus or C. chinensis which are the major pests of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) during storage. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) was also used to identify the age and sex of these two pests by analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons. The accuracy of detecting larvae of the weevils infesting adzuki beans was 96.3% by a near-infrared spectrometer. The accuracy of differentiating the adults infesting the bean was 97.5%. To discriminate the larvae or adults of C. maculatus from that of C. chinensis, the accuracy was 91.7 and 100%, respectively. The accuracy of determing the sex of C. maculatus mixed with bean was 90.6%. For C. maculatus, there is a significant correlation between estimated and real age of larvae (R2 = 0.9344, SD = 2.19 day) and also between estimated and real age of adults (R2 = 0.9978, SD = 0.25 day). The accuracy was 100% when applied to determine the sex of C. chinensis mixed with bean. For C. chinensis there is a significant correlation between estimated and real age of larvae (R2 = 0.9229, SD = 2.38 day) and also between estimated and real ages of adults (R2 = 0.9907, SD = 0.36 day). The analysis of carbohydrates on the insect cuticles via the GC/MS can differentiate Callosobruchus maculatus from C. chinensis and determine their sexes as well as the estimated age.
Key words: Near-infrared, Callosobruchus maculatus, Callosobruchus chinensis, GC-MS, adzuki bean, detection
adzuki bean
Callosobruchus maculatus
Callosobruchus chinensis
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