From the Geopolitical to the Biopolitical Border Space?The Evolution of Mainland-Macau Cross-border Special Zones
Date Issued
Cheang, Chi-Hou
In the discussions on the border, “zoning” phenomenon become an important issue. This research focused on the evolution of Mainland-Macau cross-border special zones, which studied about the border reconstruction and cross-border governance under national and local development. Another, understudied the role and functions of border special zones, that under the globalization and the premise of “one country, two systems”. In this study, analyzed of the geopolitical relations between Mainland and Macau for the past thirty years. According to the historical development of border region between Mainland and Macau, the period can be divided to the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone, Zhuhai-Macao Cross Border Industrial Zone and the Hengqin New Area. First, we are going to explore how these special zones have evolved. Second, explained these special zones as a border technology, how to redrawing the diverse border, and how complication in the ""geopolitical"" and the ""biopolitical"". Lastly, we will see how these border space to redefine the “State-Local” relationship, and how to become the connection technology of “Mainland – Macau” under the “One Country, Two Systems”.
Special Zone
Regional Development
“One Country, Two Systems”