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The studies of this project include the molecular beam
epitaxial (MBE) growth of GaAsSb type-II quantum
well (QW) and InAs/InGaAs quantum dot (QD),
cross-section scanning tunneling microscopy (XSTM)
technique for QD, and the related long wavelength
laser diodes. In the first portion, GaAsSb/GaAs
type-II QW and its laser device were grown. The PL
emission wavelength of the QW successfully reaches
1300m with a FWHM of 80 meV. On the results of the
type II GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum well laser diode
on GaAs substrate, a low threshold current density of
300A/cm2 and an emission wavelength of 1290nm are
demonstrated at room temperature. In the second
portion, we use XSTM to examine strain relaxation
profile of the ensembles of InAs QDs with overgrown
In0.33Ga0.67As layers prepared by three distinct
methods, i.e. SMD, SMEE, and MBE. A statistical
analysis of strain relaxation profile allows us to infer
that longest wavelength of SMD sample is due to
weaker confinement, and the shortest wavelength of
SMEE sample is due to both larger confinement and
lower In ratio in QDs. We rationalize plausible
growth mechanisms and suggest routes for further
improvement. Finally, InAs/InGaAs quantum-dot
lasers with emission wavelength at 1295 nm at room
temperature are fabricated. The highest relaxation
oscillation frequency measured at room temperature is
1.8 GHz, corresponding to a modulation bandwidth of
2.8 GHz.
epitaxial (MBE) growth of GaAsSb type-II quantum
well (QW) and InAs/InGaAs quantum dot (QD),
cross-section scanning tunneling microscopy (XSTM)
technique for QD, and the related long wavelength
laser diodes. In the first portion, GaAsSb/GaAs
type-II QW and its laser device were grown. The PL
emission wavelength of the QW successfully reaches
1300m with a FWHM of 80 meV. On the results of the
type II GaAsSb/GaAs single quantum well laser diode
on GaAs substrate, a low threshold current density of
300A/cm2 and an emission wavelength of 1290nm are
demonstrated at room temperature. In the second
portion, we use XSTM to examine strain relaxation
profile of the ensembles of InAs QDs with overgrown
In0.33Ga0.67As layers prepared by three distinct
methods, i.e. SMD, SMEE, and MBE. A statistical
analysis of strain relaxation profile allows us to infer
that longest wavelength of SMD sample is due to
weaker confinement, and the shortest wavelength of
SMEE sample is due to both larger confinement and
lower In ratio in QDs. We rationalize plausible
growth mechanisms and suggest routes for further
improvement. Finally, InAs/InGaAs quantum-dot
lasers with emission wavelength at 1295 nm at room
temperature are fabricated. The highest relaxation
oscillation frequency measured at room temperature is
1.8 GHz, corresponding to a modulation bandwidth of
2.8 GHz.
molecular beam epitaxy
compound semiconductor
compound semiconductor
GaAsSb quantum well
InAs quantum dot
cross-section STM. quantum-dot
relaxation oscillation
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