Other Title
Analysis of Changes in the Groundwater System
Induced by the Chi-Chi Earthquake
Induced by the Chi-Chi Earthquake
Date Issued
Changes of groundwater levels induced
by the ML7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake on
September 21, 1999 were recorded at 157
monitoring wells in the Choshui River
alluvial fan. Of those, 67 observed large
groundwater level changes, ranging from 1.0
to 11.1m. In the Chianan plain, groundwater
level changes were observed 27 wells
ranging from 0.1m to 0.9m.
On 22 October, an aftershock of ML6.4
occurred near Chia-Yi city. It induced
groundwater level changes up to 1.4m in the
Choshui River alluvial fan and Chianan
plain. Additional changes of water level
induced by two aftershocks of ML4.9 and
ML6.0 within one hour after the mainshock
of Chia-Yi earthquake. During the second
aftershock, 51 wells observed water level
changes. Of those, the direction of coseismic
changes at 11 wells was opposite to that
during the mainshock. But during the first
aftershock, 19 wells observed water level
changes, but 16 coseismic changes behaved
oppositely to those during the mainshock.
The opposite behavior of water level changes at aftershocks was not apparent
during the Chi-Chi earthquake. It might be
related to the relative location of the
earthquake fault and monitoring wells.
While all the wells were located in the
footwall of Chelungpu fault, the blind fault
of Chia-Yi earthquake should be within the
range of monitoring well network.
The distribution of water level changes
induced by Chi-Chi earthquake and Chia-Yi
earthquake indicated the difference of strain
field caused by the thrust-fault and
strike-slip-fault, and groundwater level is
sensitive to the earthquake-induced
volumetric strain.
by the ML7.3 Chi-Chi earthquake on
September 21, 1999 were recorded at 157
monitoring wells in the Choshui River
alluvial fan. Of those, 67 observed large
groundwater level changes, ranging from 1.0
to 11.1m. In the Chianan plain, groundwater
level changes were observed 27 wells
ranging from 0.1m to 0.9m.
On 22 October, an aftershock of ML6.4
occurred near Chia-Yi city. It induced
groundwater level changes up to 1.4m in the
Choshui River alluvial fan and Chianan
plain. Additional changes of water level
induced by two aftershocks of ML4.9 and
ML6.0 within one hour after the mainshock
of Chia-Yi earthquake. During the second
aftershock, 51 wells observed water level
changes. Of those, the direction of coseismic
changes at 11 wells was opposite to that
during the mainshock. But during the first
aftershock, 19 wells observed water level
changes, but 16 coseismic changes behaved
oppositely to those during the mainshock.
The opposite behavior of water level changes at aftershocks was not apparent
during the Chi-Chi earthquake. It might be
related to the relative location of the
earthquake fault and monitoring wells.
While all the wells were located in the
footwall of Chelungpu fault, the blind fault
of Chia-Yi earthquake should be within the
range of monitoring well network.
The distribution of water level changes
induced by Chi-Chi earthquake and Chia-Yi
earthquake indicated the difference of strain
field caused by the thrust-fault and
strike-slip-fault, and groundwater level is
sensitive to the earthquake-induced
volumetric strain.
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