Localized innovation of knowledge community: Creation of local knowledge and learning landscape
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
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Hui Chin Huang
n recent years, we can see the development of social learning groups among Taiwanese communities, for example, the Taiwan Field School which co-operate with students and residents in southern Taiwan. Through these three patterns: digging local knowledge, practicing local wisdom, and transferring local experiences, from different action modes to connect local communities as well as from the local knowledge of formatting the power of action, and then the communities and spaces are changed which operates a learning-based innovative industry model. Based on experience research, the researcher conducted content analysis from Daxi Field School and Taiwan Field School. The researcher also interviewed practitioners, educators, and participants to explore the correlation among the creation of learning landscape, the establishment of the knowledge system, and knowledge communities. It facilitates the establishment and re-creation of local identity of practitioners and presents the educational influence on local development. We analysis the education system, that there is the interaction between the body, space, and network in the community. The findings of this research suggest the “internal gaze” that creating innovative potential among community actors and forming a new model of community participation.
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