Taipei City
The Department of Psychology at NTU was established in 1949 as the first psychology department in Taiwan. It has since evolved into the most prominent psychology department in the country. The department has 3 divisions and 7 programs: Abnormal and Clinical Psychology Division.
The faculty in Clinical Psychology investigates a wide range of topics with the aim of integrating theories in Clinical Psychology. These include the study of psychopathology and the diagnosis and treatment of various psychological / psychiatric disorders.
Basic Psychology Division
The faculty in the Experimental and Cognitive Psychology group conducts scientific studies on vision, attention, causal reasoning, memory, the dissociation of conscious and unconscious processes, and other higher human mental functions. The International Symposium on Psychological Aspects of the Chinese Language was initiated by members within the program in 1978 and is now the most important psychological conference in the study of the Chinese language; it is held every two to three years in major cities in the Asian Pacific.
The major focus of the Psychobiology program is on the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying affective and cognitive processes. Specific topics include memory mechanisms responsible for coding emotional experiences in the brain, neural plasticity related to addictive behavior, and the role that limbic structures and cerebral cortex play in the expression of recent and remote memory.
The current research interests of the faculty in the Developmental Psychology program include concept development, Chinese children's language development, early socio-emotional development, parent-child relationships, and forensic developmental psychology.
Cultural, Social, and Indigenous Psychology Division
The Personality and Social Psychology program is characterized by its indigenous approach to studying psychology, with the objective of understanding Chinese psychology in its social, cultural, and historical context.
Drawing from basic research, members of the Industrial / Organizational Psychology program study culture -specific characteristics of Chinese enterprises in areas such as motivation, leadership, organizational culture, inter-organizational relationships, customer satisfaction, and the impact of relationships in dyadic interaction and networking with current emphasis on loyalty, commitment and trust.
The Psychometrics program in the department focuses on measurement methods for the scientific study of human behavior and the construction of psychological tests for various institutions in the country. The development of the field of Psychology in Taiwan has always been the core mission of the Department of Psychology. The scope of our teaching and research covers all major areas in psychology, and we value every division equally. Historically our department has actively promoted the field of Indigenous Psychology, an area that assumes that Western psychology is based on educated, industrialized, and wealthy populations that are qualitatively different from Taiwanese society. Specifically, our faculty seeks to understand and highlight the role of culture and the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture. At the same time, the Psychology department is aware that the intersection of psychology and neuroscience on behavior and mind processes is a significant trend in contemporary psychology. Our faculty uses a variety of approaches, including genetic bases and neurochemistry to link the nervous system and cognitive functions, and computational modeling to generate neural network simulations. NTU recently demonstrated support for this direction by establishing the Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center (located at the Psychology department), Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, and The Clinical Center for Neuroscience and Behavior. Our department is actively involved in inter- and multi-disciplinary collaboration with various centers and institutes at NTU and other universities, exploring human behavior through studies of the mind, social and cultural contexts, as well as biological and physiological mechanisms.
The faculty in Clinical Psychology investigates a wide range of topics with the aim of integrating theories in Clinical Psychology. These include the study of psychopathology and the diagnosis and treatment of various psychological / psychiatric disorders.
Basic Psychology Division
The faculty in the Experimental and Cognitive Psychology group conducts scientific studies on vision, attention, causal reasoning, memory, the dissociation of conscious and unconscious processes, and other higher human mental functions. The International Symposium on Psychological Aspects of the Chinese Language was initiated by members within the program in 1978 and is now the most important psychological conference in the study of the Chinese language; it is held every two to three years in major cities in the Asian Pacific.
The major focus of the Psychobiology program is on the investigation of neural mechanisms underlying affective and cognitive processes. Specific topics include memory mechanisms responsible for coding emotional experiences in the brain, neural plasticity related to addictive behavior, and the role that limbic structures and cerebral cortex play in the expression of recent and remote memory.
The current research interests of the faculty in the Developmental Psychology program include concept development, Chinese children's language development, early socio-emotional development, parent-child relationships, and forensic developmental psychology.
Cultural, Social, and Indigenous Psychology Division
The Personality and Social Psychology program is characterized by its indigenous approach to studying psychology, with the objective of understanding Chinese psychology in its social, cultural, and historical context.
Drawing from basic research, members of the Industrial / Organizational Psychology program study culture -specific characteristics of Chinese enterprises in areas such as motivation, leadership, organizational culture, inter-organizational relationships, customer satisfaction, and the impact of relationships in dyadic interaction and networking with current emphasis on loyalty, commitment and trust.
The Psychometrics program in the department focuses on measurement methods for the scientific study of human behavior and the construction of psychological tests for various institutions in the country. The development of the field of Psychology in Taiwan has always been the core mission of the Department of Psychology. The scope of our teaching and research covers all major areas in psychology, and we value every division equally. Historically our department has actively promoted the field of Indigenous Psychology, an area that assumes that Western psychology is based on educated, industrialized, and wealthy populations that are qualitatively different from Taiwanese society. Specifically, our faculty seeks to understand and highlight the role of culture and the uniqueness of Taiwanese culture. At the same time, the Psychology department is aware that the intersection of psychology and neuroscience on behavior and mind processes is a significant trend in contemporary psychology. Our faculty uses a variety of approaches, including genetic bases and neurochemistry to link the nervous system and cognitive functions, and computational modeling to generate neural network simulations. NTU recently demonstrated support for this direction by establishing the Neurobiology and Cognitive Science Center (located at the Psychology department), Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, and The Clinical Center for Neuroscience and Behavior. Our department is actively involved in inter- and multi-disciplinary collaboration with various centers and institutes at NTU and other universities, exploring human behavior through studies of the mind, social and cultural contexts, as well as biological and physiological mechanisms.
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