Atmospheric Sciences
Taipei City
The department is dynamic, forward-looking and is making conscientious effort in pursuing academic excellence. Special emphasis is made to participate in the major international research projects as well as collaboration with internationally renowned institutions. As the key component on the integrated Earth-System Science, especially in facing the rapid-changing global environment, our research focuses in the following three major directions: (1) Dynamics and forecasting of severe weather; (2) Global change, climate dynamics, and air-sea interaction ; (3) Physical/chemical processes and related environmental issues. The specific active research projects include Tropical cyclones, Meiyu, and other severe weather studies, typhoon rainfall and landfall processes, tropical cyclone dynamics, targeted observation in DOTSTAR (Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the TAiwan Region), satellite remote sensing, atmosphere-ocean physical and biogeochemical interactions, high-performance earth system modeling, climate dynamics, and aerosol and cloud physical research. Recnt participation of major international field campaign: T-PARC 2008; ITOP 2010: DYNAMO 2011.
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